Dr Zerrin Doğança Küçük


Assistant Professor

School of Education Building
2nd Floor


Zerrin joined the Education Department in March 2019. Zerrin has been teaching pedagogy of science and mathematics for more than 10 years to different groups of pre-service and in-service teachers. She holds a Bachelors degree (Undergraduate Mathematics Education Program) and a minor degree (Undergraduate Science Education) from Bogazici University. After studying as a mathematics teacher at  a private school in Istanbul for one year, she worked as a research assistant at the Primary Education Department in Bogazici University. She got her MS and PhD degrees  from the Environmental Sciences Institute at the same university. Prior to joining the Education Department at Maynooth University, she worked as a research assistant and postdoctoral researcher in Bogazici University. She also held the roles of Vice Director at the BAUSTEM Center and Assistant Professor in Faculty of Education in Bahcesehir University. 

Research Interests

  • Professional teacher development
  • Teaching experiences
  • Science teaching
  • Environmental education
  • Socio-scientific Issues
  • Systems thinking
  • STEM Education

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
5*S: Space, Surveyors and Students - Phase 2 Project Manager 5*S aims to support and enthuse post-primary students (junior cert and transition year) and teachers to work with satellites and survey data. This develops skills for students with priority given to underrepresented groups (gender and disadvantaged background), improves data literacy around spatial data and increases teacher confidence. 5*S partner organisations - Maynooth University, Technological University Dublin, Ordnance Survey Ireland, the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and Environmental Systems Research Institute Ireland - provide satellite and pedagogic experience, data/infrastructure support and volunteers. https://5sdiscover.maynoothuniversity.ie/ Phase 2 advances an existing, successful, Discover award toward deeper engagement and higher impact with two strands. In strand 1 we will expand our nationwide volunteer network (our 5*S GeoMentors) via Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) policies. These GeoMentors deliver curriculum-specific, satellite-themed interactive workshops to students, host ‘train-the-trainer’ teacher workshops and help excite students about STEM-related careers. 5*S workshops give students and teachers a chance to work with satellite data and all content is framed in relation to real-world problems using the SDGs as the focus. In strand 2 we exploit the 5*S Augmented Reality mobile app (phone and tablet) that was developed and released in Phase 1 (March 2022), entitled “SatelliteSkill5”. SatelliteSkill5 gives the students a chance to explore data themselves, at home or in school in a new, fun and interesting manner and learn a little bit about satellites, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the SDGs. Learnings here help the student during the search for, analysis, or presentation of data for their own projects. 01/02/2023 01/02/2025 251753
Climate Literacy for Educators And Researchers Project Manager Unsuccessful
Impact of ‘Digital Leaders Placement Programme’ on Student Teachers’ Practice and Emerging Professional Identity: A Mixed Method Study PI This research aims to explore the impact of ‘Digital Leaders’ Placement Programme’ (DLPP) on Year 2 and Year 3 students’ teaching practices and their sense of professional identity. The Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK) will be used as the theoretical model to study the integration of technology as part of a teachers’ professional practices. This present research is intended as the initial step for a larger longitudinal research project, where we will monitor teaching practices, including knowledge of technological integrations, and the development of professional identity of student teachers enrolled throughout the MH212 BSc. Ed degree programme . 30/01/2023 30/01/2024 400
Global Citizenship Education Project PI The aim is to integrate global citizenship themes into our intial teacher education programme with a collaboration other departments in the university and external partners. After revision the teaching, there will be opportunities for the students to showcase their work that probes social justice themes in innovative and creative ways. 15/11/2021 31/05/2022 6020
5*S: Space, Surveyors and Students – STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals Researcher 01/09/2020 01/12/2022 290000
EarlySTEM Program Development Project Project Supervisor 01/08/2016 62900
STEM Leader Teacher Career Development Program Project Supervisor 01/06/2016 94000
Investigating Teaching Orientations of Freshmen Science Education Students: A Mixed Method Study Post-doc Reseacher 02/12/2013 02/03/2015 4400
System Language of Ecology Expert and Trainer 02/06/2013 31/12/2013 4280
Empowering Primary School Teachers to Improve the Learning Climate in Their Classrooms” Project Assistant 01/06/2007 27/02/2009 2700
Geometry and Architecture Project Assistant & Trainer 01/03/2002 03/06/2004

