Dr Tatiana Andreeva

School of Business

Associate Professor

Rye Hall
(01) 474 7561


Tatiana is the Associate Professor in Management and Organisational Behaviour at Maynooth University School of Business. She has also served as a Research Director in the School of Business for 2018-2023.

Her previous academic appointment was as associate professor of HRM and Organisational Behaviour at the St.Petersburg University Graduate School of Management (Russia). She has also held international appointments including as an External Examiner at University of Auckland Business School (New Zealand) and a Visiting Professor at Lappeenranta University Business School (Finland) amongst others. Tatiana earned her PhD from St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management, where she also obtained her MSc (International Business) and BSc (Management).

Tatiana’s current research focuses on the intersections of knowledge management, organisational behaviour and human resource management, with a specific attention to micro-foundations of organisational processes and peculiarities of the contexts in which these processes evolve. Her research has been published in journals such as Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Business Research, Management and Organization Review and Journal of Knowledge Management, amongst others. Her research project on the intellectual capital elements and knowledge management practices in Russian companies has received the Emerald / Baltic Management Development Association Borderless Management Research Fund research award.  

Her teaching experience includes undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education programs in knowledge management, organisational behaviour, research methods and cross-cultural issues. In 2023, Tatiana received Maynooth University Teaching Award, for her focus on student engagement, active learning, and use of experiential approaches.

If you have interest to conduct PhD study on knowledge management, or would like to collaborate on research in the above areas, please feel free to contact Tatiana to discuss about it

Research Interests

My current research explores different aspects of managing knowledge in organisations, using quantitative and qualitative research methods. I am particularly interested in the following themes:
  • Why do people share or hide knowledge in organisations (and why they don’t)? 
  • What managers can do to facilitate knowledge sharing or prevent knowledge hiding? In particular, what HR practices work best for promoting and sustaining knowledge behaviours? 
  • How the shift to remote and hybrid work influence knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding?
  • Gender aspects of knowledge behaviours
  • Knowledge management and strategy
  • Influence of context on knowledge processes and knowledge management practices
My research has been published in leading journals such as Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Business Research, Management and Organization Review and Journal of Knowledge Management, amongst others. 

If you have interest to conduct PhD study on knowledge management, or would like to collaborate on research in the above areas, please feel free to contact me to discuss about it. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Future of work and inclusive growth PI 01/09/2022 31/08/2023 2500
Intellectual capital elements and knowledge management practices in Russian companies Principal investigator 01/01/2014 01/06/2015

