Prof Peter McNamara

Peter Mc Namara is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, a community of twelve Departments and Schools, focused on research informed and practice engaged, education and societal impact. He is also a member of the University Executive and Professor of Management at Maynooth University. He is lucky enough to be leading a wonderfully diverse team of over 335 full time staff, supporting over 54% of all Maynooth University undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students (7,650 FTE students), whom published over 460 journal and book contributions in 2022 and obtained research funding from multiple sources including the European Union, the Irish Research Council, Enterprise Ireland, and Science Foundation Ireland amongst others.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is a community of Adult and Community Education, Anthropology, Applied Social Studies, Design Innovation, Economics, Education, Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, Geography, International Development, Law and Criminology, School of Business, and Sociology. As a faculty team we work to support the formation and implementation of the Maynooth University Strategic Plan.
Previously he was the Head of the School of Business (2014-2022). Over that time the School of Business grew by over 220% in student numbers (to 2,400 FTE). He led the recruitment of an international team of research informed, practice engaged educators and professional service staff from 17 countries, growing from 11 to 79 full time staff. As a team we developed a new strategic plan for the School of Business, focused on a mission of developing critical thinkers and providing impactful knowledge for society. Our strategy was guided by five values research informed, practice engaged, liberal (problems of the world not resolved by one discipline, but a coming together of people of difference), egalitarian, and sustainability. Our goal was to support implementation of the wider strategy of the university, and create a positive future for our staff and students.
As a team the School of Business obtained Athena Swan Bronze accreditation for gender equality, and a whole school Silver Accreditation from the Business Graduates Association. The School of Business team's research impact significantly increased to enter the top 20% in terms of journal impact (from a dataset of over 3200 business schools worldwide). Research Grant income increased significantly, including EU, SFI and IRC funding. The portfolio of education programmes was significantly redesigned and new programmes added, leading to a portfolio of 17 undergraduate and 15 postgraduate programmes, including a PhD.
Peter is the Past Chairperson of the Management Education and Development division of the Academy of Management (AOM has approximately 20,000 members worldwide), where he led the division through a series of changes in domain focus, structures, and growth both member and programs. He has previously held academic appointments in University College Dublin Schools of Business, Cass Business School (University of London), and visiting appointments at University of Kent Business School, University of Amsterdam, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), and University Pierre Mendes (France) amongst others. He has served on more than 200 hiring and promotion committees in multiple universities chairperson (Maynooth) and as an external panel member, appointing Researchers, Faculty, Professors and Deans.
His research focuses primarily on three areas. First, his research explores the process and performance consequences of management, research, and career decisions, upon business schools, universities and employees. Second, he explores the process and performance consequences of innovation in terms of science, knowledge work, and business processes, with a particular interest on the relationship between failure experience and performance. Third, he explores the process and performance consequences of collaboration within and between organisations, including an interest in the role of soft power in collaborative strategy formulation and implementation.
His research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Management, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, PLoS One, Journal of Business Venturing, British Journal of Management, Technovation, LRP, and the Journal of World Business, amongst others. His research work has won awards from the Academy of Management, the European Academy of Management and the Case Centre. He has received research grants from Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, the IDA and the Higher Education Authority.
His teaching experience includes undergraduate, postgraduate, executive education and doctoral programs in strategy and management.
Research Interests
I work with collaborators and students (and welcome new ones) on four major themes.
1. Management and performance of Universities and Business Schools: what are the drivers of individual career performance; social justice and inclusion in research awards, the performance landscape and drivers of Universities and Global Business Schools; strategy formulation and implementation of Universities and Business Schools and what is the efficacy of our education programs (assurance of learning)
2. The process and performance consequences of:
- collaboration between organisations (including the role of soft power in collaboration)
- innovation, especially the role of failure, setbacks and success experience
4. I believe in bridging the space between research and the class room and therefore write business case studies that can be used in the class to demonstrate how management concepts and tools can be applied.
I undertake research in a variety of industrial settings such as pharmaceuticals, connected health, sport, not for profit organisations, business schools amongst others.
My research has been published in leading journals including Journal of Management, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Research Policy, Plos One, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, and Technovation amongst others.
My research, in conjunction with collaborators, has won a number of awards including both the Carlo Masini Award for Innovative Scholarship and the Global Forum Award (twice) from the Academy of Management, the Best Strategy Paper and one of the three overall conference award finalists at the European Academy of Management, and multiple awards for my business case writing from the Case Centre, including the overall Best Entrepreneurship Case Award.
