Prof Honor Fagan

G. Honor Fagan is a Professor of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Her theoretical project has been to contribute to the development of a social sustainability paradigm from a sociological perspective, and most recently (since 2011) in line with European Research Policy, to contribute to the development of the emerging field of sustainability science. Her research interests focus on Governance and Social Sustainability; Water, Waste and Sustainable Society; Global Inequalities and Human In/Security; Gender and International Development.
She has just completed leading the Social Science component of a Horizon 2020 research programme on water and waste water sustainability - PANI-Water ( launched in Feb 2019- January 2024) where the workpackage aims to accelerate the social sustainability impact of drinking water disinfection units and demo/pilot plants set up to recycle wastewater for agricultural use in India. (See end of project video at She previously led the Social Science workpackage of the WaterSPOUTT ( institute/research/waterspoutt) programme (also Horizon 2020 funded) where the workpackage aimed to transform domestic access to solar disinfection of water in Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and South Africa (See end of project video at v=L4K7iVoROFU#action=share)
She has served as expert evaluator at national and international level for such prestigious research organisations as the International Social Science Council (ISSC), European Commission (REA) and EASME (most recently H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 Innovative Training Networks and H2020-CS-SC5-04-2019 Building a Water Smart Economy and Society), Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland), The National Research Foundation of South Africa, the Irish Research Council (IRC), and the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office. She is co-editor of the International Social Science Council’s (ISSC) Comparative Research Programme on Poverty’s (CROP) International Poverty Studies Series alongside leading intellectual Thomas Pogge. She has published six books with top international publishing houses including the prize-winning Globalisation and Security: An Encyclopaedia; seven book length national reports informed by original field research, designed to engage with and successful in directly impacting targeted policy developments, including one developed for the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) and another funded by EU Framework funds; over forty journal articles and book chapters, including articles in top international journals such as the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (ANNALS), Capitalism, Nature and Class, European Journal of Development Research, Journal of Education, and Policy and Politics.
She has 30 years lecturing experience in five different countries, updated skills and quality tested proficiency in teaching. She has lectured in Sociology Departments in Northern Ireland, South Africa and the UK and currently has teaching capacity building relationships with universities in Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia and South Africa, Canada and Mexico.
She has just completed (July 2024) a four year term as a professorial member of the Governing Authority of Maynooth University. She has previously been engaged in 15 years of higher education leadership including membership of the Irish Higher Education Authority (2005-8), the University Association of Ireland' s (UAI) Irish Dean's of Graduate Studies Group (DGSG), and the Maynooth University Senior Executive Officers (2008-13). She served as Dean of Graduate Studies Maynooth University (2008-13) and is currently co-convenor of the Gender and Social Justice Working Group of the European Association of Development Institutes (EADI).She has been awarded over 10 million euro as part of teams from peer-reviewed research grants over last decade, and 1.4 million as individual PI leading in 8 bids, all at the cutting edge of research capacity building in a spirit of partnerships for sustainable development with universities, NGO’s and communities.
Research Interests
Gender and International Development.
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Fagan G.; Munck R. (2018) Handbook on development and social change. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. [DOI] | |
2015 | G. Honor Fagan, Suzanne Linnane, Kevin Mc Guigan and Albert Rugamayo (2015) Water is Life - Progress to secure water provision in Rural Uganda. UK: Practical Action Publishing. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Munck, R., Asingwire, N., Fagan, G.H.and C.Kabonesa (2015) Water and Development: Good Governance After NeoLiberalism. London: Zed press. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Fagan, G.H. and Munck, R. (2009) Globalization and Human Security: An Encyclopaedia, Volume 1 Economic and Political Aspects. : Praeger Security Press. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Fagan. G.H. and Munck, R. (2009) Globalization and Human Security: An Encyclopaedia, Volume 2: Social and Cultural Aspects. : Praeger Security Press. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | Fagan, G. Honor (1995) Culture, Politics,and Irish School Dropouts. Constructing Political Identities. : Bergin and Garvey. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Fagan G. (2018) 'Globalised Ireland, or, contemporary transformations of national identity?' In: The end of Irish history?. | |
2018 | Fagan, GH; Munck, R (2018) 'Handbook on Development and Social Change Preface' In: HANDBOOK ON DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE. CHELTENHAM : EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING LTD. | |