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Ryazanova, O.; McNamara, P.; Andreeva, T. (2024) 'WHEN HARD-WORKING BEES DO NOT MAKE A PRODUCTIVE BEEHIVE: LEGITIMACY TENSIONS IN SOCIETAL IMPACT GOVERNANCE AND HOW TO NAVIGATE THEM'. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 23 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2024 Dávila, G.A.; Andreeva, T.; Sætre, A.S. (2024) 'Using social integration mechanisms to boost absorptive capacity: Walking a tightrope'. European Management Review, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Andreeva, T.; Zappa, P. (2023) 'Whose lips are sealed? Gender differences in knowledge hiding at work'. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Andreeva, T., Kabalina, V., Muratbekova-Touron, M. (2022) 'Mind the gap: intended versus perceived HRM and knowledge sharing of line managers and employees'. European Management Review, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 O'Higgins, C., Andreeva, T., Aramburu, N. (2022) 'The hows and whys of foreign operation mode combinations: The role of knowledge processes'. Journal of World Business, 57 (2). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 O'Higgins, C., Aramburu, N. and Andreeva, T. (2022) 'Managing international professional service firms: a review and future research agenda'. Baltic Journal of Management, 17 (1):34-55. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T., Saenz, J., Aramburu, N., Kianto, A. (2021) 'Does country environment matter in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation performance?'. Journal of Business Research, 136 :263-273. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O’Keeffe, M., Crehan, M., Munro, M., Logan, A., Farrell, A.M., Clarke, E., Flood, M., Ward, M., Andreeva ,T., Van Egeraat, C., Heaney F., Curran, D., Clinton, E. (2021) 'Exploring the role of peer observation of teaching in facilitating cross-institutional professional conversations about teaching and learning'. International Journal for Academic Development, 26 (3):266-278. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O’Higgins, C., Andreeva, T., Aramburu Goya, N. (2021) 'International management challenges of professional service firms: a synthesis of the literature'. Review of International Business and Strategy, 31 (4):596-621. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Bhappu, A., Blomqvist, K., Andreeva, T., Zappa, P., Yeo, L., Lempiala, T. (2020) 'Providers' Initial Trust on an Organization-Sponsored Sharing Platform: The Framing of Coworker Collaborative Consumption'. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Dávila, G., Andreeva, T., Varvakis, G. (2019) 'What knowledge governance mechanisms are most important for innovation? The case of Brazil'. Management and Organization Review, 15 (4):857-886. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Andreeva, T., Vanhala, M., Sergeeva, A., Ritala, P., Kianto, A. (2017) 'When the fit between HR practices backfires: Exploring the interaction effects between rewards for and appraisal of knowledge behaviours on innovation'. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (UK), 27 (2):209-227. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Jukka, M., Andreeva, T., Blomqvist, K., Puumalainen, K. (2017) 'A cross-cultural perspective on relational exchange'. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32 (7):937-950. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Andreeva T., Garanina T. (2017) 'Intellectual Capital and Its Impact on the Financial Performance of Russian Manufacturing Companies'. Foresight Russia, 11 (1):31-40. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Andreeva, T., Sergeeva, A. (2016) 'The more the better … or is it? The contradictory effects of HR practices on knowledge-sharing motivation and behaviour'. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (UK), 26 :151-171. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Sergeeva, A., Andreeva, T. (2016) 'Knowledge sharing: bringing the context back in'. Journal of Management Inquiry, 25 :240-261. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T. (2016) 'Do all elements of intellectual capital matter for organizational performance? Evidence from Russian context'. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 17 :397-412. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Andreeva, T., Ritala, P. (2016) 'What are the sources of capability dynamism? Reconceptualizing dynamic capabilities from the perspective of organizational change'. Baltic Journal of Management, 11 (3):238-259. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Andreeva, T., Festing M., Minbaeva D., Muratbekova-Touron, M. (2014) 'The Janus Faces of IHRM in Russian MNEs – an Institutional Perspective'. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (US), 53 :967-986. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Kianto, A., Andreeva, T. (2014) 'Knowledge management practices and results in service- versus product-oriented companies'. Knowledge and Process Management, 21 :221-230. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Kianto, A., Andreeva, T., Pavlov, Y. (2013) 'The impact of intellectual capital management on company competitiveness and financial performance'. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 11 :112-122. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Andreeva, T., Kianto, A. (2012) 'Does knowledge management really matter? Linking knowledge management practices, competitiveness and economic performance'. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16 :617-636. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673271211246185 [Full-Text]
2012 Gavrilova, T., Andreeva, T. (2012) 'Knowledge elicitation techniques in a knowledge management context'. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16 :523-537. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673271211246112 [Full-Text]
2011 Andreeva, T., Ikhilchik, I. (2011) 'Applicability of the SECI model of knowledge creation in Russian cultural context: theoretical analysis'. Knowledge and Process Management, 18 :56-66. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Andreeva, T., Kianto, A. (2011) 'Knowledge processes, knowledge-intensity and innovation: a moderated mediation analysis'. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15 :1016-1034. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673271111179343 [Full-Text]
2011 Ritala, P., Andreeva, T., Kosonen, M. and Blomqvist, K. (2011) 'A problem-solving typology of service business'. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 9 (1):37-45. [Full-Text]
2008 Andreeva, T. (2008) 'Can organizational change be planned and controlled? Evidence from Russian companies'. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL, 11 :119-134. [DOI] [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 Andreeva, T. (2025) 'Using Cases to Teach Evidence-based Management' In: Evidence Based Management Teaching Handbook. online : Center for Evidence-Based Management. [Link]
2019 Nisula AM., Kianto A., Andreeva T. (2019) 'What Can Knowledge-Creating Organisations Learn from Theatrical Improvisation?' In: Knowledge Management, Arts, and Humanities, in Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning series, Volume 7. Cham : Springer. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10922-6_4
2018 Kianto, A., Garanina, T., Andreeva, T. (2018) 'Does intellectual capital matter for organizational performance in emerging markets? Evidence from Chinese and Russian contexts' In: The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital. UK : Routledge. [Link]
2014 Andreeva, T. (2014) 'Russian culture in the eye of the beholder' In: B.Gehrke, M.-T. Claes(Eds.). Global Leadership Practices: a cross-cultural management perspective. : Palgrave McMillan.
2009 Andreeva, T. (2009) 'Tensions between knowledge creation and knowledge sharing: Individual preferences of employees in knowledge-intensive organizations' In: D.Jemielniak, J.Kociatkiewicz(Eds.). Handbook of Research on Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. : Hershey-New York: Information Science Reference.
2007 Soltitskaya T., Andreeva, T. (2007) 'Training and development of personnel in Russian companies' In: M.E.Domsch, T.Lidokhover(Eds.). Human Resources Management in Russia. : Ashgate Publishing Group, Contemporary Employment Relations series.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2009 Andreeva T., Gutnikova T (Ed.). (2009) Upravlenie znanijami: hrestomatija (“Handbook of knowledge management”). St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management Publishing House, [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2015 Andreeva, T., Lerner, F. (2015) '“Korporativnaja sotsialnaja set’: byt’ ili ne byt’?” (“Corporate social network: to be or not to be?”) (case study' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 4 :190-199.
