Dr Suzanne O’Keeffe

Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education

Lecturer / Assistant Professor

School of Education
(01) 474 7404


Dr. Suzanne O'Keeffe
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4344-2488
Suzanne O’Keeffe is Assistant Professor of Education in the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Suzanne earned the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland in 2016 specialising in gender and masculinities in education. Suzanne is currently studying for the award Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Assessment (PDHETL) (60ECTS). In addition, Suzanne regularly engages in continuous professional development such as completing the European Academy's Proposal Writing for Research and Innovation Projects (2023). 

In 2022, Suzanne was selected for a scholarship for the Erasmus+ All means all! Workshop in Brixen, Italy where she collaborated and researched with global academics and advocates. Suzanne is an author of the capstone chapter emerging from that collaboration titled, Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the potential to transform young lives (Forthcoming). In 2021-2022, Suzanne was awarded funding from MUSSI (co-PI), Higher Education Authority (Institutional lead), the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Maynooth University (PI), and the Teaching Council (2021, institutional lead, and 2017, PI) for her research in the areas of gender, relationships and sexuality education. In 2019, Suzanne was a project team member in a SCoTENS funded project titled Contested Childhoods across Borders and Boundaries. The project was a collaboration between Maynooth University and Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

In 2023, Suzanne completed the Universal Design for Learning Badge, a professional development course that promotes inclusivity and equity while also 'future-proofing' higher education teaching. In 2021, Suzanne was awarded a Teaching Hero Award, a student-led award to celebrate the best of Ireland's higher education teachers. In 2015, Suzanne was awarded the MIC Postgraduate Award for her doctoral research.   
Suzanne has over a decade of multifaceted experience in education ranging from higher education to primary education that allows her to bring a unique and pedagogically informed perspective to her teaching. 

Suzanne's current research interests include childhood and innocence, the power of silence, relationships and sexuality education and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). 

Suzanne is engaged with outreach projects including one that explores the merits of homework with a large rural primary school. 

Most recent publications include:
O'Keeffe, S. (2025). Do you need lessons in love? 
O'Keeffe, S. (2024). Childhood and InnocenceA Look to the Future: Researching Childhood and Youth. 
O'Keeffe, S. and Titley, A. (2024). Children as Active Citizens. 
Peer reviewed:
O'Keeffe, S. (2023). New Modes of Marginalisation: Teachers’ Ways of Knowing Themselves. In Säfström, C.A. & Biesta, G. (Eds). The New Publicness of Education: Democratic Possibilities after the Critique of Neo-Liberalism. London / NY: Routledge
O'Keeffe, S. (2022). Masculinities and Teaching in Primary Schools. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education. Available online at: bfm:978-3-030-93994-6/1 (springer.com) 

Research Interests

Children and Childhood; Education; Feminist Research Designs; Gender and Gender Role Expectations; Masculinities and Policy Design.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
TALES Teacher Academy on Learning and Sexuality Education PI 09/06/2024
Crucial Conversations: Exploring Parental Voice and Parental Rights regarding the Provision of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish Primary Schools Co-PI This project aims to explore views and perspectives of parents regarding Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish primary schools and parents are key stakeholders in this complex area. We have identified 5th and 6th class as a key moment in both policy and practice in relation to RSE in primary schools. This project is funded by a Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute Small Grant. 25/04/2024 31/10/2024
‘Integrating the gender dimension into teaching, learning and educational outreach in initial teacher education’ Institutional lead. The Gender Equality Taskforce1, states that HEIs have a responsibility to ensure that all their graduates are gender-aware and in particular ITE providers have a responsibility to educate teachers who greatly influence the society of the future. Pre-service teachers receive little if any specific training on the impact of gender in the classroom. As a result, educators lack knowledge around gender identity diversity . There is also a significant gender imbalance across teachers working in the Irish education system, specifically at primary level. Therefore, it is pertinent that teachers are educated in how gender influences teaching, the curriculum, and the lives of students in the classroom and how to minimise gender bias in their teaching practices . For this to be realised in the Irish education system, we need to begin with teacher educators and ensure that the above-mentioned areas are explored across all subject areas and across all levels in ITE, in-order for coherent systemic change to be achieved. 19000
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE): enhancing students' confidence, competence and pedagogical skills. PI Noting the complex challenges faced by teachers in delivering Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) as highlighted in the NCCA’s December 2019 RSE report, as well as the growing concern about wellbeing within the new Primary Curriculum framework (2026), this initiative aims: 1. To support, through dialogue and the co-construction of knowledge, student teachers’ confidence and competence in the provision of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE); 2. To become confident in using the language and terminology associated with RSE pedagogy and practice; 3. To unpack RSE in terms of personal experiences, assumptions, biases, as well as historical contexts, in order to enhance the overall experiences of teaching, and learning, this subject. 05/09/2022 30/06/2023
Teaching & Learning Approaches to EDI and SDG 5 - Gender Equality Institutional lead. VIT&L Week 2021 Dr Gemma Irvine, Vice-President for Equality and Diversity at Maynooth University will share her experiences and insights on practices to date in integrating gender in the curriculum in the HE sector. The session will be followed by audience Q&A. 1500
Contested Childhoods across Borders and Boundaries: A North-South Comparative Study Researcher This project addresses a significant void in the literature on the under-researched topic of the history of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Ireland. The research aims to map out and critically analyse potential variations in the developmental pathways taken by ECEC north and south of the border post-partition in Ireland. It will trace the journey from the 1908 Children’s Act and explore the Child-State relationship North and South to the present day. We are particularly interested in issues of children's voice and agency, and constructions of childhood. We wish to examine the shift in thinking from the very progressive ideals evident in the first democratic programme of the government in the Irish Free State towards the education system that subsequently emerged. It will also explore the parallel journey north of the border. 01/06/2019 30/06/2020
Sociology of Education: a way to bring student teachers into a relational understanding of the world. Co-PI This project engages with students in terms of their own understandings, beliefs and experiences regarding sociology of education. The research is based on students’ understanding of what societal topics a “Sociology of Education” mini-module should address and the pedagogical /instructional design that may accompany each topic.  27/03/2024