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Akartuna, D.; Menon, P.; Doğança Küçük, Z. (2025) 'The feasibility and efficacy of a psychospiritual intervention with the insights from Bhagavad Gītā and Yin Yoga on a Turkish population: A mixed method approach'. Journal for the Study of Spirituality, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Costello, E. & Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2023) 'Supporting student teachers’enactment of relationalmathematics in the classroom: an Action Research study'. IRISH EDUCATION STUDIES JOURNAL, 42 (4):881-889. [DOI]
2023 Brown, S.; Küçük, Z.D.; Rickard, A.; Lonergan, J.; Abernethy, R.; McNerney, L.; McNerney, E.; Foley, R.; Behan, A.; Byrne, A.; Essel, B.; Ffrench, J.; Faull, J.; Cahalane, C. (2023) 'The role of teacher agency in using GIS to teach sustainability: an evaluation of a lower secondary school story mapping GIS initiative in Ireland'. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Kucuk, Z.D.; Genek, S.E.; Bozoglu, H.S.; Corlu, M.S. (2023) 'Expressed Willingness of STEM Teachers to Teach Engineering'. Journal of Pre-college Engineering Education Research, 13 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 McNerney, E.; Faull, J.; Brown, S.; McNerney, L.; Foley, R.; Lonergan, J.; Rickard, A.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Behan, A.; Essel, B.; Mensah, I.O.; Castillo Campo, Y.; Cullen, H.; Ffrench, J.; Abernethy, R.; Cleary, P.; Byrne, A.; Cahalane, C. (2023) 'SatelliteSkill5—An Augmented Reality Educational Experience Teaching Remote Sensing through the UN Sustainable Development Goals'. Remote Sensing, 15 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Doganca Kucuk, Z. Yabas, D., Bozoglu, H. S., & Corlu, M. S. (2021) 'The impact of the earlySTEM program on teacher and student outcomes: The role of teachers’ involvement in the program development'. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 9 (3):371-405. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijemst.1279 [Full-Text]
2021 Aşιk G.; Doğança Küçük Z. (2021) 'Metacognition in action as a possible explanation for stock-flow failure'. System Dynamics Review, 37 (4):253-282. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Genek, S. E., Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2020) 'Investigation of scientific creativity levels of elementary school students who enrolled in a STEM program'. Elementary Education Online, 19 (3):1715-1728. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Devrim Guven, Ebru Z. Mugaloglu, Zerrin Doganca kucuk, William Cobern (2019) 'Teaching Orientations of Freshman Pre-service Science Teachers'. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 16 (4):508-520. [Full-Text]
2018 Doganca Kucuk Z.; Saysel A. (2018) 'Developing Seventh Grade Students’ Understanding of Complex Environmental Problems with Systems Tools and Representations: a Quasi-experimental Study'. Research in Science Education, 48 (2):491-514. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Aşık, G., Doğança Küçük, Z., Helvacı, B. & Corlu, M. S. (2017) 'Integrated teaching project: A sustainable approach to teacher education'. Turkish Journal of Education, 6 (4):200-215.
2017 Saribas D.; Kucuk Z.; Ertepinar H. (2017) 'Implementation of an environmental education course to improve pre-service elementary teachers’ environmental literacy and self-efficacy beliefs'. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26 (4):311-326. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Muğaloğlu, E. Z., Doğança Küçük, Z., & Güven, D (2016) 'Pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs to teach socio-scientific issues'. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 29 (1):95-110.
2016 Saribaş D.; Küçük Z.; Ertepinar H. (2016) 'Evaluating effects of an exhibition visit on pre-service elementary teachers' understandings of climate change'. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 13 (1):19-30. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Doğança, Z., Saysel, A. K (2013) 'A critical perspective to 7th grade unit “Human and Environment”: Teaching about dynamic and complex environmental problems (in Turkish)'. Bogazici University Journal of Education, 13 (1):87-106.
2009 Muǧaloǧlu E.; Doǧanca Z. (2009) 'Fulfilling the missing link between university and authentic workplace in teacher training'. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21 (6):455-464. [DOI] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2017 Doğança Küçük, Z. (ed.) (2017) STEM Program Book- A Guideline for Classroom Teachers (in Turkish). Istanbul, Turkey: Pusula Press.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2017 Aşık, G. Doğança Küçük, Z., & Çorlu, M. S. (2017) 'Measurement and Evaluation Approaches in STEM Education' In: STEM Theory & Practice: A Basic Guide for Teachers (in Turkish). Istanbul, Turkey : Pusula Press.