2015 Vlasov, S., Andreeva, T. (2015) '“Sovmestnoe uchastije v konferentsijah kak factor sozdanija novikh znanij: setevoi analiz” (“Co-participation in conferences as a factor of knowledge creation: network analysis”)' Rossijsky Zhurnal Menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 13 (4) :3-28.
2014 Sergeeva, A., Andreeva, T. (2014) '“Kak upravlencheskie praktiki vlijaut na obmen znanijami mezhdu sotrudnikami? Rezultaty issledovanija v srednikh shkolah” (“How do management practices influence knowledge sharing among employees? Evidence from secondary schools”)' Rossijsky Zhurnal Menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 12 (2) :67-98.
2013 Andreeva, T., Sergeeva A., Golubeva A., Pavlov Y. (2013) '“Obmen znanijami mezhdu uchiteljami srednih shkol i factory, vlijaushije na ego intensivnost” (“Knowledge sharing among secondary school teachers and factors that influence its intensity”)' Voprosy Obrazovanija / Educational Studies Moscow, 2 :154-187.
2012 Andreeva, T., Sergeeva A., Golubeva A., Pavlov Y. (2012) '“Problemy obmena znanijami v organizatsijah sfery obrazovanija: primer srednih obsheobrazovatelnyh shkol” (“Knowledge sharing challenges in educational sector: example of public secondary schools”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 3 :78-105.
2010 Andreeva, T. (2010) '“Osobennosti motivatsii rabotnikov intellektualnogo truda: pervichnie rezultati issledovanija” (“Knowledge workers motivation: first results of empirical study”)' Rossijsky Zhurnal Menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 8 (2) :47-68.
2009 Andreeva, T., Ikhilchik, I. (2009) '“Primenimost modeli sozdanija znanij SECI v rossijskom kulturnom kontekste: teoretichesky analiz” (“Applicability of the SECI model of knowledge creation in Russian cultural context: theoretical analysis”)' Rossijsky Zhurnal Menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 7 (3) :3-20.
2007 Andreeva, T. (2007) '“Rabotnik intellektualnogo truda: podhod k opredeleniju” (“Knowledge worker: an attempt to re-define phenomena”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 4 (32) .
2006 Andreeva, T., Chaika V. (2006) '“O sushnosti dinamicheskih sposobnostei” (“On the essence of dynamic capabilities”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 4 :163-175.
2006 Andreeva, T. (2006) '“Upravlenie personalom v period izmenenij v period izmenenij v rossijskih kompanijah: praktiki rasprostranennie I rezultativnie” (“Human resources management during organizational change in Russian companies: frequently used and efficient practices”)' Rossijsky Zhurnal Menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 4 (2) :25-48.
2006 Andreeva, T. (2006) '“Rol i mesto kontseptsii kulturnyh izmerenij G.Hofstede v sovremennoi nauke ob upravlenii” (“Role and place of G.Hofstede’s model of cultural dimension in contemporary management science”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 4 :122-133.
2005 Andreeva, T. (2005) '“Metodologicheskije aspekty empiricheskogo issledovanija organizatsij” (“Methodological issues of empirical research in organizations”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 4 :42-63.
2004 Andreeva, T. (2004) '“Organizatsionnie izmenenija: sravnitelny analiz osnovnih kontseptsij” (“Organisational changes: comparative analysis of key concepts”)' Vestnik SPbGU: Serija Management, 3 :33-50.
2001 Andreeva, T. (2001) '“Antikrizisnoje upravlenie personalom v Rossii (analiz rezultatov oprosa 25 peterburgskih kompanij)” (“Anti-crisis human resources management in Russia (analysis of interviews with 25 St.Petersburg companies)”)' Rossijski management: teorija, praktika, obrazovanije, 1 :95-106.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 Dávila, G., Andreeva, T., Varvakis, G. (2017) IFKAD 2017: 12TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE ASSET DYNAMICS (How) are Brazilian firms managing knowledge for innovation? [Full-Text]
2017 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T. (2017) IFKAD 2017: 12TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE ASSET DYNAMICS Knowledge management practices for developing intellectual capital: evidence from Russian companies
2017 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T. (2017) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives, St.Petersburg Intellectual capital elements and performance indicators of Russian companies: do survey results and financial data correlate? Russia,
2016 Andreeva, T., Garanina T. (2016) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Does Interaction between Intellectual Capital Elements Influence Performance of Russian Companies? Dresden, Germany,
2016 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T. (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL (ECIC 2016) Intellectual Capital Elements Interaction and Company Financial Performance: Evidence from Russia
2015 Andreeva, T., Garanina T. (2015) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives Intellectual capital elements, knowledge management practices and organizational performance of Russian manufacturing companies St.Petersburg, Russia,
2015 Vlasov, S., Andreeva, T., Ryzhko, A. (2015) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives Knowledge signaling and fundraising: the role of conferences participation Russia,
2015 Andreeva, T., Garanina T. (2015) European Conference on Knowledge Management Intellectual capital elements and organizational performance of Russian manufacturing companies Udine, Italy, [Full-Text]
2015 Vlasov, S., Bahlmann, M., Andreeva, T. (2015) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamic Networks of conferences co-participation and firm's innovation performance: longitudinal study of SMEs in electronics industry Bari, Italy,
2014 Andreeva T., Garanina T., Bezginova Y., Sergeeva A. (2014) International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Customer value creation process in Russian companies: the role of Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Practices The University of Sydney Business School, Australia, [Full-Text]
2016 Andreeva, T; Kianto, A (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Empirically Testing the Role of Strategic Management of Knowledge in Firm Performance
2014 Garanina, T., Andreeva, T., Sergeeva, A. (2014) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives The role of intellectual capital and knowledge management practices in customer value creation of Russian companies St.Petersburg, Russia,
2014 Andreeva, T., Inkinen, H., Kianto, A., Ritala, P., Sergeeva, A., Vanhala, M. (2014) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives Managing innovation with HRM practices in emerging market firms: Evidence from Russian and Chinese companies St.Petersburg, Russia,
2011 Kianto, A., Andreeva, T., Shi, X. (2011) European Conference on Knowledge Management Knowledge Management across the globe – An international survey of KM awareness, spending, practices and performance Passau, Germany,
2010 Blomqvist, K., Andreeva, T., Hallikas, J., Hyotyla, M. & Ritala, P. (2010) European Conference on Knowledge Management Customer-related capabilities for sustainable competitiveness in service business – A micro-foundations approach Famalicao, Portugal,
2010 Ritala, P., Andreeva, T., Kosonen, M. & Blomqvist, K (2010) European Conference on Knowledge Management A problem-based perspective on knowledge-intensity in services business Famalicao, Portugal,
2009 Andreeva, T. (2009) European Conference on Knowledge Managemen What Motivates Knowledge Workers Most? Some Empirical Evidence From Russia Vicenza, Italy,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Andreeva, T.; Trullen, J. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Business as Usual? The Experiences of Line Managers Implementing Hybrid Work Policies Chicago, USA, .
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting An experiential activity on trust dynamics between line managers and employees in remote work environments Chicago, USA, .
2024 Andreeva, T.; Hill, N.S.; Trullen, J. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting The critical link: line managers’ experiences in hybrid work symposium Chicago, USA, .
2024 Andreeva, T.; Peng, H.; Eib, C.; Litchfield, R. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Global Research Collaboration Professional Development Workshop Chicago, USA, .