Year Publication
2022 O'Keeffe, S. (2022) Masculinities and Teaching in Primary Schools. Exploring the Lives of Irish Male Teachers. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 O'Keeffe (2023) 'New Modes of Marginalisation: Teachers' In: Routledge Research in Education. Oxon and New York : Routledge.
2021 O'Keeffe, S. (2021) 'Artificial boundaries? Shaping policy through empowering research' In: Recruiting and Educating the Best Teachers: Policy, Professionalism and Pedagogy. Netherlands : Brill Publishers. [Full-Text]
2020 O'Keeffe, S. (2020) 'Quality Teachers and Quality Teacher Education Exploring Wellbeing, Gender and Job Satisfaction' In: Studies on Quality Teachers and Quality In-service Teacher Education. Warsaw : Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) Publications. [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe, S. (2022) 'Identities at Work: The Staffroom, Playground, and School Environment' In: Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education. [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe, S. (2022) 'Introduction' In: Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education. [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe, S. (2022) 'Masculinities and Non-human Bodies' In: Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education. [Link] [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe, S. (2022) 'Connecting Power, Emotions, and Materiality Through Data Analysis' In: Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education. [Link] [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 O’Toole L.; McClelland D.; Forde D.; O'Keeffe S.; Purdy N.; Säfström C.A.; Walsh T. (2021) 'Contested childhoods across borders and boundaries: Insights from curriculum provisions in Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State in the 1920s'. British Educational Research Journal, 47 (4):1021-1038. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3708 [Full-Text]
2021 Biesta G.; Heugh K.; Cervinkova H.; Rasiński L.; Osborne S.; Forde D.; Wrench A.; Carter J.; Säfström C.A.; Soong H.; O’Keeffe S.; Paige K.; Rigney L.I.; O’Toole L.; Hattam R.; Peters M.A.; Tesar M. (2021) 'Philosophy of education in a new key: publicness, social justice, and education; a South-North conversation'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O' Keeffe, S (2021) 'Artificial boundaries? Shaping policy through empowering research'. Irish Educational Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 O' Keeffe, S; Skerritt, C (2020) 'Exploring teacher identity using poststructural tools'. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Ring, E.; O'Sullivan, L.; O'Keeffe, S.; Ferris, F. and Wall, E. (2019) 'Transforming the Lives of Early Childhood Teachers, Autistic Children and their Families: Findings and Recommendations from an Evaluation of a Programme of Continuing Professional Development'. The Adult Learner, . [Full-Text]
2018 O'Keeffe, S (2018) 'Experiences of care labour, gender and work for men who teach young children'. Palgrave Communications, 4 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 O'Keeffe S.; Deegan J. (2018) 'Gendered positionality among Irish male primary teachers: the staff room as a site of performative masculinity'. Irish Educational Studies, 37 (3):373-389. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 (2017) 'Doing Feminist Research: The Interview as Method'. Sage Research Methods Cases, . http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526403889
2016 O'Keeffe S. (2016) 'What are male teachers’ understandings of masculinities?—An exploration of sex, gender and bodies in Irish primary schools'. Palgrave Communications, 2 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 (2016) 'What are male teachers' understandings of masculinities?- An exploration of sex, bodies, and gender in Irish primary schools'. Palgrave Communications, . [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe S. (2022) 'Conclusion'. Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education, :81-90. [DOI]
2022 O’Keeffe S. (2022) 'Emotions and Reshaping Masculinities'. Palgrave Studies In Gender And Education, :39-56. [DOI]
2017 (2017) 'How do you teach like a man?'. Intouch Magazine, .

