Prof Colin Coulter

My research interests
fall into three principal areas:
1. The politics and society of contemporary
Northern Ireland, with a particular focus on class divisions in the region. I
am the author/co-author/editor of three books on NI as well as the co-editor of
three special editions of international journals.
2. The political economy of contemporary
southern Ireland. I am the co-author of two edited collections taking a critical
look at the Celtic Tiger and post-crash austerity periods respectively.
3. The politics of popular music. I am the
editor/co-editor of volumes devoted to London punk band The Clash and
Manchester indie legends The Smiths.
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Colin Coulter and Peter Shirlow (2023) Northern Ireland 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, Space & Polity 23 (1). Oxford: Taylor and Francis. | |
2021 | Colin Coulter, Niall Gilmartin, Katy Hayward & Peter Shirlow (2021) Northern Ireland a generation after Good Friday: lost futures and new horizons in the long peace. Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
2019 | Colin Coulter (2019) Working for the clampdown: The Clash, the dawn of neoliberalism and the political promise of punk. Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
2019 | Colin Coulter & Peter Shirlow (2019) From the ‘long war’ to the ‘long peace’: Northern Ireland twenty years after the Good Friday Agreement, a special edition of Capital & Class 43 (1). London: Sage. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Coulter C.; Nagle A. (2015) Ireland under austerity: Neoliberal crisis, neoliberal solutions. | |
2014 | Dr Colin Coulter & Professor Peter Shirlow (2014) Northern Ireland 20 Years After the Cease-Fires: A Special Edition of 'Studies in Conflict and Terrorism'. | |
2010 | Dr Colin Coulter and Dr Sean Campbell (2010) Why Pamper Life's Complexities? Essays on The Smiths. : Manchester University Press. | |
2008 | Coulter, C & Murray, M (2008) Northern Ireland after the Troubles? A Society in Transition. Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
2003 | Colin Coulter & Steve Coleman (2003) The end of Irish history? Critical reflections on the Celtic Tiger. Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
1999 | C. Coulter (1999) Contemporary Northern Irish Society: An Introduction. : Pluto Press. | |
1997 | Dr Colin Coulter (1997) Northern Irish Society. : National Distance Learning Centre. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Colin Coulter & Peter Shirlow (2021) 'Northern Ireland's Future(s)' In: Reimagining Irish Studies in the 21st Century. Oxford : Peter Lang. | |
2019 | Colin Coulter (2019) 'Up in heaven (not only here): The Clash, left melancholia and the politics of redemption' In: Working for the clampdown: The Clash, the dawn of neoliberalism, and the political promise of punk. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2019 | Colin Coulter (2019) 'Working for the clampdown: An introduction' In: Working for the clampdown: The Clash, the dawn of neoliberalism, and the political promise of punk. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2018 | Colin Coulter (2018) 'Straight to Hell: The Clash and the politics of Left Melancholia' In: Songs of Social Protest: International Perspectives. London : Rowman & Littlefield. | |
2017 | Colin Coulter (2017) 'Ruefrex' In: In Concert: Favourite Gigs of Ireland's Music Community. Dublin : Hope Publications. | |
2015 | Coulter, C (2015) 'Ireland under austerity: an introduction to the book' In: IRELAND UNDER AUSTERITY: NEOLIBERAL CRISIS, NEOLIBERAL SOLUTIONS. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. | |
2010 | Colin Coulter (2010) 'A Double Bed and a Stalwart Lover for Sure: The Smiths, the Death of Pop and the Not so Hidden Injuries of Class' In: Why Pamper Life’s Complexities? Essays on The Smiths. : Manchester University Press. | |
2010 | Colin Coulter and Sean Campbell (2010) 'Why Pamper Life's Complexities? An Introduction' In: Why Pamper Life’s Complexities? Essays on The Smiths. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2008 | C. Coulter & M.Murray (2008) 'Northern Ireland After the Troubles? An Introduction' In: Northern Ireland After the Troubles? A Society in Transition. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2007 | Peter Shirlow & Colin Coulter (2007) 'Enduring problems: The Belfast agreement and a disagreed Belfast' In: The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland: Peace Lectures from the Institute of Irish Studies at Liverpool University, Second Edition. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press. [DOI] | |
2007 | C. Coulter and P. Shirlow (2007) 'The Peace Process in Northern Ireland' In: S.O’Sullivan(Eds.). Contemporary Ireland: A Sociological Map. Dublin : University College Dublin Press. | |
2007 | C. Coulter and P. Shirlow (2007) 'Enduring Problems: The Belfast Agreement and a Disagreed Belfast' In: M.Elliott(Eds.). The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press. | |
2003 | C. Coulter and S. Coleman (2003) 'The End of Irish History? An introduction to the book' In: C. Coulter and S. Coleman(Eds.). The End of Irish History? Critical Approaches to the 'Celtic Tiger'. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
2002 | C. Coulter (2002) 'Northern Ireland' In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. | |
2000 | C. Coulter (2000) 'The Orange Order of Things' In: E.Slater & M.Peillon(Eds.). Memories of the Present: A Sociological Chronicle of Ireland 1997-98. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. | |
2000 | C. Coulter (2000) 'A Miserable Failure of a State...': Unionist Intellectuals and the Irish Republic' In: R.Ryan(Eds.). Writing in the Republic: Literature, Culture and Politics in the Republic of Ireland, 1949-99. London : MacMillan. | |
1997 | Dr Colin Coulter (1997) 'The Culture of Contentment: The Political Beliefs and Practice of the Unionist Middle Classes' In: P.Shirlow & M.McGovern(Eds.). Who are 'the People'? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London : Pluto. | |