2024 Hashemizade, O.; Andreeva, T.; Zappa, P. (2024) Center for Transformative Work Design conference The effect of intensity of remote work on individuals’ creative and task performance Curtin University, Perth, Australia, .
2023 O’Higgins, C.,; Andreeva, T.; Aramburu, N. (2023) European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference A configurational approach to foreign operation modes: The case of professional service firms Lisbon, Portugal, .
2023 Zappa, P.; Andreeva, T.; Davila, G. (2023) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Asymmetries in the Hybrid Workplace and their Impact on Knowledge Network Churn Boston, USA, .
2023 Burmeister, A; Fasbender, U.; Gerpott, F.; Andreeva, T.; Černe, M.; Sanders, K.; Spitzmuller, M. (2023) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Do We Know It All? New Perspectives On Studying Knowledge Behaviors In Organizations Boston, USA, .
2023 Ryazanova, O, McNamara, P, Andreeva, T, David, J, DeJong, S, and Aguinis, H. (2023) Academy of Management Conference, Professional Development Workshop Presentation Demonstrating the Societal Impact of Business School Research Boston, .
2023 Breet, S.; Dul, J.; Richter, N.F.; Andreeva, T. (2023) Academy of Management Conference Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA): Logic, Theory, Methodology, and Publications Boston, USA, .
2023 Andreeva, T.; Zappa, P.; Hashemizade, O. (2023) EURAM conference Is hybrid work the best? The effect of employee work arrangements on their creativity and task performance Dublin, Ireland, .
2023 O’Higgins, C.; Andreeva, T.; Aramburu, N. (2023) EURAM conference Foreign operation modes of professional service firms: the role of knowledge and PSF characteristics Dublin, Ireland, .
2023 Dul., J; Allard-Poesi, F.,; dello Russo, S; Andreeva, T. (2023) European Academy of Management Conference Lessons learned from applying Necessary Condition Analysis Dublin, Ireland, .
2023 O’Higgins, C.; Andreeva, T.; Aramburu, N. (2023) AIB UK & Ireland Chapter Conference The role of knowledge processes in foreign operation modes: a configurational approach Glasgow, UK, .
2022 Andreeva, T. (2022) 5th International Conference On Systems Engineering (CIIS 2022) Hybrid work – is it a blessing or a curse? University of Lima, Peru, .
2022 Zappa, P., Andreeva, T., Dávila, G. (2022) Strategic Management Society Conference Extension on Strategies for building resilience Hybrid work arrangements, asymmetry in task dependence and knowledge network churn in the (post) COVID-19 workplace ESSEC, Paris, France, .
2022 Andreeva, T., Zappa, P., Kabalina, V., Bhappu, A. (2022) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Is motivation needed for knowledge sharing? USA, .
2022 O’Higgins, C., Andreeva, T., Aramburu, N. (2022) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Opening the black box of knowledge management in international PSFs: knowledge types and processes USA, .
2022 Zappa, P., Andreeva, T., Dávila, G. (2022) European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium Hybrid work arrangements, asymmetry in task dependence and knowledge network churn in the (post) COVID-19 workplace Vienna, Austria, .
2021 Andreeva T., Zappa, P. (2021) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Knowledge hiding within organizations: do males and females differ? USA, .
2021 Andreeva, T. (2021) Academy of Management Annual Conference Knowledge management practices in Russian companies USA, .
2021 Dávila, G., Tonial, G., Andreeva, T. (2021) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics The role of knowledge complexity for absorptive capacity: evidence from ICT firms Rome, Italy, 01/09/2021-03/09/2021.
2021 Dul, J., Andreeva, T. (2021) British Academy of Management Is knowledge sharing possible without motivation to share? The workshop on Necessary Condition Analysis UK, .
2020 Andreeva, T., Kabalina, V., Muratbekova-Touron, M., Podverbnykh, O. (2020) European Academy of Management Annual Conference Intended-perceived HRM gaps and knowledge sharing of line managers and employees Dublin, Ireland, .
2019 C. O’Higgins, T. Andreeva, N. Aramburu (2019) European International Business Academy Conference Challenges in the Internationalisation of Professional Service Firms: A Review and Future Research Agenda University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 13/12/2019-15/12/2019.
2019 C. O’Higgins, T. Andreeva, N. Aramburu (2019) European International Business Academy Conference Mode Switching and Stretching in Professional Service Firms: Evidence from Internationalisation to Latin America Leeds University, Leeds, UK, 13/12/2019-15/12/2019.
2019 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T., White, M. (2019) Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Knowledge-focused HRM: Enhancing organizational knowledge-based performance Minneapolis, USA, .
2019 Bhappu, A., Andreeva, T., Zappa, P., Yeo, L., Blomqvist, K. (2019) European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium Trust and prosumer engagement: Employee adoption of an organization-sponsored sharing platform Edinburgh, UK, .
2019 O’Higgins, C., Andreeva, T., Aramburu, N. (2019) Academy of International Business (AIB) conference Internationalisation of professional service firms: Literature review and future research agenda Copenhagen, Denmark, .
2019 Dávila, G., Andreeva, T., Varvakis, G., Saetre, A.S. (2019) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Exploring the antecedents of knowledge absorptive capacity: (How) are social integration mechanisms useful in Brazilian firms? Matera, Italy, .
2019 Andreeva, T., Kabalina, V., Muratbekova-Touron, M., Podverbnykh, O. (2019) 3rd Academy of Management HR Division International Conference (HRIC) The effect of gaps between intended and perceived HR practices on employees’ knowledge-sharing behavior Dublin, Ireland, .
2018 Andreeva, T., Sáenz, J., Aramburu, N., Garanina T., Kianto, A. (2018) 18th European Academy of Management Annual Conference Intellectual capital and innovation in international context: a comparison of three countries Reykjavik, Iceland, .
2018 Andreeva, T., Sáenz, J., Aramburu, N., Garanina T., Kianto, A. (2018) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Does country context matter in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation? Chicago, USA, .
2018 Ryazanova, O., Andreeva, T., Wang, R. (2018) International Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society (IMOBTS) conference Technology-enabled assessment in large classes: learning from success and failure Maynooth, Ireland, .
2018 Dávila, G., Andreeva, T., Varvakis, G. (2018) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics How are ICT-based knowledge governance mechanisms improving absorptive capacity and organisational outcomes? Delft, Netherlands, .
2017 Andreeva, T. (2017) European Academy of Management Annual Conference What HRM can do to enhance organizational knowledge-based performance? Towards the concept of knowledge-focused HRM Glasgow, UK, .
2017 Andreeva, T., Garanina, T. (2017) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Knowledge management practices for developing intellectual capital: evidence from Russian companies St.Petersburg, Russia, .
2017 Andreeva, T., Garanina T. (2017) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives Intellectual capital elements and performance indicators of Russian companies: do survey results and financial data correlate? St.Petersburg, Russia, .
2017 Andreeva, T. (2017) 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Knowledge-based HRM: Does it matter for innovation performance? Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Dávila, G., Andreeva, T., Varvakis, G. (2017) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics How are Brazilian firms managing knowledge for innovation? St.Petersburg, Russia, .
2016 Andreeva, T., Garanina T., Koveyko A. (2016) GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives Intellectual Capital Elements and Performance Indicators of Russian Companies: Do Survey Results and Financial Data Correlate? St.Petersburg, Russia, .
2016 Vlasov S., Andreeva. T. (2016) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Conference co-participation as a factor of new knowledge creation: network analysis USA, .
2016 T Andreeva, A Kianto (2016) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Does strategic management of knowledge matter for organizational performance? An empirical test USA, .
2014 T Andreeva, P Ritala (2014) Academy of Management Annual Meeting In search for generic sources of capability dynamism: Insights from organizational change theory USA, .


