Dr Sinéad Ring

Dr Ring is a graduate of University College Cork (BCL (Law and German), LLM (Criminal Justice) and PhD. Her doctoral studies were funded by the Irish Research Council. Prior to joining Maynooth, Dr Ring was a Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of Graduate Studies at Kent Law School, University of Kent at Canterbury. She has also taught at University of Galway and University College Cork, and has held visiting positions at Osgoode Hall, Harvard Law School, Melbourne Law School and University of Technology, Sydney.
Dr Ring's research explores legal and institutional responses to sexual violence. She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and is lead author of Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors: Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia (Routledge, 2022; 2024). Head of Abuse Law at Slater and Gordon, Richard Scorer, described the book as "a key text for academics and practitioners in this field." In 2020 Dr Ring was appointed by the Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD for a statutory five year term to the Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee of the Judicial Council.
In 2019 Dr Ring co-authored the Framework for Consent in Irish Higher Education Institutions. https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/678fee-framework-for-consent-in-higher-education-institutions-safe which sets out a new vision of how Irish HEIs can combat sexual violence and harassment against students. Dr Ring continues this work with the Higher Education Authority and at Maynooth University where she chairs the University's Consent Framework Implementation Group.
Dr Ring is a member of the editorial board of the leading international journal, Social and Legal Studies.
Dr Ring teaches The Law of Evidence and Gender Sexuality and Law to undergraduates. She designed the first and only postgraduate law course on questions of justice for historical gendered human rights abuses. Historical Gendered Violence and the State is available to all MA and LLM students.
Dr Ring has supervised numerous postgraduate students: including Dr Antonia Porter ("Prosecuting Domestic Abuse in England and Wales: Feminism, Neoliberalism and the Survivor's Voice" (2018) and Dr Aravinda Kosaraju, "Attrition in Cases involving Child Sexual Exploitation in England". She is currently supervising two PhD students:
Chloë Cass, "Left Out in the Cold: The Vulnerable Plaintiff in the Civil System" (funded by The Irish Research Council)
Kate Duffy, "Ireland's Surveillance Society: How Surveillance Practices Contributed to the Gendered Oppression of Irish Women." (with Dr Ciara Bracken-Roche). (funded by Maynooth University's Hume Scholarship)
Dr Ring welcomes potential research students in sexual violence and the law; law and gender; feminist legal studies; criminal law; the law of evidence and criminal justice.
Sinéad is happy to answer media queries about criminal law and evidence, criminal justice and sexual violence.
Research Interests
Sinéad is also interested in legal responses to sexual violence against adults. The first strand of this work is around the role of law in the production of knowledge about sexual violence. She has published on the admission of counselling and therapeutic records in rape trials, and on the notion of consent to sexual intercourse in Irish law. The second strand of this work relates to the role of employment and anti-discrimination law in combatting sexual misconduct in higher education. At the University of Kent Sinéad was instrumental in the design of institution-wide policies on responding to and preventing sexual violence against students, and in successfully bidding for Higher Education Funding Council for England funds to support implementation of these polices. In November 2018 Sinéad was appointed by Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor, T.D. to the Expert Advisory Group on Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions. The group’s report, Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive. Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutionswas published in April 2019 and is available online here. The Report provides a framework for sectoral change to foster positive institutional cultures of respect, dignity and integrity that are effective in tackling sexual misconduct. Sinéad is an editorial board member of feminists@law, an online open access journal of feminist legal scholarship (available online here).
Sinéad is happy to supervise research students working in the following areas: institutional violence and the State; sexual violence and the law; law and gender; feminist legal studies; criminal law; evidence law and criminal justice.