1996 | Dr Colin Coulter (1996) 'Direct Rule and the Unionist Middle Classes' In: R.English and G.Walker(Eds.). Unionism in Modern Ireland. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Coulter, Colin., Shirlow, Peter., and Flaherty, Eoin (2023) '‘Seismic’ or Stalemate? The bio(politics) of the 2021 Northern Ireland Census'. Space and Polity, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Coulter, C.; Shirlow, P. (2023) 'Northern Ireland 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement: an introduction to the special issue'. Space and Polity, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Colin Coulter (2021) 'Learning to live with ghosts: spectres of the Troubles in contemporary Northern irish cinema'. Irish Studies Review, 29 (3):287-310. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Coulter, C (2020) '"What Is This, the Seventies?" Spectres of the Past (and the Future) in Recent Northern Irish Television'. Television and New Media, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Colin Coulter & John Reynolds (2020) 'Good times for a change? Ireland since the general election'. Soundings, (75). [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Colin Coulter & Francisco Arqueros-Fernández (2020) 'The distortions of the Irish 'recovery''. Critical Social Policy, 40 (1):89-107. [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Coulter C.; Arqueros-Fernández F.; Nagle A. (2019) 'Austerity’s Model Pupil: The Ideological Uses of Ireland during the Eurozone Crisis'. Critical Sociology, 45 (4-5):697-711. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Colin Coulter (2019) 'Northern Ireland’s elusive peace dividend: Neoliberalism, austerity and the politics of class'. Capital and Class, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Colin Coulter & Peter Shirlow (2019) 'From the ‘Long War’ to the ‘Long Peace’: Northern Ireland Twenty Years After the Good Friday Agreement'. Capital and Class, 43 (1):3-21. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Harry Browne, Colin Coulter, Roddy Flynn, Vanessa Hetherington and Gavan Titley (2019) '‘Pitstop of Death’: Irish newspaper coverage of Iraq war protests at Shannon airport'. Irish Political Studies, 34 (1):92-112. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Dr Colin Coulter, Harry Browne, Roddy Flynn, Vanessa Hetherington, Gavan Titley (2016) '‘These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line’: Representations of the ‘economic consequences’ of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press'. Media, War and Conflict, 9 . [DOI] | |
2015 | Coulter, C (2015) ''British Rights for British Citizens': The Campaign for 'Equal Citizenship' for Northern Ireland'. Contemporary British History, 29 :486-507. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Dr Colin Coulter (2015) 'Not quite as British as Finchley: the failed attempt to bring British Conservatism to Northern Ireland'. Irish Studies Review, 23 :1-22. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Coulter, C (2014) 'Under Which Constitutional Arrangement Would You Still Prefer to be Unemployed? Neoliberalism, the Peace Process, and the Politics of Class in Northern Ireland'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 37 :763-776. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Colin Coulter & Professor Peter Shirlow (2014) 'Northern Ireland 20 Years After the Cease-Fires'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 37 :713-719. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Coulter C. (2013) 'Peering in from the window ledge of the Union: The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the attempt to bring British Conservatism to Northern Ireland'. Irish Studies Review, 21 (4):406-424. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Coulter, C. (2003) 'The New World Order of Things'. Capital and Class, 80 :5-14. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Coulter, C. (2001) 'Unionists After Unionism'. Peace Review, 13 :75-80. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Coulter, C. (2001) 'The Origins of the Northern Ireland Conservatives'. Irish Political Studies, 16 :29-48. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Coulter, C. (1999) 'The Absence of Class Politics in Northern Ireland'. Capital and Class, 69 :77-100. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | Dr Colin Coulter (1995) 'Class, Ethnicity and Political Identity in Northern Ireland'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 4 :1-26. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | Dr Colin Coulter (1994) 'The Character of Unionism'. Irish Political Studies, 9 :1-24. [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Conference Contribution
Published Report
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Colin Coulter (2023) Book review: Belfast Punk and the Troubles: An Oral History by Fearghus Roulston. [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2014 | Coulter, C (2014) Northern Ireland's Lost Opportunity: The Frustrated Promise of Political Loyalism. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2013 | Dr Colin Coulter (2013) Review of 'The Frustrated Promise of Political Loyalism' by Tony Novosel and 'The End of Ulster Loyalism?' by Peter Shirlow. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Dr Colin Coulter (2011) Welcome to the desert of the realists. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Dr Colin Coulter (2009) Review of ‘Belfast: Segregation, Violence and the City’ By Brendan Murtagh and Peter Shirlow. [Book Review] | |
2007 | Dr Colin Coulter (2007) Review of ‘Nationalism and Multiculturalism: Irish Identity, Citizenship and the Peace Process’ by Andrew Finlay (ed). [Book Review] | |
2006 | Dr Colin Coulter (2006) Review of ‘Plural Identities, Singular Narratives: The Case of Northern Ireland’ by Mairéad Nic Craith and ‘The Troubles in Ballybogoin: Memory and Identity in Northern Ireland’ by William Kelleher Jr. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Dr Colin Coulter (2005) Review of ‘Shades of Orange and Green: Redefining the Union and the Nation in Contemporary Ireland’ by John Coakley (ed). [Book Review] | |
2002 | Dr Colin Coulter (2002) Review of ‘Popular Music and Youth Culture’ by Andy Bennett. [Book Review] | |
1998 | Dr Colin Coulter (1998) Review of 'Further Afield: Journeys From a Protestant Past' by Marilyn Hyndman. [Book Review] |
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