Year Publication
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) 4 Strategies for Fostering Effective Knowledge Sharing in a Distributed Workplace. [Blog] [Link]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) How to enjoy a large conference. [Blog] [Link]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Want to publish a literature review? Think of it as an empirical paper. [Blog] [Link]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Literature reviews can come in all shapes and sizes. [Blog] [Link]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Is a literature review publication a low-cost project?. [Blog] [Link]
2023 Andreeva, T. (2023) A framework for your literature review article: where to find one?. [Blog] [Link]
2021 Tatiana Andreeva (2021) Do you really want to publish your literature review? Advice for PhD students. [Blog] [Link]
2021 Andreeva, T. (2021) Want to publish a literature review? Think of it as an empirical paper. [Blog] [Link]
2021 Andreeva, T. (2021) Resources on doing a literature review. [Blog] [Link]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2024 Ryazanova, Olga; McNamara, Peter; Andreeva, Tatiana (2024) Key questions to help universities measure societal impact. [Magazine Article] [Link]
2023 Zappa, P.; Andreeva, T. (2023) How gender impacts workplace knowledge sharing. [Magazine Article] [Link]
2021 Andreeva T., Zappa, P. (2021) The hidden aspects of (hybrid) work you should consider. [Magazine Article] [Link]
2021 Andreeva, T., O’Higgins, C., Zappa, P. (2021) We can work it out: The challenges of hybrid and remote work for professional service firms. [Magazine Article] [Link]
2021 Andreeva, T. (2021) Upravlaja znanijami (Managing knowledge). [Magazine Article] [Link]
2020 Andreeva, T. (2020) Are you good at sharing what you know with your co-workers?. [Magazine Article] [Link]
2012 Andreeva, T. (2012) From monocultural to multicultural. [Magazine Article] [Full-Text]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2024 Keogh, Olive (2024) Return-to-office mandates are the ‘opposite’ of evidence-based management. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
2023 Keogh, Olive (2023) Office gender divide on hiding knowledge from colleagues. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
2023 Keogh, Olive; (with contribution from Dr. Tatiana Andreeva) (2023) Companies wandering blindly in a world of hybrid work. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
2023 Keogh, Olive (with contribution from Dr. Tatiana Andreeva) (2023) Are hybrid workers as productive as their office based colleagues?. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
2022 Bielenberg, Kim (with contribution from Dr. Tatiana Andreeva) (2022) The pull of the office: Why working from home could become history in 2023. Ireland: [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
2022 Keogh, Olive (with contribution from Dr. Tatiana Andreeva) (2022) Hybrid working can create a very unequal playing field post-pandemic. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]