2012 Doğança, Z. (2012) 'Early Science: Basics of Science and Science Activities for Preschool Children' In: An In-depth View for Early Childhood Period (in Turkish). Ankara, Turkey : Ozgunkok Press.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Cahalane, C.; Behan, A.; Croasdell, A.; Lonergan, J.; Rickard, A.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Oyler, J.; Mcnervey, E.; Ffrench, J.; Foley, R. (2020) '5*S: Space, Surveyors, Students, STEM & Sustainable Development Goals' Journal of Education, 2 (1) :9-14. [Link]
2009 Doganca, Z.; Mugaloglu, E.Z. (2009) 'Environmental experiments at the primary school level' The Journal of Health, Environment, and Education, 2 :3-7. [Link]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Yabas, D; Ceyhan, G; Doganca Kucuk, Z; Corlu, M S (2023) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Edu . In: Drijvers, P;Csapodi, C;Palmer, H;Gosztonyi, K;Konya, E eds. Authentic problems of knowledge society: mathematics teachers’ integration of cognitive and social dimensions into STEM lesson plans Budapest, 10/07/2023- 14/07/2023
2010 Doganca, Z. (2010) Teaching and Learning 2010 Effects of Teaching Environmental Issues with Causal Loop Diagrams Sevilla, Spain,
2008 Muğaloğlu, E.Z., Doğança, Z. (2008) Teaching and Learning 2008 An Attempt to Fulfil “the Missing Link” in Teacher Education: A Collaborative Action Research Project Averio, Portugal,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Zerrin Doganca Kucuk; Angela Rickard; Elizabeth O'Brien; Elizabeth Meade (2024) Book of Abstracts- Porto International Conference on Reseach in Education Interrupting business as usual: Educational conversations on social justice education in ITE as a (research) practice: An Alternative Methodology to Approach Social Justice Porto, Portugal, 17/07/2024-19/07/2024.
2023 Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Yabas, D.; Ceyhan, G. D.; Corlu, M. S. (2023) EARLI 2023-European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Sustainability and STEM Education: STEM Teachers’ contextualization of sustainable development goals Thessaloniki, Greece, 22/08/2023-26/08/2023.
2023 Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Young, K.; Dempsey, M.; Delahunty, T. (2023) ECER 2023- Conference by European Educational Research Association The Impact of a Digital-Literacy Based Placement Programme on Student Teachers’ Teaching Experience and Practices Glasgow, UK, 22/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2023 Young, K.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Dempsey, M.; Delahunty, T. (2023) Educational Studies Association in Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2023 Exploring the Impact of the Digital Leaders' Placement Programme on Pre-service Teachers' Practice and Identity Belfast, North Ireland, .
2023 Yabas, D.; Ceyhan, G. D.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Corlu, M. S. (2023) European Society for Research in Mathematics Education Mathematics in STEM Education: How Teachers Integrate Mathematics into their STEM Lesson Plans Budapest, 10/07/2023-14/07/2023.
2022 Yabaş, D., Ceyhan, G.D., Doğanca-Küçük, Z., Corlu, M. S. (2022) Global Competence in Teacher Education- Teaching & Learning for an Inclusive, Interconnected World ATEE Winter Conference 2022 Sestri Levante, Italy, .
2020 Costello, E.; Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2020) The Problem of Enactment: Approximations of practice in primary teacher mathematics education ECER 2020- Conference by European Educational Research Association [The conference was cancelled due to pandemics.] Glasgow, UK, .
2018 Doğança Küçük, Z., Ersoy, Z., Çorlu, M.S. (2018) STEM teaching efficacy of preschool and classroom teachers in an Early STEM Program ATEE Winter Conference 2018 Utrecht, Netherlands, .
2018 Genek, E.; Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2018) XIII. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress Investigating Scientific Creativity Levels of Elementary School Students who enrolled in an Early-STEM Program Denizli, Turkiye, .
2017 Doğança Küçük, Z., Işık, S. (2017) Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Misconceptions of university students about global climate change. Conference of the European Science Education Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Doğança Küçük, Z., Aşık, G., Girgin, Ş. (2017) Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Teachers' views on the implementation of an early STEM education program Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Helvaci, B.; Corlu, M. S.; Asik, G.; Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2017) International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (ICEMST) STEM ethics: Academic integrity and ethical concerns of teachers Kusadasi, Turkiye, .
2017 Doğança Küçük, Z., Aşık, G., Helvacı, B., Çorlu, M. S. (2017) International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (ICEMST) First reflections of teachers to integrated teaching Izmir, Turkey, .