2018 | Fagan, GH (2018) 'Water and a fluid international development agenda' In: HANDBOOK ON DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE. CHELTENHAM : EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING LTD. | |
2017 | Fagan G. (2017) 'Local struggles: Women in the home and critical feminist pedagogy in Ireland' In: International Critical Pedagogy Reader. [DOI] | |
2015 | Richard Bagonza Asaba, G. Honor Fagan and Consolata Kabonesa (2015) 'Women’s access to safe water and participation in community management of supply' In: G. Honor Fagan, Suzanne Linnane, Kevin Mc Guigan and Albert Rumagayo(Eds.). Water is Life, Progress to Secure Safe Water Provision in Rural Uganda. UK : Practical Action Publishing. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | G. Honor Fagan, Suzanne Linnane, Kevin Mc Guigan and Albert Ragumayo (2015) 'Water Is Life – community-based research for sustainable safe water in rural Uganda' In: G. Honor Fagan, Suzanne Linnane, Kevin Mc Guigan and Albert Ragumayo(Eds.). Water is Life, Progress to Secure Water Provision in Rural Uganda. UK : Practical Action Publishing. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Richard Bagonza Asaba and G. Honor Fagan (2015) 'Woman Water Keeper? Women's Troubled Participation in Water Resource Management' In: Ronaldo Munck, Narathius Asingwire, G. Honor Fagan and Consolata Kabonesa(Eds.). Water and Development - Good Governance after Neoliberalism. London : CROP/Zed Books. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | G. Honor Fagan (2011) 'Wasting Ireland and Consuming Sustainability: the ‘Celtic Tiger’ Years and Beyond' In: Patrick O Mahony and Kieran Keohane(Eds.). Irish Environmental Politics after the Communicative Turn. UK : Manchester University Press. | |
2010 | O'Donnell et al. (2010) 'Addressing the real world of public consultation: Whither e-Consultation?' In: Nixon, P.G., Rawal, R. and V Koutrakou(Eds.). Understanding E-Government in Europe: Issues and Challenges. UK : Routledge. | |
2010 | G. Honor Fagan (2010) '‘Graduate Schools and Structured PhD Programmes’ in (Eds) M. Healy and MG. Nakabugo, Research Capacity Building for Development: Resources for Higher Education Institutions TSO Press: Belfast' In: (Eds) M. Healy and MG. Nakabugo(Eds.). Research Capacity Building for Development: Resources for Higher Education Institutions. : TSO Press: Belfast. | |
2010 | Professor G. Honor Fagan (2010) 'The Politics of Waste, Consumption and Sustainability in the Republic of Ireland' In: Global Ecological Politic. : Emerald Group Publishing: UK. | |
2010 | Liam Leonard, Peter Doran and G. Honor Fagan (2010) 'A Burning Issue? Governance and Anti-Incinerator Campaigns in Ireland, North and South' In: Liam Leonard & Chris Rootes(Eds.). Environmental Movements and Waste Infrastructure. UK : Routledge. | |
2007 | Fagan, G.H. and Murray, M. (2007) 'Green Ireland? Waste in its Social Context' In: Bartley, B. and R. Kitchin(Eds.). Understanding Contemporary Ireland. : Pluto Press. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Fagan, G.H. and Murray, M. (2005) 'Urban Governance and the Environment: An Irish Case Study' In: Gupta K(Eds.). Urban Development Debates in the New Millenium: Studies in Revisited Theories and Redefined Praxes Vol. 4. New Delhi : Atlantic Publishers. | |
2005 | (2005) 'Waste Management and its Contestation in the Republic of Ireland' In: Waste – The Social Context. Canada : University of Alberta Publications. | |
2001 | Fagan, G.H. (2001) 'Globalisation,Identity and 'Ireland'' In: Danks and Kennedy(Eds.). Globalization and Identities: Reconstructing the Local. : Palgrave Publishers. | |
1999 | Fagan, G. Honor (1999) 'Women, War and Peace: Engendering Conflict in Poststructuralist Perspective' In: Munck and de Silva(Eds.). Post-modern Insurgency: Political Identity, Conflict and Conflict Resolution. : Macmillan Press. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Fagan, G. Honor (1999) 'Cultural Politics and (post) Development Paradigm(s)' In: R. Munck and D. O’Hearn(Eds.). Critical Development Theory: Contributions to a New Paradigm. : Zed Press. | |
1997 | Fagan, G. Honor (1997) 'Gender, Culture and Development' In: V. Tucker(Eds.). Culture and Development, New Perspectives. : Frank Cass. | |
1995 | Fagan, G. H. and Munck, R. (1995) 'Development Discourses: Conservative, Radical and Beyond' In: P. Shirlow(Eds.). Development Ireland: Contemporary Issues. London : Pluto Press. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | O'Donnell D.; McCusker P.; Honor Fagan G.; Stephens S.; Newman D.; Morison J.; Murray M. (2009) 'Addressing the real world of public consultation: Whither E-Consultation?' In: Understanding E-Government in Europe: Issues and Challenges. [DOI] | |
2004 | Fagan, G.H. (2004) 'Waste Management and its Contestation in the Republic of Ireland' In: Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Fagan, G. Honor (2002) 'Culture, Globalisation and Contemporary Irish Society' In: Coulter, C. and Coleman, S(Eds.). The End of History?: Critical Apporaches to the Celtic Tiger. Manchester : Manchester University Press. | |