Year Publication
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Effective Knowledge Sharing in Remote & Hybrid Workplaces. [Presentation]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) The Evolution of Remote and Flexible Work: The Role of Line Managers. [Presentation]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) What are the effects of hybrid work and what HR managers can do about it?. [Presentation]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Knowledge sharing in remote / hybrid workplace & how to manage it. [Presentation] [Link]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) The effects of the shift to hybrid / remote work: What is the evidence?. Belfast: [Presentation]
2024 Andreeva, T. (2024) Building and sustaining trust in a changing world. [Presentation]
2023 Andreeva, T (2023) The effects of hybrid work for diversity and inclusion. [Presentation]
2023 Andreeva, T. (2023) Managing hybrid teams. [Presentation]
2023 Andreeva, T. (2023) The effects of the shift to hybrid work. [Presentation]
2023 Andreeva, T. (2023) Challenges of working in hybrid teams (and how to deal with them). [Presentation]
2022 Andreeva, T. (2022) Challenges of working in a hybrid team (and how to deal with them). [Presentation]
2021 Andreeva, T., Zappa, P. (2021) The effects of the move to remote & hybrid work: First insights from a longitudinal study, invited oral presentation, at The Future of Work: can hybrid really work? panel discussion organized by Grow Remote. [Presentation]
2021 Andreeva, T. (2021) Knowledge Management in a Business School, at the Annual Russian Knowledge Management Week, organized by KM-Alliance Association of Knowledge Management Experts, Russia. [Presentation]
2021 Andreeva, T., Zappa, P. (2021) How to make remote & hybrid work for your company: First insights from longitudinal studies, invited presentation at The Future of Work meeting, organized by American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Ireland. [Presentation]
2020 Andreeva, T. (2020) Strategy and knowledge management: is there a connection, and if not – how to fix it? Invited Oral Presentation at the KnowledgeConf2020: Conference for Practitioners in IT. Russia: [Presentation]
2020 Andreeva, T. (2020) What happens to knowledge sharing among coworkers when we move to working remotely? Invited Oral Presentation at the “Knowledge Management. Standards and Practice” online expert session. Russia: [Presentation]
2019 Andreeva, T. (2019) What HRM can do for knowledge management, and how it matters for return on assets?. Russia: [Presentation]


