Dr Shane McLoughlin

School of Business

Assistant Professor

TSI Building
(01) 708 3922


Dr Shane McLoughlin is Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at National University of Ireland (NUI) Maynooth and currently serves as co-director of the undergraduate Placement Program at the MU Business School. Shane is an MU Teaching and Learning Fellow for 2023-2024, exploring the responsible use of Generative AI in student assessment for effective learning outcomes. 

Previous to his current role, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher for LERO (Irish Software Research Institute) at Maynooth University, as part of the Technology Adoption Group led by Prof Brian Donnellan.

Shane holds a PhD from the College of Social Sciences and Law at University College Dublin (UCD), sponsored by an award from the HW Wilson Foundation. His PhD examined how technology mediates and augments social aspects to Human Information Behaviour. The thesis drew on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Nan Lin to contribute a concept and measure of 'Information Social Capital', understood as the extent of diversity of information resources individuals can access and mobilise from others. The work also proposed a theoretical model of instrumental aspects of Human Information Behaviour. Professor Nan Lin (Duke University) acted as external examiner of his viva.

His current interest is on socio-technical considerations and approaches for developing, adopting and scaling disruptive social innovations. He has collaborated with several large multinational technology companies (such as Intel and Dell Technologies) to examine disruptive technologies from Internet of Things to Driverless Cars, and draws on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to do so.

Shane and co-authors have contributed publications to the ‘Journal of Information Science’, ‘Government Information Quarterly’, ‘Smart Cities’ Journal and the ‘Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management’, as well as having presented his work at all major Information Systems conferences; HICSS, ECIS, DESRIST, AMCIS, PACIS and ICIS. In 2022, his paper won the Kauffman Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The work on servitization of Predictive Maintenance technology entailed a collaboration with a large multinational tech firm, as well as with co-authors on the paper. Shane has been a reviewer on several Information Systems journals and conferences over the years, such as the European Journal on Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and Information Polity, and recently served the role of programme co-chair for the IFIP 8.6 conference on the transfer and diffusion of technology.

In terms of publicly engaging, he has in the past provided consultancy to the Council of Europe (COE) and European Union's (EU) Youth Partnership on issues of social inclusion and digitalisation, which included acting as Rapporteur for their 2018 conference, 'Connecting the Dots', as well as authoring several related publications.

Finally, Shane has been a collaborator on the SFI project SPRING (award: ‘17/SPR/5319’) led by Prof Kalpana Shankar in UCD. His role focused on understanding Irish experiences of academic industry collaborations (AIC),  including inherent conflicts and tensions  such as in challenges of boundary spanning, power dynamics, and differing missions/values of collaborating parties.

Research Interests

Social Informatics, Human Information Behaviour, Bibliometrics, Living Labs, Business Models, Models and Theories of Technology Adoption, IT Innovation, Smart Cities, Autonomous Vehicles