2016 Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2016) Changes in Education Conference EarlySTEM Workshop: Let’s decide our path with Sphero Istabul, Turkiye, .
2008 Tekkumru, M.; Doganca, Z. (2008) International Prof. Dr. Suzan Erbaş Science Education Workshop Supporting Preservice Science Teachers to Use and Design Their own Rubrics Canakkale, Turkiye, .
2015 Güven, D., Doğança Küçük, Z., Muğaloğlu, E. Z., & Cobern, W. (2015) Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) A Study on Teaching Orientations of Freshmen Science Education Students Helsinki, Finland, .
2014 Saribas, D.; Doganca Z. (2014) International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICEMST) Evaluating Effects of an Exhibition Visit on Pre-service Elementary Teachers’ Understandings on Climate Change Konya, Turkiye, .
2014 Doğança, Z., Güven, D., & Muğaloğlu, E. Z. (2014) ISER-2014 World Conference Comparing Teaching Orientations of Pre-service and In-Service Science Teachers Nevsehir, Turkey, .
2014 Muğaloğlu, E. Z., Güven, D., & Doğança, Z. (2014) ISER 2014- World Conference Investigating Teaching Orientations of Freshmen Science Education Students Nevsehir, Turkiye, .
2014 Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Asik, G. (2014) XI. UFMEK Conference Investigating Difficulty of Solving Stock-Flow Problems in the Context of Metacognition Adana, Turkiye, .
2013 Eren, A.; Doganca, Z. (2013) Local Teacher Workshops (2) by Education Reform Initiative Systems Language of Ecology Project Kars & Igdir, Turkiye, .
2013 Doganca, Z. & Saysel, A. K. (2013) 3rd Critical Education Congress Systemic Perspective to Environmental Education Ankara, Turkiye, .
2012 Doğança, Z., Saysel, A.K. (2012) 30th International Conference of the Systems Dynamic Society An Interview Protocol for Assessing Students’ Understanding of Dynamically Complex Environmental Problems St Gallen, Switzerland, .
2012 Aşık, G., Doğança, Z. (2012) 5th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group Failure to Understand Stock-Flow Thinking: Is Metacognition a Possible Explanation to This Phenomenon? Milano, Italy, .
2011 Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2011) Teacher workshop organized by Mother Child Education Foundation Science at Early Stages Diyarbakir, Turkiye, .
2011 Doganca, Z. & Saysel, A. K. (2011) 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics Teaching Dynamic Ecological Issues Istabul, Turkiye, .
2011 Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Talum, E. (2011) Local Teacher Workshops (2) organized by Educational Reform Initiative Science is Here Project Tekirdag & Canakkale, Turkiye, .
2011 Doganca Kucuk, Z. (2011) Student Workshop-ENKA Schools Discussion of Environmental Issues in Dynamic Environmental Scenario Test Istabul, Turkiye, .
2011 Doğança, Z. (2011) 12th PhD Colloquium of the Student Chapter of the Systems Dynamic Society Teaching Dynamic Ecological Problems with Systems Approach Washington D.C., USA, .
2010 Doganca, Z. ; Talum, E.; Kurt, A. B. (2010) Outstanding Examples in Education Conference Cooperation of University, Student Club, and a Primary School: Science is Here Project Istabul, Turkiye, .
2010 Doganca, Z. (2010) IX. UFMEK Conference Effect of an Environmental Education Program based on Causal Loop Diagrams on Student Performances Izmir, Turkiye, .
2010 Doğança, Z. (2010) System Dynamics and Systems Thinking in K-12 Education Getting Insight about Environmental Issues by Practicing Causal Loops Boston, USA, .
2008 Doganca, Z. (2008) December Conference of the Health Education Research Unit An Environmental Training Program for Prospective Teachers Cologne, Germany, .
2007 Doganca, Z., Mugaloglu, E. Z. (2007) 4th World Environmental Education Congress An Examination of an Environmental Training Programme on Prospective Teachers Durban, Republic of South Africa, .
2007 Doganca, Z.; Mugaloglu, E. Z (2007) 1st National Primary Education Congress Designing an Undergraduate Laboratory Course Intented for Environmental Education for Preservice Science Teachers Ankara, Turkiye, .
2023 Eddie Costello and Zerrin Doganca Kucuk (2023) International Froebel Society conference Pedagogies of enactment in initial teacher mathematics education: a Froebelian perspective Maynooth University, .
2023 Young, K.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Dempsey, M.; Delahunty, T.,; Maglaperidze, N. (2023) European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) he Impact of a Digital-Literacy Based Placement Programme on Student Teachers’ Teaching Experience and Practices Glasgow, UK, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Turkish Science Education and Research Association Member 01/01/2010 - 30/12/2018
Internatonal Professional Development Association Member 02/03/2023 - 02/01/2023
Association for Teacher Education in Europe Member 30/01/2017 - 30/12/2018