Year Publication
2012 Andreeva, T. (2012) Corporate culture changes at Steel-Roll in Cross-Cultural Management Textbook. Charlestone, SC: [Case]
2010 Andreeva, T., Zack, M. (2010) Knowledge Management Challenges in the Rakurs Company. [Case] [Link]
2010 Andreeva, T., Zack, M. (2010) Knowledge Management Challenges in the Rakurs Company Teaching note. [Case] [Link]
2009 Andreeva, T. (2009) Knowledge exchange as a success factor: an example of OAO Mekhanobr Tekhnika Research and Development corporation (teaching note). [Case] [Link]
2009 Andreeva, T. (2009) Knowledge exchange as a success factor: an example of OAO Mekhanobr Tekhnika Research and Development corporation. [Case] [Link]


Year Publication
2020 Andreeva, T. (2020) Invited expert at the Panel discussion on current knowledge management trends in Russian companies, organized by KM-Alliance Association of Knowledge Management Experts. Russia: [Discussion]


Year Publication
2023 Andreeva, T. (2023) Why do employers want employees back in the office?. [Podcast] [Link]
2023 Andreeva, T (2023) The effects of the shift to hybrid work. Ireland: [Podcast] [Link]
2022 Andreeva, T; Zappa, P (2022) New research Into the effects & challenges of hybrid working. [Podcast] [Link]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2023 Mulcahy, D., Andreeva, T. (2023) Employer perspectives on employee work location: collaboration, culture and control. [Working Paper] [Link]

