Kennedy Institute Research Seminar - Bridging the Research-Practice Divide

Saturday, January 31, 2015 - 12:00 to 16:00
Conference Room JHL4 in the John Hume Building, Maynooth University

The Edward M. Kennedy Institute at Maynooth University is hosting a gathering of researchers and practitioners interested in developing mediation practice on a solid foundation of applied research. The seminar will take place this coming Saturday, 31 January from 12pm - 4pm in Lecture Room 4 of the John Hume Building on the North Campus of Maynooth University.

The purpose of the seminar is to create a space where researchers and practitioners can come together to identify important questions that will inform and support the continued development of the practice of workplace mediation in Ireland.

Indicative Format:

  • Opening address by Peter Cassells, Executive Director of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute
  • Overview of the literature on workplace mediation by Treasa Kenny
  • Overview of current research in relation to workplace mediation in Ireland by Mags Bouchier
  • Interactive discussions with audience participation about what issues should be/could be addressed by research
  • Presentation of how to conduct research and disseminate the findings to a practitioner audience by Deirdre Curran
  • Interactive discussions with audience participation about the steps we can take as a community to develop a research agenda
  • Closing address by Gerry Rooney, President of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland

Why Should You Attend?
Are you an academic interested in workplace mediation research? Are you a
practitioner interested in conducting and/or hearing about workplace mediation
research? Are you an employer who uses/would consider using mediation to resolve
workplace disputes? If so, please come along!
Have you conducted mediation research?
If you have conducted or are currently conducting workplace mediation research we would love to hear about it and incorporate it into our discussions at the Seminar. Please forward the following information to [email protected]

  1. Title of your research
  2. Research question(s)
  3. Abstract or short summary paragraph
  4. Level – undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD, private research, etc.

Event Registration

Attendance at this seminar is free, however, pre-registration is essential. Please email either [email protected] or [email protected] to book your place.   
For further information, please contact Dr Deirdre Curran at [email protected] or visit the Kennedy Institute's website.

This seminar is free and light refreshments will be provided courtesy of the Kennedy Institute.