Research Projects
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Credit, K.; Ryazanova, O.; McNamara, P. (2024) 'The role of organisational- and country-level factors in the volume and public visibility of business and management research'. PLoS ONE, 19 (6). [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Ryazanova, O., McNamara, P., & Andreeva, T. (2024) 'When Hard-Working Bees Do Not Make a Productive Beehive: Legitimacy Tensions in Societal Impact Governance and How to Navigate Them'. Academy of Management Learning and Education, . [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Garzon-Vico, A; Rosier, J; Gibbons, P; McNamara, P (2020) 'The Impact of Failure and Success Experience on Drug Development'. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37 (1):74-96. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Ryazanova O.; McNamara P. (2019) 'Choices and consequences: Impact of mobility on research-career capital and promotion in business schools'. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18 (2):186-212. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | McNamara, P., Pazzaglia, F. and Sonpar, K. (2018) 'Large-Scale Events as Catalysts for Creating Mutual Dependence Between Social Ventures and Resource Providers'. Journal of Management, 44 (2):470-500. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Ryazanova, O., McNamara, P., & Aguinis, H. (2017) 'Research performance as a quality signal in international labor markets: Visibility of business schools worldwide through a global research performance system'. Journal of World Business, 52 :831-841. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Hu, Y., McNamara, P. and Piaskowska, D. (2017) 'Project Suspensions and Failure in New Product Development: Returns for Entrepreneurial Firms in Co-Development Alliances'. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (1):35-59. [DOI] | |
2016 | Olga Ryazanova and Peter McNamara (2016) 'Socialization and Pro-active Behaviour: Multilevel Exploration of Research Productivity Drivers in the US Business Schools'. ACADEMY OF MANGAGEMENT LEARNING & EDUCATION, 15 (3):525-548. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Garzón-Vico A.; Gibbons P.; McNamara P.; Rosier J. (2016) 'Technological area experience, experience diversity and innovation'. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 28 (9):1041-1055. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Shrivastava S.; Pazzaglia F.; Sonpar K.; McNamara P. (2016) 'Unpacking the effect of exploration during environmental uncertainty: Evidence from the information technology sector'. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 33 (1):36-49. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Gross, Nicole, Connolly, Niall, McNamara, Peter (2016) 'Scaling Up a Small Technology Firm: Business Model Innovation at HaylioMed'. Business Case Journal, 23 (2):33-50. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Hu, YS; McNamara, P; McLoughlin, D (2015) 'Outbound open innovation in bio-pharmaceutical out-licensing'. Technovation, 35 :46-58. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Mc Namara, P, Peck, S. and Sasson, A. (2013) 'Competing Business Models, Value Creation and Appropriation in English Football'. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 46 :475-487. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Su, P. and Mc Namara, P (2012) 'Exploration and Exploitation within and across Intra-Organisational Domains and their Reactions to Firm Level Failure'. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24 :129-149. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Mc Namara, P. and Baden-Fuller, C. (2007) 'Shareholder returns and the exploration-exploitation dilemma: R&D announcements by biotechnology firms'. Research Policy, 36 :548-565. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Baden-Fuller, C., Dean, A., Mc Namara, P. and Hillard, B. (2006) 'Raising the Returns to Venture Finance'. Journal of Business Venturing, 21 :265-285. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Thomson, N. and Mc Namara, P. (2001) 'Achieving Post-Acquisition Success: The Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship'. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 34 :669-697. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Mc Namara, P. (1999) 'Knowledge Based Strategic Alliances and Value Creation: A Study of Biotechnology Firms Quoted on the London Stock Exchange'. IRISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 19/20 :99-117. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Mc Namara, P. and Baden-Fuller, C. (1999) 'Lessons from the Celltech Case: Balancing Knowledge Exploration and Exploitation in Organisational Renewal'. British Journal of Management, 10 :291-307. [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Thomson, N. and Mc Namara, P. (1998) 'Two Way Learning in West/East Mergers and Acquisitions: Short Term and Long Term Viewpoints'. Journal of Eastern European Management Studies 3 :164-188. [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Credit, K; Ryazanova, O; McNamara, P (2023) 'The role of organisational- and country-level factors in the volume and public visibility of business and management research'. PLoS ONE, 19 (6). [DOI] [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Ryzanova, Olga; Mc Namara, Peter; Connolly, NIall (2024) 'How to balance the strengths and weaknesses of founder-managers' LSE Business Review, January (19 January) :1-3. [Link] | |