Video recording / TV

Year Publication
2022 Andreeva, T (2022) Is hybrid work detrimental for knowledge sharing?. [Video recording / TV] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
EURAM member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/09/2023 Shortlisted for the Best Professional Development Workshop Award Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management
01/01/2022 Outstanding Paper Award Review of International Business and Strategy, via Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2021
01/08/2019 Best Reviewer Award Management and Organization Review journal
01/06/2019 Highly Recommended Paper Award International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD)
01/01/2018 Outstanding Paper Award at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence Emerald Publishing
01/06/2017 Best paper award, International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) IFKAD
01/01/2014 Emerald/BMDA Management Research Fund Award
01/01/2013 Highly Commended Paper Award at the Literati Network Awards
01/01/2006 Best Paper Award, EIASM workshop on Organizational Change

Teaching Interests

I have developed and delivered a wide range of modules in the areas of organisational behaviour, knowledge management, evidence-based management, and research methods across all levels (undergraduate, Master, PhD and executive education) in Ireland, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Russia and Finland.

Currently, I teach Leadership (MSc course), Actionable Insights through Research (MSc course) and Research problems, literature reviews and theory building in business and management research (PhD course). I also contribute to the Introduction to Quantitative Research (PhD course) and supervise MSc and PhD dissertations.   

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2022 Ciara O'Higgins PhD
2014 Anastasia Sergeeva PhD