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Ring S.; Gleeson K.; Stevenson K. (2022) Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors: Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia. [DOI] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Lynsey Black and Sinéad Ring (2023) 'Historical Gendered Institutional Violence: A Research Agenda for Criminologists'. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 39 (1):17-37. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Sinéad Ring (2022) 'Applications to halt the trial of charges of non-recent child sexual abuse. The People (D.P.P.) v. C.Ce [2019] I.E.S.C. 94'. Irish Supreme Court Review, 3 . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kate Gleeson; Sinéad Ring (2021) 'Confronting the past and changing the future? Public inquiries into institutional child abuse, Ireland and Australia'. Griffith Law Review, 29 (1):109-133. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Mairead Enright; Sinéad Ring (2020) 'State Legal Responses to Historical Institutional Abuse: Shame, Sovereignty, and Epistemic Injustice'. Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies, 55 (1 & 2):68-100. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Sinéad Ring (2017) 'Trauma and the construction of suffering in Irish historical child sexual abuse prosecutions'. International Journal For Crime, Justice And Social Democracy, 6 (3):88-103. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Sinéad Ring (2017) 'The Victim of Historical Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish Courts 1999–2006'. Social and Legal Studies, 26 (5):562-580. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Sinéad Ring (2015) '“Sexual Offence Complainants and Credibility: Why Virginity Testing is Pointless. R v L [2015] EWCA Crim 741.”'. Journal of Criminal Law, 79 (6):385-388. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018315619268 [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Enright, M., Conway, V., De Londras, F. , Fletcher, R., McGuinness, S., Ui Chonnachtaigh, S., McDonnell, N. Murray, C., Ring, S., Donnelly, M. (2015) 'Abortion Law in Ireland: A Model for Change'. Feminists at Law, 5 (1):1-32. https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.173 [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Enright, M. ; Conway, V.; De Londras, F.; Fletcher, R.; McGuinness, S.; Ui Chonnachtaigh, S.; McDonnell, N.; Murray, C.; Ring, S. and Donnelly, M. (2015) 'General Scheme of Access to Abortion Bill”'. Feminists at Law, 5 (1):18-50. [Link] https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.174 [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Ring, Sinéad (2014) 'Analysing 'Fairness in Context' in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Prohibition Applications'. Irish Criminal Law Journal, 23 (4):132-141. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Ring, Sinéad (2012) 'Due Process and the Admission of Expert Evidence on Recovered Memory in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases: Lessons from America'. International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 16 (1). https://doi.org/10.1350/ijep.2012.16.1.392 [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Ring, Sinéad (2009) 'Beyond the Reach of Justice? Complainant Delay in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases and the Right to a Fair Trial.”'. Judicial Studies Institute Journal, 2 :162-203. [Link] [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Máiréad Enright and Sinéad Ring (2022) 'State Legal Responses to Historical Institutional Abuse: Shame, Sovereignty and Epistemic Injustice' In: Redress: Ireland and Justice in Transition. Dublin : UCD Press. [Link] | |
2019 | Ring S.; Enright M. (2019) 'State shame, sovereignty, and legal responses to historical institutional abuse' In: Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Ireland. | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) '‘Our most precious possession of all.’ The Survivor of Historical Child Sexual Abuse as the Ideal Victim?”' In: Revisiting the Ideal Victim Concept. Developments in Critical Victimology. Bristol : Bristol University Press. [Link] | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) 'On ‘delay’ and ‘duration’. Law’s Temporal Orders in Historical Child Sexual Abuse Cases' In: Law and Time. London : Routledge. [Link] https://www.routledge.com/Law-and-Time/Beynon-Jones-Grabham/p/book/9780367665302 | |
2017 | Eilionóir Flynn and Sinéad Ring (2017) 'DPP v C. A Feminist Judgment on Consent in Rape Law' In: Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments. Judges' Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity. London : Bloomsbury. [Link] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Sinéad Ring (2014) 'The Pernicious Nature of Rape Myths and how they continue to Affect Rape Prosecutions' Feminists at Law, 4 (1) . [Link] https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.103 | |
2009 | Sinéad Ring (2009) 'Justice Denied? An Analysis of the Difficulties facing Applicants for Prohibition in Delayed Prosecutions for Child Sexual Abuse' First Law Criminal Law Online, . [Link] | |