2011 | McNamara, P. (2011) 'The Experts Advice. Case Study Which Roads Lead to Profit?' Irish Times, Innovation Magazine, February :36-36. | |
2009 | McNamara, P (2009) 'Benefits of Writing Teaching Case Studies with Students for Credit' Management Education and Development Division Newsletter, 5 . | |
2007 | Beere, R., Mc Namara, P. and O’Gorman, C. (2007) 'Kebab Franchise Case Study' Business and Finance, 4-7 May :62-63. | |
1999 | McNamara, P. (1999) 'European Biotech Review' Genetic Engineering News, 19 . | |
1998 | McNamara, P. (1998) 'Some Hope and Some Pessimism on the Recovery in European Markets' Genetic Engineering News, 18 :27-55. | |
1998 | McNamara, P. (1998) 'European Biotech Companies Struggle to Adjust to Bear Markets' Genetic Engineering News, 18 :27-52. | |
1998 | McNamara, P. (1998) 'British Biotech’s Real Problem' Genetic Engineering News, 18 :37-59. |
Book Chapter
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Keeley, A, Ryazanova, O. and McNamara, P (2020) Academy of Management (Management Education and Development Division) Teaching Capabilities of Doctoral Graduates: PhD Learning Outcomes and Labor Market Expectations | |
2016 | Ryazanova, O., McNamara, P., & Aguinis, H. (2016) Academy of Management Conference A comprehensive and multi-purpose global research performance information system [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Hu, Y, McNamara, P and Piaskowska, D. (2015) American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference Project Suspensions and Failures in New Product Development: Returns for Entrepreneurial Firms in Codevelopment Alliances [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2014) Academy of Management Language, Socialization and Networks: Knowledge Creation in Globalized Business Schools [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2012) Academy of Management Conference Between Symbolic and Social Capital: A Structuration Theory Approach to Academic Productivity Boston, USA, [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Su, P. and Mc Namara, P. (2012) 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management The impact of failure experience in product development on knowledge usage and financial performance of the firm [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Mc Namara, P. and Baden-Fuller, C. (1997) Eastern Academy of Management . In: David Kent eds. Three Traps Facing Knowledge Exploitation in Firms Dublin, [Full-Text] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Keeley, Adam, Ryazanova, Olga and Mc Namara, Peter (2023) 39th EGOS Colloquium Academic promotion decisions: Exploring the credibility of signals during promotions in business schools Cagliari, Italy, 29/06/2023-01/07/2023. | |
2023 | Keeley, A., Ryazanova, O., & Mc Namara, P. (2023) Academy of Management Conference Why wasn’t I promoted? Exploring the ambiguity of linguistic signals in academic promotion documents Boston, 03/08/2023-08/08/2023. | |
2023 | Singh, P. and Mc Namara, P. (2023) Academy of Management Conference What makes Global South scholars underrepresented in Academic Society Awards? Boston, . | |
2023 | Ryazanova, O, McNamara, P, Andreeva, T, David, J, DeJong, S, and Aguinis, H. (2023) Academy of Management Conference, Professional Development Workshop Presentation Demonstrating the Societal Impact of Business School Research Boston, . | |
2023 | Singh, Poonam, Ryazanova, Olga, and Mc Namara, Peter (2023) European Academy of Management (EURAM) Academic Awards and Global South: Inequality and Underrepresentation Dublin, 14/06/2023-16/06/2023. | |
2021 | Ryazanova, O. & Mc Namara, P. (2021) 14th GEM&L International Workshop on Management & Language Language, organisations and networks: Multi-level exploration of faculty research performance in European business schools EM Strasbourg (online), 10/05/2021-12/05/2021. | |
2018 | Ryazanova, O. and McNamara, P. (2018) Academy of Management Annual Meeting International Mobility in the Age of Managerialism: to go or not to go Chicago, USA, . | |
2018 | Ritter, B., Barnes, K., Hedberg, P, McNamara, P., Small, E. and Stratton, M. (2018) Expanding the Pie: Negotiating in Academia Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society conference Coastal Carolina U, South Carolina, USA, . | |