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Thornley, Clare; Saabeel, Wanda; McLoughlin, Shane; Murnane; Sinead (2021) ''Good to know': An Exploration of the role and Influence of Professional Ethics in ICT Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs)'. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 19 (2). [Full-Text]
2021 Rehm S.V.; McLoughlin S.; Maccani G. (2021) 'Experimentation platforms as bridges to urban sustainability'. Smart Cities, 4 (2):569-587. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Maccani G.; Connolly N.; McLoughlin S.; Puvvala A.; Karimikia H.; Donnellan B. (2020) 'An emerging typology of IT governance structural mechanisms in smart cities'. Government Information Quarterly, 37 (4). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Thornley C.; McLoughlin S.; Johnson A.; Smeaton A. (2011) 'A bibliometric study of Video Retrieval Evaluation Benchmarking (TRECVid): A methodological analysis'. Journal of Information Science, 37 (6):577-593. [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2022 Amany Elbanna, Shane McLoughlin, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Brian Donnellan, David Wastell (Ed.). (2022) Co-creating for Context in the Transfer and Diffusion of IT. UK: Springer Nature,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 mcloughlin, shane (2025) 'Navigating Paths of Resistance: Tight-roping GenAI’s role in Continuous Assessment Design' In: Using GenAI in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Irish Universities. Dublin : Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork.
2021 McLoughlin, Shane; Puvvala, Abhinay; Maccani, Giovanni; Donnellan, Brian (2021) 'An Urban Data Business Model framework for identifying value capture in the smart city: The case of OrganiCity' In: Smart Cities and Smart Governance: Towards the 22nd Century Sustainable City. USA : Springer.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Mcloughlin, Shane; Puvvala, Abhinay; Connolly, Niall; Maccani, Giovanni; Donnellan, Brian (2022) International Conference on Information Systems Embedding Service Logic into Business Model Design: The Case of Predictive Maintenance for Industry 4.0
2022 Rehm, Sven; McLoughlin, Shane; Maccani, Giovanni (2022) European Conference on Information Systems How To Cope With The Dynamics Of Urban Sustainability: Urban Experimentation Platforms As Tools For Adaptive Policy-Making [Link]
2021 Rehm, Sven; McLoughlin, Shane; Maccani, Giovanni (2021) International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities Coping With The Dynamics Of Urban Sustainability: Positioning Urban Experimentation Platforms As Tools For Policy Making
2021 Thornley, Clare; McLoughlin, Shane; Murcane, Sinead (2021) European Conference on Knowledge Management 'At the round earth's imagined corners': the power of science fiction to enrich ethical knowledge creation for responsible innovation
2020 Thornley, Clare; Saabeel, Wanda; McLoughlin, Shane; Murnane; Sinead (2020) European Conference on Knowledge Management Codifying knowledge about ethics into ICT professional Bodies of Knowledge: an analysis of approaches
2020 Puvvala A.; McLoughlin S.; McLafferty B.; Yehorova Y.; Donnellan B. (2020) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology The Evolution of Causal Mechanisms that Drive the Diffusion of Platforms: Investigating Corrective Mechanisms [DOI]
2019 McLoughlin, S; Maccani, G; Puvvala, A; Donnellan, B (2019) AMCIS: 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems The impact of Social Networking Sites on Relationship Maintenance of Social Capital [Full-Text]
2019 Clare Thornley, Shane McLoughlin, Kalpana Shankar (2019) European Conference on Knowledge Management Knowledge Management in Academic Industry Collaborations: how to best foster Innovation Capability? Lisbon, 05/09/2019- 06/09/2019 [Link]
2019 Wilson, D., McLoughlin, S., Brynskov, M (2019) International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC) OrganiCity: Lessons from an Experimentation As A Service model for digital civic innovation [Full-Text]
2019 McLoughlin, S., Puvvala, A., Maccani, G., Donnellan, B. (2019) HICSS: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences A Framework for Understanding & Classifying Urban Data Business Models Hawaii, USA, [Full-Text]
2018 Mcloughlin, S., Thornley, C., Hughes, S. (2018) PUBMET2018–The 5th conference on scholarly publishing in the context of open science Peer Review for Industry/Academic Research Collaborations/Projects: What Might We Need to Do Differently? Zadar, Croatia, 19/09/2018- 21/09/2018 [Full-Text]
2018 McLoughlin, S; Prendergast, D; Donnellan, B (2018) International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems Autonomous Vehicles for Independent Living of Older Adults: Insights & Directions for a Cross European Qualitative Study [Full-Text]
2018 McLoughlin, S; Maccani, G; Prendergast, D. Donnellan, B (2018) Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science Living Labs: A Bibliometric Analysis [Full-Text]
2017 Maccani, G; McLoughlin, S; Prendergast, D; Donnellan, B (2017) International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) Positioning Living Labs within Action Design Research: Preliminary Findings from a Systematic Literature Review [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Grace Walsh; Shane McLoughlin; Adegoyega Ojo; James Cunningham; Brian Donnellan (2023) Gender, Work, and Organisation From pseudonyms to identinyms: Persona supporting systems to advance DEI in the software development context Stellenbosch, South Africa, .
2019 McLoughlin, Shane; Thornley, Clare; Shankar, Kalpana (2019) 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management Towards Developing An Ethical Model for Knowledge Management in Academic Industry Collaborations Lisbon, Portugal, .
2018 Lau, J., McLoughlin, S., Hughes, S. (2018) PUBMET2018–The 5th conference on scholarly publishing in the context of open science How Has Gender Balance Evolved in Irish-Affiliated STEM-Related Research Over the Past 10 Years? Zadar, Croatia, 19/09/2018-21/09/2018. [Full-Text]

Published Report

Year Publication
2018 McLoughlin, S. (2018) Connecting the Dots: Young people, social inclusion & digitalisation. Council of Europe - European Commission Youth Parthnership, . [Full-Text]

Gov. Report or Document

Year Publication
2018 McLoughlin, S (2018) Connecting the dots: young people, social inclusion and digitalisation - Reflection Paper. [Gov. Report or Document] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2023 Walsh, Grace; Mcloughlin, Shane; Ojo, Adeboyega; Cunningham, James; Donnellan, Brian (2023) Pseudonyms as Digital Identity for Engendering Inclusivity while Maintaining Legitimacy in Software Enterprises. [Workshops]
2019 Rehm, Sven-V ; Junglas, Iris; Goel, Lakshmi; Connolly, Niall; Maccani, Giovanni; McLoughlin, Shane; Puvvala, Abhinay (2019) A U-Verse of U's for Information Systems Research. [Workshops]
2019 McLoughlin, Shane (2019) Evidence Based Activism as a response to increasing Data Driven Urbanism. [Workshops]
2018 McLoughlin, S. (2018) Urban data solutions for a thriving smart city. Genk, Belgium: [Workshops]


Year Publication
2018 McLoughlin, S. (2018) Connecting the Dots: Compendium of digital practices. Strasbourg, France: [Report]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2018 Research Connection Symposium Award ENRICH: European Network of Research & Innovations Centres & Hubs
01/01/2018 Collaborator on SFI Project, 17/SPR/5319: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Reviewer Recruitment, Assessment Criteria, and Workflow in the Peer Review Process SFI
13/12/2022 Kauffman Best Paper Award Association for Information Systems (AIS) - International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
01/09/2023 MU Teaching & Learning Fellow Maynooth University


Committee Function From / To
ASIS&T: Annual Meeting of The Association for Information Science & Technology Program Committee member -


Client Description
EU & COE Partnership: The European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy Consultant