Other Journal

Year Publication
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) 'How do you teach like a man?' Irish National Teachers Organisation Magazine, (168) :52-53. [Full-Text]
2014 O'Keeffe, S. (2014) 'Why the decline in male primary school teachers?' Irish National Teachers Organisation Magazine, (148) :43-44. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) Academic International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education . In: Dr. Ramandeep Kaur Chhina eds. HOW DO YOU TEACH LIK E A MAN? POLITICS AN D PERCEPTIONS OF MEN WORKING WITH YOUNG CHILDREN London, [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 O'Keeffe, S. (2024) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2024 Sociology of Education: a way to bring student teachers into a relational understanding of the world Maynooth University, 04/04/2024-06/04/2024.
2024 O'Keeffe, S. and Kennon, P. (2024) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2024 Exploring Parental Voice and Parental Rights regarding the Provision of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish Primary Schools Maynooth University, 04/04/2024-06/04/2024.
2024 O'Keeffe, S. (2024) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2024 Fostering Sustainability and Educational Empowerment through Innovation and Collaboration using the PALAR Framework Maynooth University, 04/04/2024-06/04/2024.
2024 O'Keeffe, Suzanne (2024) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2024 The Call of the Classroom: Experiences, Perceptions and Motivations of Career-Change Preservice and Newly-Qualified Teachers of Business Subjects Maynooth University, 04/04/2024-06/04/2024.
2023 O'Keeffe, Suzanne (2023) International Froebel Society International Froebel Society Conference Maynooth, .
2023 O'Keeffe, Suzanne and Kennon, Patricia (2023) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Creating A Collaborative and Caring Policy For Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in an Urban Primary School Belfast, .
2021 O'Keeffe, S. and McClelland, D. (2021) Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Contesting lingering gendered attitudes about childhood Online, 28/11/2021-02/12/2021.
2021 O'Keeffe, S. (2021) Sociological Association of Ireland: ATOMISED SOLIDARITIES: TOGETHER / APART 2021 'Bodily Boundaries: Irish male primary school teachers’ understandings of their gendered positionality in contemporary primary schools’ Online, .
2019 O'Keeffe, S. (2019) Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge ESAI Conference 2019 Radisson Blu Hotel, Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 O'Keeffe, S. (2019) QUALITY TEACHERS AND QUALITY TEACHER EDUCATION: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTICE TEPE Conference 2019 Poland, 16/05/2019-18/05/2019.
2018 O'Keeffe, S. (2018) ‘Recruiting and Educating the Best Teachers: Policy, Professionalism and Pedagogy’ 2018 TEPE Conference Braga, Portugal, 17/05/2018-19/05/2018.
2018 O'Keeffe, S. (2018) 'The Dreams, Possibilities, and Necessity of Public Education' 2018 AERA Annual Meeting New York, USA, 13/04/2018-17/04/2018.
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) Tidy Binaries vs. Prolific Paradigms: The Reimagining of Teacher Education Research 2017 ESAI Conference University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) Do opposites subtract? Connecting Irish male teachers' voices to school innovation and change 6th Annual Research Conference Kilkenny Education Centre, Kilkenny, Ireland, 14/10/2017-14/10/2017.
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) ‘Education for All: Issues for Teacher Education’ 2017 TEPE Conference Limerick, Ireland, 18/05/2017-20/05/2017.
2016 O'Keeffe, S. (2016) From Hero to Zero: Male Teachers Navigate the Modern Irish Educational Landscape 2016 ESAI Conference Raddison Blu Hotel, Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2015 O'Keeffe, S. (2015) Why the decline of male teachers in Irish primary schools? 4th Annual Limerick Postgraduate Research Conference Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, 28/05/2015-28/05/2015.
2024 O'Keeffe, S.; Kennon, P.; Liston, M.; Hanniffy, M.; Foster, E. (2024) Equitas – EDI in Practice in Higher Education Conference Incorporating the Gender Dimension in Teaching and Learning in Irish Initial Teacher Education TUS, Limerick, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2019 Ring, E.; O'Sullivan, L.; O'Keeffe, S.; Ferris, F. and Wall, E. (2019) An Evaluation of 'Teach Me As I Am' Early Years Programme. Centre for Early-Childhood Research at Mary Immaculate College (CERAMIC) Limerick, .