1997 | Fagan, G. H. and Munck, R. (1997) 'Gender, Citizenship and National Identity in Northern Ireland' In: Alan O’Day(Eds.). The Troubles and Society in Northern Ireland. : Frank Cass. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Morse, T; Luwe, K; Lungu, K; Chiwaula, L; Mulwafu, W; Buck, L; Harlow, R; Fagan, GH; McGuigan, K (2020) 'A Transdisciplinary Methodology for Introducing Solar Water Disinfection to Rural Communities in Malawi-Formative Research Findings'. Integrated environmental assessment and management, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Etongo, D; Fagan, GH; Kabonesa, C; Asaba, BR (2018) 'Community-Managed Water Supply Systems in Rural Uganda: The Role of Participation and Capacity Development'. Water (Switzerland), 10 . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Arjjumend, H., Koutouki Konstantia,Honor G. Fagan and Shingo Shibata (2018), “International Overview of Sacred Sites and Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and the Need for Their Recognition”, Journal of Global Environmental Studies, Vol. 13, March 2018: 33-56. (2018) '“International Overview of Sacred Sites and Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and the Need for Their Recognition'. Volume 13 (March 2018):33-56. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Asaba, Richard, Fagan, G. Honor, Kabonesa, Consolata and Firminus Mugumya (2014) 'Women and Access to Water in Rural Uganda: A Review'. WH2O: THE JOURNAL OF GENDER & WATER, Volume 3 :19-25. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Asaba, Richard B., G. Honor Fagan, Consolata Kabonesa and Firminus Mugumya (2013) 'Beyond Distance and Time: Gender and the Burden of Water Collection in Rural Uganda'. WH2O: THE JOURNAL OF GENDER & WATER, WH2O: The Journal of Gender and Water :31-38. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Murray, M; Fagan, GH; McCusker, P (2009) 'Measuring horizontal governance: a review of public consultation by the Northern Ireland government between 2000 and 2004'. Policy and Politics, 37 :553-571. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Leonard, L., Doran, P. and Fagan, G.H. (2009) 'A Cross-Border Burning Issue: Irish Campaigns against Incineration, North And South'. Environmental Politics, 18 :896-916. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Fagan, G. Honor (2007) ''Changing a Mindset' 1: From Recognition of Qualifcations Towards Embedding Ethnic Reflexivity and Translational Positionality'. TRANSLOCATIONS: THE IRISH MIGRATION, RACE AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION REVIEW, 2 :134-152. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Fagan, Honor, Stephens, Simon, McCusker, Paul, O'Donnell, David and Newman, David R. (2006) 'On the road from consultation cynicism to energising e-consultation'. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-GOVERNMENT, 4 :87-94. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Fagan G. (2004) 'Waste management and its contestation in the Republic of Ireland'. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 15 (1):83-102. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Fagan, G. Honor and Murray, Michael (2004) 'Urban Governance and the Environment: An Irish Case Study'. Journal of Irish Urban Studies, 3 :39-52. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Fagan, G.H. (2003) 'Sociological Reflections on Governing Waste'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 12 :67-85. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Fagan, GH (2002) 'Globalization and culture: Placing Ireland'. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 581 :133-143. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | Fagan, G.H. (2002) 'Globalization and Culture: Placing Ireland'. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 581 :133-143. [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Fagan, G.H. (1996) 'Gender, Culture and Development: A South African Experience'. European Journal of Development Research, 8 :93-110. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | Fagan, G.H. (1991) 'Local Struggles- Women in the Home and Critical Feminist Pedagogy in Ireland'. Journal of Education, 173 :65-75. [Full-Text] | |
2019 | G. Honor Fagan , Daniel Etongo, Zenawi Zerihun and Kelemewerk Tafere (2019) 'Rural households’ access to water resources under climate impacts based on field evidence in Tigray Region, Ethiopia'. African Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 13 (6):228-240. [DOI] [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Fagan G.H.; Munck R. (2018) Preface. [Editorial] [DOI] |
Year | Publication | |
2002 | Fagan G. (2002) Globalization and culture: Placing Ireland. [Reviews] [DOI] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Macri, G. et al (2013) A Socio-Spatial Survey of Water Issues in Makondo Parish, Uganda. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Fagan, G. Honor and Newman, D.R. and McCusker, Paul and Murray, Michael (2006) E-consultation: evaluating appropriate technologies and processes for citizens' participation in public policy. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Fagan, Honor, Coghlan, Deirdre, Munck, Ronaldo, O'Brien, Aine and Warner, Rosemary (2005) International students and professionals in Ireland: An analysis of access to higher education and recognition of professional qualifications. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text] |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2002 | Fagan, Honor (2002) Grounding Waste: Towards a Sociology of Waste Networks. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | H. Fagan, D. O'Hearn, G. Mc Cann and M. Murray (2001) Waste Management Strategy: A Cross Border Perspective. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] |
Teaching Interests
Threats, Risks, Conflicts and Human Security;
Researching Gender in the Context of Risk and Securitisation Processes;
Sociology of the Body;
Globalisation, Culture and Postcolonialism;
Theorising International Development and Global Inequalities;
Contemporary Social Theory.
Research Methods Teaching:
The Crafts and Logics of Social Research;
Qualitative Researching.