2018 | Garzon-Vico, A., Gibbons, P., Rosier, J., and McNamara, P. (2018) Academy of Management The Impact of First Hand and Others’ Major Failure and Success Experience on Drug Development Chicago, . | |
2018 | McNamara, P., Nolan, P., Hood, A., Ritter, B. and Coughlan, J. (2018) International Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society conference Teaching Whilst Leading: Why Do University and Business School Leaders Teach (or not)? Maynooth University, . | |
2018 | Aguinis, H., Ryazanova, O., McNamara, P., Ashkanasy, N., De Castro, J., Doh, J., Salvaj, E., and Vassolo, R (2018) Academy of Management Conference. PDW programme Visibility of Business School Research Worldwide: The Global Performance Research System. Professional Development Workshop Chicago, . | |
2016 | Ryazanova O.; McNamara P.; Aguinis H. (2016) 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016 A comprehensive and multi-purpose global research performance information system Atlanta, USA, . [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Gross, N., McNamara, P., Ryazanova, O, and Connolly, N. (2016) Academy of Management Annual Conference Integrative or Autonomous? Mental Models and Experimentation Driven Business Model Innovation Anaheim, USA, . | |
2016 | Garzon-Vico, A., Gibbons, P., Rosier, J., and McNamara, P. (2016) Academy of Management The Impact of Success and Failure Experience on Organisational Learning in the Biotech Industry Anaheim, . | |
2016 | Gross, N., McNamara, P., Connolly, N., and Ryazanova, O (2016) R&D Management Conference Why Can I not Scale? How Cognitive Frames Influence/Impair Business Model Innovation Cambridge, UK, . | |
2016 | Peter McNamara (2016) Academy of Management Chairperson of Division. Management of team of officers to design and implement paper program, professional development workshops, keynote, business meetings, socials and other duties Atlanta, USA, . | |
2015 | Connolly, N., Gross, N. and Mc Namara, P. (2015) racing the Business Model: A Biblometric Study on Intellectual Roots Academy of Management Annual Conference Vancouver, . | |
2015 | Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2015) European Academy of Management Global Stratification of the Business School Industry: Moving Towards an International Labour Market Warsaw, Poland, . | |
2015 | Mc Namara, P., Ryan, C., Jones, D. and Noonan, C. (2015) Irish Academy of Management Appropriation Regimes and Firm Performance in Incumbent Service Firms Galway, . | |
2015 | Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2015) Academy of Management Stratification and mobility as the drivers of research in European Business Schools Vancouver, Canada, . | |
2015 | Connolly, N.; Gross, N. & McNamara, P. (2015) Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver Tracing the business model: a bibliometric study on intellectual roots Vancouver, Canada, . | |
2015 | Hu, Y., Mc Namara, P. and Pisakowska, D. (2015) Academy of Management New Product Development Alliances Vancouver, . | |
2014 | Ryazanova, O. & Mc Namara, P. (2014) Strategic Management Society Special Conference ‘Microfoundations for Strategic Management Research: Embracing Individuals Microfoundations of Knowledge Creation in Business Schools: Multi-Level Exploration of a ‘New Career Perspective’ Copenhagen, Denmark, . | |
2014 | Ryazanova, O. O’Donnell, P., Mc Namara, P (2014) Academy of Management Conference Business Model Design as a Patchwork Quilt: The Role of Local Social Identity in Imitation Choices Philadelphia, USA, . | |
2014 | Ryazanova, O. O’Donnell, P., Mc Namara, P. (2014) Strategic Management Society Special Conference ‘Microfoundations for Strategic Management Research: Embracing Individuals Microfoundations of inter-organizational Imitation Strategy. Local Social Identity’s Role in Business Model Innovation Processes Copenhagen, Denmark, . | |
2013 | Garzon-Vico, A., Gibbons, P., Mc Namara, P. (2013) European Academy of Management The Impact of Learning from Success and Failure on Innovation Performance Istanbul, . | |
2013 | Su, P., Mc Namara, P. and Mangematin, V. (2013) Academy of Management Conference Failure Experience in New Product Development and Firm Performance Orlando, . | |
2013 | Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2013) European Academy of Management Research Productivity of Financial Times Top 100 Business Schools’ Faculty: Impact of Academic Origin and Pro-active Choice Istanbul, Turkey, . | |
2013 | O’Donnell, P., Ryazanova, O., Mc Namara, P. (2013) European Group on Organization Studies Colloquium Searching High and Low: Role Selection as Part of Business Model Innovation. Sub-Theme 22: Business Models and Organizations: Uncovering the Origins of New Business Models Montreal, Canada, . | |
2012 | Garzon-Vico, A., Gibbons, P., Mc Namara, P. (2012) Strategic Management Society Conference Task Experience, Past Experience Diversity and Firm Performance Prague, . | |