Educational Article

Year Publication
2020 O'Keeffe, S. (2020) How to teach children about feminism. Online at: https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2020/1123/1179902-how-to-teach-children-about-feminism/: [Educational Article] [Link]


Year Publication
2019 O'Keeffe, S. (2019) Using a Voice-Centred Relational Method of Data Analysis to Study Male Teachers’ Daily Experiences. London: [Case] [Link] [DOI]
2017 O'Keeffe, S. (2017) The Interview As Method: Doing Feminist Research. London: [Case] [Link]
2018 O'Keeffe, S. (2018) The Interview and Social Relations: Exploring How Gender Shapes the Research Process. London: [Case] http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526430748


Year Publication
2024 O'Keeffe, S. (2024) 3 reasons children can benefit from yoga and a 5-step practice for them. Online: [Blog] [Link]
2025 O'Keeffe, S. (2025) Do you need lessons in love?. Online: [Blog] [Link]
2024 O'Keeffe, S. (2024) Are you being driven to distraction by technology?. Online: [Blog] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) Member -
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Association Member -
International Sociological Association Member 01/06/2020 - 31/12/2026
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Member -
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2017 John Coolahan Research Support Framework Teaching Council of Ireland
01/05/2022 John Coolahan Research Support Bursary Teaching Council
01/10/2015 MIC Postgraduate Award University of Limerick (Mary Immaculate College)
05/09/2022 SPARK Initiative Centre for Teaching and Learning, Maynooth University
25/04/2023 Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute’s Small Grants Scheme 2022-3 Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)


Committee Function From / To
Research and Ethics Committee Member 03/12/2018 - 06/12/2020
Departmental Doctoral Programme Committee Committee member -
Faculty of Social Science Ethics Committee Nominee for the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education 03/02/2019 - 03/03/2021
Museum of Childhood Ireland Education Board Member since October 2021 to present. -
Faulty of Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Sub Committee Member -
Partnership Committee Committee Member -


Employer Position From / To
Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick Lecturer 03/10/2016 - 28/09/2018
National University of Ireland Maynooth Assistant Lecturer 01/10/2018 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Institute of Continuing Education (ICE, University of Cambridge) Certificate of Participation An introduction to international development: understanding contemporary issues and themes
Yoga Therapy Ireland Children's Yoga Teacher (Recognised by Yoga Alliance) Wellbeing
Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley Certification of participation The Science of Happiness


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Irish-Gaeilge Functional Functional Functional
English Fluent Fluent Fluent

Other Activities

Reviewer of academic education journals
External Examiner, Sociology of Education (2020-Present)
Museum of Childhood Ireland: Education Board Member Responsibilities: Attending meetings, designing children's creative writing competitions, sourcing funding, writing blog posts. 2024: I have designed the 2024 Bloom's Day Children's Creative Writing Competition, 2024. I suggested using an audio to accompany the text criteria this year, which was adopted. 2022: writing blog post such as, 'Reflections On . . . Teaching Children about Sexuality and Relationships'. Link: https://museumofchildhood.ie/reflections-on-teaching-children-about-sexuality-and-relationships/

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Primary school cluster: Leadership Clusters Initiative for Schools Policy Makers This project, Leadership Clusters Initiative for Schools, is an initiative of the Department of Education and Skills and is being co-ordinated by the Centre for School Leadership (CSL). My role was to build the school's networks and to support their initiatives.
Primary School (Name omitted for ethical reasons) Civic Society Title: ‘A collaborative research informed review of whole school Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) practices in a Dublin primary school: supporting pupil and teacher flourishing’. Funding: This study received funding from the John Coolahan Research Support Bursary (2022/23). Project reference number: RSF5RBS021 The project used qualitative research methods and was carried out through a blend of three staff-meeting presentations and discussions, a teacher questionnaire, two teacher focus group discussions, one questionnaire with 5th and 6th class pupils, and one focus group discussion with 5th and 6th class pupils. This project was granted ethical approval by The Social Research Ethics Subcommittee (SRESC), Maynooth University.

Teaching Interests

  • Sociology of Education 
    Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
    Education Department 

EDF 126: An important objective of this module is strengthening student teachers’ reflexivity on their own professional learning and that of their pupils, and to prepare student teachers to support their pupils in achieving their full potential. This is achieved through engagement with the following topics covered in this module: types of schooling; society, culture and identity; norms, values and roles; the hidden curriculum and inequality in education.

