November 17-19 2016, Maynooth University, Ireland
A Joint Colloquium by the Irish Philosophical Society & the German Max-Scheler-Society

Organized by Dr Susan Gottlöber

The event is generously supported by:

  • The Scholastic Trust
  • St Patrick's College Maynooth
  • Maynooth University
  • Maynooth University Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies & Philosophy
  • Irish Philosophical Society


The Colloquium will start on Thursday, November 17th, at 6 PM.
Registration will start on Friday, November 18th, at 9 AM.
All talks will take place in Renehan Hall, St Patrick's College, Maynooth.


The year 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of Scheler’s probably most influential philosophical work, Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values: a New Attempt Toward the Foundation of an Ethical Personalism. It will be a Joint Colloquium promoted by the Irish Philosophical Society and the German Max Scheler Society. Both societies will be cooperating for the first time in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of one of the most influential books on Ethics which was written by Scheler in pre-war Germany as well as to acknowledge World Philosophy Day, which falls on 17 November 2016.  The goal of this Colloquium is, as Moufida Goucha, secretary of the SHS Commission of UNESCO, stated regarding World Philosophy Day ‘a unity of action, of common action, to reaffirm the true value of philosophy, that is to say the establishment of dialogue that must never cease when it comes to essential matters, and of thought which gives us back a large part of human dignity whatever our condition."

To celebrate both events the Irish Philosophical Society and the German Max Scheler Society have invited contributions which explore Scheler’s position in the philosophical and sociological context, as an interpreter, transmitter of and respondent to philosophical and sociological traditions, as interlocutor in the debates of his time, and as inspiration for subsequent and current philosophical and sociological debates. The goal is to draw attention to how Scheler is firmly rooted in and engaged with the philosophical and sociological tradition and to establish a dialogue between the scholars whose research focuses on Scheler and others from the related disciplines. The majority of the leading Scheler scholars from around the world will be represented but the Colloquium will also provide young scholars based both in Ireland and abroad to present their research.

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Roberta de Monticelli (San Raffaele University, Milan)
Professor Joachim Fischer (TU Dresden)

Invited Speakers:

Olivier Agard (Paris)
Zachary Davis (New York)
Michael Gabel (Erfurt)
Wolfhart Henckmann (München)
Eugene Kelly (New York)
Mikhail Khorkov (Moscow)
Alessandro Salice (Cork)

This event is also associated with the University Research Cluster 'Identity, Diversity, and Values'.

Our sense of identity and our understanding of national, ethnic, gender, religious, and class issues shape how we live as citizens in harmony or conflict.  Powerful forces such as globalisation, conflict and technological advancement are changing these notions in unforeseen ways. 

Researchers at Maynooth University seek to understand the consequences of how human identity is portrayed in a changing world.  Our research examines critical debates in contemporary women’s writing and in gender, performativity and play across several languages and cultures.  We focus on philosophical approaches to diversity, tolerance, plurality and ‘the other’, and use the concepts of diversity and identity to explore these developments, their expression, and their meaning for society.

Maynooth University is an ideal Host Institution for a Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship and this cluster is interested in finding potential applicants. Contact [email protected] for more information.