2006 | Sinéad Ring (2006) 'Collateral Challenges to a Declaration of Unconstitutionality: A v Governor of Arbour Hill Prison [2006] IESC 45”' Schools of tomorrow, 14 :245-254. [Full-Text] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Tony McMahon and Sinéad Ring (2020) Irish Universities Association Guidance for Universities. How to Respond to Alleged Staff or Student or University Related Sexual Misconduct. Irish Universities Association, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | A. Looney, T. Browne, S. Cahill, L. Crowley, D. McLean, A. Power, P. MacNeela, S. Ring, C. Saidléar, (2019) Safe Respectful, Supportive and Positive. Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions. Government of Ireland, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | His Honour P. Rook (Chair); A. Rafferty; I. Bing; A. Rothwell; C. Yates; C. Rose; D. Calvert-Smith, D.; G. Akerman; J. Faure Walker; L. Tapper; L. Orrett; M. Lamb; N. Barnard; N. Lankey; P. Carter; V. Baird; S. Ring; T. Dempster, T.; V. Dow; T. Desai, T. (Rapporteur) (2019) Prosecuting Sexual Offences. JUSTICE, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Sinéad Ring (2006) Prosecution Appeals and Pre-Trial Hearings (LRC 81-2006). Law Reform Commission, . https://publications.lawreform.ie/Portal/External/en-GB/RecordView/Index/36050 [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Glen Gibbons and Sinead Ring (2004) A Fiscal Prosecutor and a Revenue Court (LRC 2004). Law Reform Commission, . https://publications.lawreform.ie/Portal/External/en-GB/RecordView/Index/35306 [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2009 | Sinéad Ring (2009) Perspectives on Sex Offending: the Victim and the Offender Allegations of Sex Offending and the Rights of the Accused [Link] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Sinéad Ring (2023) Taking Survivors Seriously: What Practitioners can Learn from the Law's Engagement with Adults Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Online international webinar, . | |
2023 | Sinéad Ring (2023) Conference on Redress for Child Abuse Association of Personal Injury Lawyers London, . | |
2022 | Sinéad Ring (2022) Christie's Ideal Victim and The Survivor of Non-Recent Child Sexual Abuse Lecture to Critical Victimology MA University of Limerick, 29/11/2022-29/11/2022. | |
2021 | Sinéad Ring (2021) Current Developments in the law and policy on sexual violence Presentation to Irish Prison Service Smithfield, . | |
2021 | Sinéad Ring (2021) Reflections on Irish Universities' Implemention of the Consent Framework Invited keynote for event on the National Consent Framework organised by NUIG Vice President for Equality Diversity and Inclusion Prof Ann Scott NUI Galway, . | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring (2020) Legal Responses to Historical Child Sexual Abuse International Women's Day Spotlight on Gender, Feminist and Sexuality Research at Maynooth University Maynooth University, . | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring (2020) Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in Irish Universities University of Birmingham Gender Research Group Virtual, . | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring (2020) Effective Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Reports of Sexual Misconduct against Students Panel Discussion - Consent at Maynooth University. Virtual Panel with Students Virtual, . | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring (2020) Discussant Maynooth University International Women's Day Event. Meet the Silence Breaker Laura Madden Maynooth University, 05/03/2020-. | |
2019 | Sinéad Ring (2019) Public Lecture to Celebrate 20 Anniversary of Brussels School of International Studies Stealthing and the Criminal Law Brussels School of International Studies, . | |
2019 | Sinéad Ring (2019) Child Abuse Inquiries- Law, Justice, Records and the Creation of Public History Irish Association of Law Teachers Conference Limerick, 22/11/2019-24/11/2019. | |
2019 | Sinéad Ring (2019) Launch of UCC Bystander Intervention Programme Launch of UCC Bystander Intervention programme University College Cork, . | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) #MeToo and the Rape Shield in Evidence Law Dublin City University International Workshop on Law of Evidence and Criminal Procedure Dublin City University, . | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) The 20th Century as the Children's Century Historical Child Sexual Abuse and Trauma and the Nation's Duty to Remember University of Warwick, . | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) Dublin Honours Magdalenes Event at Mansion House Dublin Mansion House, . | |
2018 | Máiréad Enright and Sinéad Ring (2018) Exploring the notion of shame in legal and political responses to historical gender based violence.” NUI Galway Research Seminar Series NUI Galway, . | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) Understanding New Rape Cultures Universities Efforts to end Sexual Violence against Students University College Dublin, . | |
2018 | Sinead Ring (2018) Resisting the Harms of ‘Innocence’ through Memories: an alternative histo- ry of child sexual abuse in Ireland Irish Conference of Historians. Sex Sexuality and Reproduction. Historical Perspectives University College Cork, 26/04/2018-28/04/2018. | |
2018 | Máiread Enright and Sinéad Ring (2018) “Shame, Sovereignty and Irish Legal Responses to Historical State Violence” Boston College International Conference on Transitional Justice, Truth-telling, and the Legacy of Institutional Abus Boston, USA, . | |