2012 | Mc Namara, P, Sonpar, K. and Pazzaglia, P (2012) Academy of Management Conference Theorizing the Role of Soft Power in Enabling Cooperation Boston, . | |
2012 | Su, P and Mc Namara, P. (2012) 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management The performance implications of balancing exploration and exploitation within and across intra-organizational domains Limerick, . | |
2011 | Su, P. and Mc Namara, P. (2011) European Academy of Management Exploration Orientation and Task Performance: Failure as an Antecedent and Moderator Tallinn, . | |
2011 | Ryazaonva, O. and Mc Namara, P. (2011) Academy of Management External Artefacts Production: The Right Way Is No Less Important Than a Good Start San Antonio, . | |
2011 | Mc Namara, P, Sonpar, K. and Pazzaglia, P. (2011) Academy of Management Conference Enabling Stakeholder Cooperation in a Social Venture: Special Olympics in Ireland San Antonio, . | |
2011 | Su, P and Mc Namara, P. (2011) European Academy of Management Exploration Orientation within and across Inter-Organizational Domains and its Reaction to Firm Level Failure Tallinn, . | |
2011 | Mc Namara, P., Sonpar, K. and Pazzaglia, F. (2011) Interdisciplinary Conference on Stakeholders (Strategic Management Society) Enabling Stakeholder Cooperation in a Social Venture San Antonio, . | |
2010 | Su, P and Mc Namara, P. (2010) Strategic Management Society Conference The Effect of Performance on the Innovativeness of New Product Development in High Technology Firms Rome, . | |
2010 | Mc Namara, P. and Piaskowska, D. (2010) Academy of Management Pure Signals, Resource based Amplifiers and Moderators: Market Valuation of Alliance Formation by R&D Intensive Firms Montreal, . | |
2010 | Mc Namara, P. and Piaskowska, D. (2010) 5th Warsaw International Economic Meeting Signalling and Resources in Shareholder Value Creation through Alliances: The Case of Biotechnology Warsaw, . | |
2010 | Cataldo, C. and McNamara, P. Panellists: Arbaugh, J.B., Cunliffe, A., Schmidt-Wilk, J., Whetten, D., Eisenberg, J. and Klimoski, R. (2010) Enhancing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Publication Academy of Management Conference. PDW Programme Montreal, . |
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Gross, N., Connolly, N. and McNamara, P. (2015) Connected Health Technology: Private Pharmacies Competing Innovatively in Ireland. Teaching Note. [Case] [Link] | |
2013 | McNamara, P., Ryazanova, O., Collins, F. & Aherne, D. (2013) Gaelic Athletic Association and the Irish Rugby Football Union: Competing Business Models. [Case] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Gross, N., Connolly, N. and McNamara, P. (2015) Connected Health Technology: Private Pharmacies Competing Innovatively in Ireland. [Case] [Link] | |
2013 | Mc Namara, P., Ryazanova, O. and Aherne, D (2013) Teaching Note. Gaelic Athletic Association and the Irish Rugby Football Union: Competing Business Models. [Case] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Mc Namara, P. and Whitty, R. (2010) David versus Goliath in European Airlines: Can Aer Arann’s Regional Service Strategy survive in the Home Market of Low Cost Leader Ryanair?. [Case] [Link] | |
2010 | Mc Namara, P. and Stafford, B. (2010) Stafford Group: Growth Strategy through Related and Unrelated Diversification. [Case] [Link] | |
2004 | Beere, R. and Mc Namara, P. (2004) Abrakebabra: Surviving the Franchise Revolt, Teaching Note. [Case] [Link] | |
2004 | Beere, R. and Mc Namara, P. (2004) Abrakebabra: Surviving the Franchise Revolt. [Case] | |
2004 | Beere, R., Mc Namara, P. and O’Gorman, C. (2004) Abrakebabra: Growing Pains in a Fast Food Restaurant Chain. [Case] [Link] | |
2003 | Mc Namara, P., Grampp, C. Mc Grath, P. (2003) 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games: Managing a Stakeholder Network. Teaching Note. [Case] [Link] | |
2003 | Mc Namara, P., Murray, G., Grampp, C. and P. Brown. (2003) 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games: Managing a Stakeholder Network. [Case] [Link] | |
2001 | Mc Namara, P. and McKnight, P. (2001) Proton Quest: A Biotech Group. [Case] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Mc Namara, P., Baden-Fuller, C., and Howell, J. (2000) Biotechnology Industry Note: Strategy and Performance of Some UK Biotech Independents 1995 to 1997. [Case] [Link] | |
2000 | Mc Namara, P., Baden-Fuller, C., and Howell, J. (2000) The Rejuvenation of Celltech in the 1990s: Laying Foundations of a FTSE 100 Company. [Case] [Link] | |
2000 | Mc Namara, P., Baden-Fuller, C., and Howell, J. (2000) The Rejuvenation of Celltech in the 1990s: Teaching Note. [Case] [Link] |
Professional Associations
Honors and Awards
Teaching Interests
Passion for teaching at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels:
* Strategic Management
* Management
PhD supervision: academic career management; social impact of universities (research and education); management of innovation; management of universities and business schools; inequality in academic awards.