EDF 237: Through engagement with sociology of education, student teachers are supported to examine how structures and systems in place, both locally and globally, explain how people interact with each other, the impact on educational outcomes and the undeniable interconnectedness of modern life.

EDF 328: This module fosters student teachers’ reflexivity on their own professional learning and that of their pupils by highlighting the relationship between schools and the wider society. Acknowledging that this association is critical and complex, the module explores structural forces at play and contextualises them against a theoretical framework of social justice and equality. Sociology of Education provides an opportunity to engage with topics such as race, ethnicity, identity, types of schooling, which will support newly qualified teachers to facilitate quality teaching and learning for all pupils. The sociology of education is the study of how social institutions and individual experiences affects education and its outcome. The topics covered in this module seek to explain how people relate with one another, how hidden structures play an important role in everyday life, how individuals behave and how all these combined impacts on education and its outcome. In total, the topics addressed in sociology of education foster student teachers’ abilities to support their pupils in achieving their full potential. 

EDF602(A): This module examines the social context of learning, locating the school as a key institution and learning site in contemporary society. A range of theories and research are introduced to provide insights to the web of social, cultural, economic and political factors that underpin learning in contemporary society. 

EDM615: This module seeks to help students examine the social contexts of teaching, learning and schooling utilising foundational principles and theories from the disciplines of Sociology and Sociology of Education. Research and theory from the field will help enhance student’s critical awareness and practical understanding related to the web of social, cultural and political factors that underpin learning in contemporary society. A range of theories and research are introduced to provide insights to the web of social, cultural, economic and political factors that underpin learning in contemporary society. Module lectures, activities and materials will highlight the embedded and interdependent nature of learning; critically assesses its role at a personal level (as a learner, teacher, family member, etc), institutional level (the schooling system) and the broader social, cultural, economic & political level.

Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.)
Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Student teachers are supported to engage with pupils in order to develop effective, creative and imaginative strategies that promote individual and shared learning, further embedding playful pedagogies, in alignment with national curricula/curricular frameworks.

EDF 128: Student teachers will explore the dynamic processes by which curriculum is designed and facilitated for all pupils, with a particular focus on the junior primary classes. The recognition of the central role of play, as outlined in Aistear (NCCA, 2009), and pupils as active agents in their own learning will guide experiential learning activities across SPHE. The organisation and attributes of a Froebelian learning environment with concrete materials will be introduced so the student teachers become aware of the interdependence of teachers’ learning and pupil learning and the importance of teacher-pupil relationships in the teaching/learning process through guided discovery and inquiry-based learning. A range of methodologies to achieve planned outcomes will be experienced including opportunities to experiment with and explore new and emerging technologies for teaching and learning.

EDF 229: In relation to the middle primary classes, students will continue to explore the dynamic processes by which curriculum is designed and facilitated for all pupils. These are underpinned by a broad range of theoretical lenses, including literature pertaining to Integration and Problem-based Learning, Assessment and Universal Design for Learning and digital learning methodologies.

Through reflection on, and evaluation of, their own teaching and learning experiences, student teachers will be encouraged to think critically about characteristics, organisation and management of an inclusive, Froebelian, and enquiry-based learning environment.

Student teachers will plan and implement the subject matter, pedagogical content and related methodologies of SPHE, through Froebelian and child-led approaches.

An awareness of the interdependence of teachers’ learning and pupil learning and the importance of teacher-pupil relationships in the teaching/learning process will be further built upon. An extended range of methodologies to achieve planned outcomes will be experienced and implemented, including a variety of opportunities to experiment with and explore new and emerging technologies for teaching and learning.

EDF 330: The module will build on student teacher understanding of the significance of knowledge of the individual potential of pupils in their planning for teaching, learning and assessment of SPHE, through Froebelian and child-led approaches.
Student teachers will connect relevant principles and theories of education, in the context of the relevant national curricula curricular frameworks, using well-developed skills of enquiry, to inform his/ her professional practice.

Student teachers will also examine and apply a broad range of assessment principles and practices, preparing them for teaching, learning, creative and reflective practice and assessment in their schools. To this end, research associated with Froebelian practice and principles will be elaborated and extended upon. Collaborative and problem-based learning and differentiated teaching strategies will be examined in depth.

Behaviour Management workshops
Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2020 Sarah Kavanagh
2019 Aoife Hession
2019 Lucy Brannock

Internal Collaborators

Name Company Role Country

External Collaborators

Name Role Country
Mental Health Ireland Researcher/Workshop provider Ireland
Athlantic Technological University Sligo and Mary Immaculate College, Limerick Researcher Ireland
Boyne Dental Workshop Provider Ireland
Trócaire Workshop Provider Ireland