2017 | Sinead Ring (2017) “Historical Child Sexual Abuse Inquiries and the Nation's Duty to Remember: Reflections from Ireland. Conference: Is there a Democratic Deficit in Archives? Northumbria University: Archival Accountability Gap- Is Is There a Democratic Deficit in Archives? Northumbria University, 24/01/2017-26/01/2017. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Sinead Ring (2016) State Complicity in Historic Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland University of Technology Sydney Faculty of Law Seminar Series Sydney Australia, . | |
2016 | Sinéad Ring and Clíona Saidléar (2016) Rape survivors access to abortion Abortion: the unfinished revolution Belfast, . | |
2016 | Sinéad Ring and Gethin Rees (2016) The Co-Production and Destabilisation of Rape Trauma Syndrome Institute for Advanced Legal Studies Workshop. Valuing Expertise: Legal, Normative and Social Dimensions Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, 20/09/2016-20/09/2016. | |
2016 | Sinéad Ring and Clíona Saidléar (2016) “Access to Abortion and the Needs of Survivors of Sexual Violence in Ireland” University of Ulster: Abortion and Reproductive Justice - the Unfinished Revolution II University of Ulster, 02/06/2016-02/06/2016. | |
2015 | Sinéad Ring (2015) Is Redemption Possible Here? Developing an Ethics of Memory for Historical Childhood Sexual Abuse in ireland Melbourne Law School Research Series Melbourne, Australia, . | |
2015 | Sinead Ring (2015) Researching Child Sexual Abuse in the Archives”, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland, 11 November, 2015. chives”, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Irelan School of Law and Government, Dublin City University Dublin City University, . | |
2015 | Sinéad Ring (2015) Expert Evidence under the Microscope Trauma as a Legal Category University of Southampton, . | |
2015 | Sinéad Ring (2015) The Juridification of Trauma in Delayed Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions Institute for Criminal Justice Research, University of Southampton. Expert Evidence under the Microscope Institute for Criminal Justice Research, University of Southampton, 22/11/2014-. | |
2015 | Sinead Ring (2015) The EU Victims' Directive and Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse University of Limerick Conference on the EU Victims' Directive University of Limerick, 11/09/2017-. | |
2013 | Sinéad Ring (2013) North South Criminology Conference Trauma in Historical Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions University College Cork, . | |
2011 | Sinead Ring (2011) Expert Evidence on Recovered Memory in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases Law and Society Association Conference San Francisco, . | |
2010 | Sinead Ring (2010) Repressed Memory Syndrome and the Role of Experts in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions Harvard Law School Graduate Workshop Boston, 09/04/2010-. | |
2010 | Sinead Ring (2010) Constitutional Due Process and Reliability Determinations Regarding Expert Testimony on Recovered Memories of Child Sexual Abuse Irish Association of Law Teachers Conference Limerick, . | |
2009 | Sinead Ring (2009) Feminist Constructions of Credibility; Is a Complainant Always a Victim? Sibéal Gender and Women's Studies Network, UCD UCD, . | |
2009 | Sinead Ring (2009) When is a Victim a Feminist's Victim? Society of Legal Scholars Conference Keele, . | |
2009 | Sinead Ring (2009) The Incorporation of Victims' Experiences in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions Socio Legal Studies Association Leicester, . | |
2008 | Sinead Ring (2008) Recalibrating the Scales of Justice North-South Criminology Conference DIT, . | |
2008 | Sinead Ring (2008) Balance, Delay and Due Process: How Balancing talk Affects Due Process in Delayed Prosecutions for Child Sexual Abuse Criminal Justice in Crisis, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen, . | |
2006 | Sinead Ring (2006) Justice in Transition: Where to now for judicial sentencing discretion? European Society of Criminology Annual Conference Tuebingen, . |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2010 | Ring, Sinéad (2010) General Principles of Law in the Decisions of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals by Raimondo, Fabian.”. Netherlands: [Book Review] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Sarah Keenan and Sinéad Ring (2013) A Response to the LSE Event “Is Rape Different?”. [Editorial] [Link] https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.80 |
Policy Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring (2020) In-person presentation to Minister for Higher and Further Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris T.D. Developing Appropriate Policies and Procedures to Respond to Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education Institutions. [Policy Contribution] | |
2019 | Eileen Molloy and Sinéad Ring (2019) Submission to the Oireachtas Committee on the Retention of Records Bill 2019. [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2019 | Máiread Enright; Maeve O'Rourke and Sinéad Ring (2019) Submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills on the Retention of Records Bill 2019. [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2019 | C. O' Mahony, F Logue, M O'Rourke, J. Gallen, E. Daly, M. Enright, S. Ring, R. McMahon, L. Cahillane (2019) Legal Opinion. Opinion on the application of the Irish Constitution and EU General Data Protection Regulation to the Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill 2016 and the Government’s ‘Options for Consideration’ dated 5th November 2019. [Policy Contribution] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Vicky Conway and Sinéad Ring (2019) Submission to Department of Justice's Review of Part 4 of the Sexual Offences Act 2017. [Policy Contribution] | |