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
05/05/2023 Network and Collaboration Support Fund MU Research Development Office
01/12/2022 UDL Badge UCD Access & Lifelong Learning
01/01/2022 Teaching and Learning Fellowship Award Centre of Teaching and Learning
01/04/2021 Academic Travel Grant Maynooth University
01/01/2010 Conference Fellowship Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
01/01/2009 Dissertation Project Fellowship Bogazici University Scientific Research Office
01/01/2007 Conference Fellowship Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
01/01/2003 B.S. graduation Honors Degree Bogazici University


Committee Function From / To
Green Campus Committee Communications Group Member 10/10/2019 - 21/09/2020
MU Library Representatives Departmental Representative 20/09/2020 - 01/01/2023


Employer Position From / To
Education Department, Maynooth University Assistant Professor 15/03/2019 -
Faculty of Educational Sciences, Bahcesehir University Assistant Professor 01/09/2017 - 30/01/2019
BAUSTEM Center, Bahcesehir University Vice-Director 01/08/2016 - 30/01/2019
Primary Education Department, Bogazici University Part-time Instructor 01/09/2015 - 02/03/2016
Primary Education Department, Bogazici University Post-doc Reseacher 09/12/2013 - 02/03/2015
Primary Education Department, Bogazici University Graduate Research Assistant 10/10/2005 - 05/08/2013
Private Akasya Primary School Mathematics Teacher 04/08/2003 - 30/07/2004


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Oxford University Press Certificate for Completion of Online Course Research Integrity
Maynooth University Completion of Graduate Module Digital Technologies in Higher Education
Bogazici University PhD Environmental Sciences
Bogazici University MS Environmental Sciences
Bogazici University BSc Mathematics Education
Bogazici University Minor Degree Science Education


Client Description
UBUNTU Network Assembly Member

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
FENBEG Industry Teacher Education-Assessment & Evaluation in Science Education and Designing Questions
Self Help Africa Civic Society 'Science for Development' Webinar - Social & Behavioural Sciences - 22nd September 2021 [Link]

Teaching Interests

Science teaching, pedagogical content knowledge, STEM education, environmental literacy

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2022 Eddie Costello EdD
2021 Sarah Kate Delaney Master of Arts
2021 Barry Murhpy Master of Arts
2020 Sandra Kennedy Master of Arts