2016 | Enright, M. ; Conway, V.; De Londras, F.; Fletcher, R.; McGuinness, S.; Ui Chonnachtaigh, S.; McDonnell, N.; Murray, C.; Ring, S. and Donnelly, M. (2016) Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly of Ireland Regarding a Proposed Model Law on Abortion. [Policy Contribution] [Link] https://2016-2018.citizensassembly.ie/en/Submissions/Eighth-Amendment-of-the-Constitution/Submissions-Received/ | |
2013 | Helen Carr, Per Laleng, Rosemary Hunter, Sinead Ring, Elaine Sherratt, Richard Warren, Lucy Welsh , Sheona York (2013) Proposed Reforms of Legal Aid in the UK. Response to Consultation by Kent Law School. Kent: [Policy Contribution] [Link] |
Invited Seminars
Magazine Article
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Sinéad Ring, De Elizabeth (2017) Switzerland Court determined 'stealthing' is not rape. [Magazine Article] [Link] |
Magazine Article
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring and Lisa Connell (2020) Dáil Passes controversial bill sealing Mother and Baby Homes records for 30 years. [Magazine Article] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) Disclosure failures erode confidence in criminal justice. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | Sinéad Ring (2015) The Irish Marriage Referendum. [Blog] [Link] | |
2015 | Sinead Ring (2015) Idealism, Nationalism and the Betrayal of Irish Children. [Blog] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Sinead Ring (2013) Proposed Reforms of Legal Aid in the UK. [Blog] [Link] | |
2010 | Sinéad Ring (2010) New Garda Sex Offences Unit to be Established. [Blog] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Sinéad Ring (2010) Cardinal Brady and the Civil Action Taken by alleged victim of Brendan Smyth. [Blog] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Sinéad Ring (2010) HSE Dublin North East Region and complaints of child abuse. [Blog] [Link] | |
2010 | Sinéad Ring (2010) Carlin v DPP: Prosecutorial Discretion and the Decision (not) to Prosecute. [Blog] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Sinéad Ring (2009) The Safety of Sex Workers. [Blog] [Link] | |
2009 | Sinéad Ring (2009) Implementation of the Ryan Report and Children in Care. [Blog] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Sinéad Ring (2009) LRC Report on Criminal Defences. [Blog] [Link] |
Newspaper Articles
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Sinéad Ring, Cate McCurry (2022) Consent Defence in Rape will be Changed. [Newspaper Articles] https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/irish-daily-mirror/20220813/282209424635901 | |
2021 | Sinéad Ring, (2021) We can't say it is too difficult. Could criminal investigations into Ireland's mother and baby homes happen?. [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2020 | Sinéad Ring, Kara Fox (2020) reland’s mother and baby home survivors have spent decades fighting for the truth. They can finally see an end in sight. [Newspaper Articles] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/30/europe/ireland-mother-baby-homes-commission-intl/index.html | |
2019 | Sinéad Ring, Lizzie Deane (2019) Abused All Over Again. [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2017 | Sinéad Ring, Noel Baker (2017) Ireland tolerated abuse of children says expert. [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2010 | Sinead Ring (2010) Representations of Justice in Sexual Abuse Cases. London: [Newspaper Articles] [Link] https://www.theguardian.com/law/2010/may/11/guidance-trial-judges-sexual-abuse-cases [Full-Text] |
Radio Presentation
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Sinéad Ring (2019) Morning Ireland Interview: Committee to discuss proposed legislation on records of redress bodies. Dublin: [Radio Presentation] [Link] | |
2019 | Sinead Ring (2019) Today with Seán O'Rourke: Retention of Records. Dublin: [Radio Presentation] [Link] | |
2016 | Sinéad Ring (2016) Sexual Consent and the Law. [Radio Presentation] [Link] | |
2018 | Sinéad Ring (2018) The Abortion Referendum in Ireland. Kent: [Radio Presentation] |
Video recording / TV
Year | Publication | |
2011 | Sinéad Ring (2011) The Criminal Law (Defence of the Dwelling) Bill. [Video recording / TV] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Vicky Conway, Osgur Breatnach, Sinéad Ring (2020) Policed in Ireland The Sallins Train Robbery. Dublin: [Podcast] [Link] |
Published Interview
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Cara Fox, Sinéad Ring (2020) CNN: Ireland's mother and baby home survivors have spent decades fighting for the truth. They can finally see an end in sight. www.cnn.com: [Published Interview] [Link] |
Other Publication
Teaching Interests
She is happy to supervise research students working in the following areas: institutional violence and the State; sexual violence and the law; law and gender; feminist legal studies; criminal law; evidence law and criminal justice.