Prof Laurence Cox

Laurence Cox is an interdisciplinary researcher, writer and educator whose work explores two key aspects of the making of the modern world: how can we understand the extraordinary variety of ways in which social movements from below have developed and sometimes reshaped societies, and how has the long historical conversation between “Eastern” and “Western” cultures been mediated through the globalisation of Buddhisms?
As an engaged social movements researcher, his work is best known for dialogue with movement practitioners about how to understand movement development: the conversation with Marxism, feminism and other theoretical analyses originating from movements; co-founding the practitioner-oriented journal Interface, co-developing a Master’s in activism and supervising participatory action research in movements; and work in social movement learning and knowledge production. He has published on European and Irish movements and revolutions as well as struggles in the Niger Delta and southeast Mexico. Most recently he co-edited a Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements (Elgar 2024), the first such handbook to take a global approach to the subject. He is particularly interested in how social movements can contribute to staving off climate collapse and the rise of authoritarianism.
Within the academic study of religions, his research has rewritten the history of early western Buddhists in Asia as well as the story of Ireland’s encounter with Buddhism, exploring western colonialism, Asian migration to Europe and European converts and more broadly religion as a language of cross-cultural conversation. His latest book is the co-edited East Asian Religiosities in the European Union (Brill 2024), breaking new ground as a systematic study of the field. Meanwhile his Oxford University Press monograph on the Irish Buddhist monk and anti-colonial activist U Dhammaloka has become the subject of a dramatized radio documentary and reviewed in the Wall Street Journal.
Cox has published seventeen books to date as well as many articles, chapters and other academic pieces which can be accessed free from the “Publications” tab. He has spoken at Kyoto University; at Princeton, Harvard and CUNY Graduate Center; at the European University Institute (Fiesole) and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris); and at many European, British and Irish universities, museums, libraries and conferences. He has also written and spoken widely for social movements and Buddhist centres, events, networks, magazines and podcasts around the world.
Research Interests
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Alicia Turner, Laurence Cox, Brian Bocking (2020) The Irish Buddhist: the forgotten monk who faced down the British Empire. New York: Oxford University Press. | |
2018 | Laurence Cox (2018) Why Social Movements Matter: An Introduction. London: Rowman and Littlefield International. [Link] | |
2014 | Laurence Cox, Alf Gunvald Nilsen (2014) We make our own history: Marxism and social movements in the twilight of neoliberalism. London: Pluto. [Link] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Buddhism and Ireland: from the Celts to the counter culture and beyond. Sheffield: Equinox. | |
2023 | Gordon, A.; Cox, L. (2023) Place, Craft and Neurodiversity: Re-imagining Potential through Education at Ruskin Mill. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] |
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Laurence Cox;Anna Szolucha;Alberto Arribas Lozano;Sutapa Chattopadhyay (Ed.). (2024) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, | |
2024 | Laurence Cox;Ugo Dessì;Lukas Pokorny (Ed.). (2024) East Asian Religiosities in the European Union: Globalisation, Migration, and Hybridity. Leiden: Brill, [Link] | |
2023 | Laurence Cox, Aonghus Gordon, Robert Hewison (Ed.). (2023) Ruskin Today: John Ruskin for the 21st Century. Nailsworth, UK: Ruskin Mill Trust, | |
2017 | Helen Fallon, Ide Corley, Laurence Cox (Ed.). (2017) Silence Would Be Treason: Last Writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa. Quebec: Daraja, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Salar Mohandesi, Bjarke Skærlund Risager, Laurence Cox (Ed.). (2018) Voices of 1968: Documents from the Global North. London and Aarhus: Pluto (English-language) and Slagmark (Danish-language), [Link] | |
2016 | Brian Bocking, Phibul Choompolpaisal, Laurence Cox, Alicia Turner (Ed.). (2016) A Buddhist crossroads: Pioneer western Buddhists and Asian networks 1860-1960. London: Routledge, | |
2013 | Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, Alf Nilsen (Ed.). (2013) Marxism and social movements. Leiden: Brill, | |
2013 | Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Laurence Cox (Ed.). (2013) Understanding European Movements: new social movements, global justice struggles, anti-austerity protest. London: Routledge, | |
2011 | Olivia Cosgrove, Laurence Cox, Carmen Kuhling, Peter Mulholland (Ed.). (2011) Ireland's New Religious Movements. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, |
Electronic Book
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Laurence Cox (2021) Haciendo que otros mundos sean posibles : Por qué los zapatistas nos importan. Buenos Aires, San Cristóbal, Guadalajara: [Electronic Book] [Link] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) The Buddha and the barcode: understanding Buddhism in the twenty-first century. Helsinki / Dublin: [Electronic Book] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Colin Barker, Laurence Cox (2011) What have the Romans ever done for us? Activist and academic forms of movement theorizing. Helsinki: [Electronic Book] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Laurence Cox, Olivia Cosgrove (2009) Alternative spiritualities, new religious movements and the New Age in Ireland: conference proceedings. [Electronic Book] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) Building counter culture: the radical praxis of social movement milieux. Helsinki: [Electronic Book] [Link] [Full-Text] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Finnegan, F.; Cox, L. (2023) 'Thinking social movement learning, again: Choudry, Freire and the conversation between popular education and social movements'. Globalisation, Societies and Education, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Cox, L. (2023) 'Why Do European Buddhists Meditate? The Practical Problem of Inventing Global Buddhism'. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 16 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Laurence Cox, John Ó Laoidh (2021) 'Japanese Buddhism in Ireland'. Journal of Religion in Japan, 10 . [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Cox L. (2019) 'Pedagogy from and for Social Movements: A Conversation Between Theory and Practice'. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 30 (1):70-88. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox and Mihirini Sirisena (2016) 'Early western lay Buddhists in colonial Asia: John Bowles Daly and the Buddhist Theosophical Society of Ceylon'. Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions, 3 (1):108-139. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) 'Challenging toxic hegemony: repression and resistance in Rossport and the Niger Delta'. SOCIAL JUSTICE, 41 :227-245. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Cox L. (2015) 'Scholarship and activism: A social movements perspective'. Studies in Social Justice, 9 (1):34-53. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Cox, L (2014) 'Movements Making Knowledge: A New Wave of Inspiration for Sociology?'. Sociology, 48 :954-971. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Laurence Cox, Brian Bocking, Yoshinaga Shin'ichi (2014) 'The first Buddhist mission to the West: Charles Pfoundes and the London Buddhist mission of 1889 – 1892'. DISKUS, 16 :1-33. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Laurence Cox (2014) 'Buddhism in Ireland: the inner life of world-systems'. Etudes Irlandaises, 39 :161-172. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Cox, L (2013) 'Rethinking early western Buddhists: beachcombers, 'going native' and dissident Orientalism'. Contemporary Buddhism, 14 :116-133. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Laurence Cox (2012) 'Challenging austerity in Ireland: community and movement responses'. Concept: the journal of contemporary community education practice theory, 3 . [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Cox, L (2010) 'THE POLITICS OF BUDDHIST REVIVAL: U DHAMMALOKA AS SOCIAL MOVEMENT ORGANISER'. Contemporary Buddhism, 11 :173-227. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Liz Curry and Laurence Cox (2010) 'Revolution in the air: images of winning in the Irish anti-capitalist movement'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 18 :86-105. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Laurence Cox (2009) 'Hearts with one purpose alone? Mapping the diverse landscapes of personal sustainability in social movements'. Emotion, Space and Society, 2 :52-61. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Laurence Cox and Maria Griffin (2009) 'Border country dharma: Buddhism, Ireland and peripherality'. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL BUDDHISM, 10 :93-125. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Laurence Cox and Alf Nilsen (2007) 'Social movements research and the ‘movement of movements’: studying resistance to neo-liberal globalisation'. Sociology Compass, 1 :424-442.,includesfullPDFversion. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Laurence Cox (2007) 'Building utopias here and now? Left and working - class utopias in Ireland'. ECOPOLITICS ONLINE, 1 :123-132. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Laurence Cox (2001) 'Barbarian Resistance and Rebel Alliances: Social Movements and Empire'. Rethinking Marxism, 13 :155-167. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Laurence Cox (2024) 'Small places, large struggles, huge stakes: why this book matters' In: Minority Discontent in Nigeria since Independence: Ogoni Resistance in Perspective. Ibadan, Nigeria : Kraft Books. | |
2024 | Laurence Cox (2024) 'How Do We Think in Movements? Learning, Knowledge, and Struggle' In: Oxford Handbook of Sociology for Social Justice. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Cox, L. (2024) 'Social movements and hegemonic struggle' In: The Elgar Companion to Antonio Gramsci. [Link] | |
2024 | Alberto Arribas Lozano; Anna Szolucha; Sutapa Chattopadhyay; Laurence Cox (2024) 'How can we research social movements? An introduction' In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Laurence Cox (2024) 'Participatory action research in social movements' In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar. [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Laurence Cox; Ugo Dessì; Lukas Pokorny (2024) 'Introductory Remarks' In: East Asian Religiosities in the European Union. Leiden : Brill. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Laurence Cox (2024) 'Belgium' In: East Asian Religiosities in the European Union. Leiden : Brill. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Cox Laurence; Bocking Brian (2022) 'Thinking Beyond the Island: Buddhism, Ireland and Method in the Study of Religions' In: The Study of Religions in Ireland: Past, Present and Future. London : Bloomsbury. [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Cox Laurence; Nilsen Alf (2022) 'Marxist Approaches' In: Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford : Oxford UP. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Cox, L; Turner, A (2020) 'International Religious Organizations in a Colonial World The Maha-Bodhi Society in Arakan' In: THEOSOPHY ACROSS BOUNDARIES. ALBANY : SUNY-STATE UNIV NEW YORK PRESS. | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) 'How 1968 changed the world: movements making history, history making movements' In: 1968 - a Global Approach. Gdansk : European Solidarity Centre. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) 'Social movements' In: Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education: Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility. London : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Alicia Turner, Laurence Cox (2020) 'International religious organisations in a colonial world: the Maha Bodhi Society in Arakan' In: Theosophy across boundaries. New York : SUNY Press. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) 'Why Ken Saro-Wiwa matters for climate justice' In: I am a Man of Peace: Writings Inspired by the Maynooth University Ken Saro-Wiwa Collection. Ottawa : Daraja. [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Darcy, H; Cox, L (2019) 'Resisting Shell in Ireland: making and remaking alliances between communities, movements and activists' In: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, POPULAR STRUGGLE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. BRISTOL : POLICY PRESS. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Dr Laurence Cox (2017) '‘Learning to be loyal to each other’: conversations, alliances and arguments in the movements of movements' In: The movements of movements: struggles for other worlds vol. 1. New Delhi / New York : OpenWord / PM Press. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) 'Studying social movements in a movement-become-state: research and practice in postcolonial Ireland' In: Guya Accornero and Olivier Fillieule(Eds.). Social movement studies in Europe: the state of the art. Oxford / New York : Berghahn. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Dr Laurence Cox (2016) 'The southern question and the Irish question: a social movement landscape with migrants' In: Martin Bak Jørgensen and Óscar Garcia Agustín(Eds.). Solidarity without borders: Gramscian perspectives on migration and civil society. London : Pluto. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Dr Laurence Cox (2016) 'European Traditions' In: Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Gillan, M; Cox, L (2015) 'The birth of Indymedia. ie: a critical space for social movements in Ireland' In: DEFINING EVENTS: POWER, RESISTANCE AND IDENTITY IN TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY IRELAND. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) 'Learning from each other's struggles' In: Shelley White, Jonathan White and Kathleen Korgen(Eds.). Sociologists in action on inequalities: race, class, gender and sexuality. Thousand Oaks : Sage. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Cox, L (2014) '"A Whole Way of Struggle?": Western Marxisms, Social Movements, and Culture' In: CONCEPTUALIZING CULTURE IN SOCIAL MOVEMENT RESEARCH. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE. | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) 'Changing the world without getting shot: how popular power can set limits to state violence' In: Maximilian Lakitsch(Eds.). Political power reconsidered: state power and civic activism between legitimacy and violence. Peace report 2013. Berlin, Wien : LIT-Verlag. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Fominaya, CF; Cox, L (2013) 'Introduction Rethinking European movements and theory' In: UNDERSTANDING EUROPEAN MOVEMENTS: NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, GLOBAL JUSTICE STRUGGLES, ANTI-AUSTERITY PROTEST. LONDON : ROUTLEDGE. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Cox, L; Fominaya, CF (2013) 'European social movements and social theory A richer narrative?' In: UNDERSTANDING EUROPEAN MOVEMENTS: NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, GLOBAL JUSTICE STRUGGLES, ANTI-AUSTERITY PROTEST. LONDON : ROUTLEDGE. | |
2013 | Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Laurence Cox (2013) 'Conclusion: Anti-austerity protests in European and global context - future agendas for research' In: Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest. London : Routledge. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nilsen (2013) 'Marxism and social movements: an introduction' In: Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nilsen(Eds.). Marxism and social movements. Leiden : Brill. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Alf Gunvald Nilsen and Laurence Cox (2013) 'What would a Marxist theory of social movements look like?' In: Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nilsen(Eds.). Marxism and social movements. Leiden : Brill. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) 'Eppur si muove: thinking the social movement' In: Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nilsen(Eds.). Marxism and social movements. Leiden : Brill. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) 'Ken Saro-Wiwa in political context: social movements in the Niger Delta' In: Ide Corley, Helen Fallon, Laurence Cox(Eds.). Silence would be treason: last writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa. Dakar / Bangalore : Daraja / CODESRIA / Books for Change. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Laurence Cox (2012) 'El Proyecto Interface: una reflexión sobre los movimientos sociales y el conocimiento' In: Alberto Arribas Lozano, Nayra García González, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer and Antonio Ortega Santos(Eds.). Tentativas, contagios, desbordes. Territorios del pensiamento. Granada : Universidad de Granada. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Ealair ni Dhorchaigh and Laurence Cox (2011) 'When is an assembly riotous, and who decides? The success and failure of police attempts to criminalise protest' In: Riotous assemblies: rebels, riots and revolts in Ireland. Cork : Mercier. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Olivia Cosgrove, Laurence Cox, Carmen Kuhling, Peter Mulholland (2011) 'Understanding Ireland's new religious movements' In: Ireland's New Religious Movements. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) 'The Wild Irish Girl and the dalai lama of little Thibet: the long encounter between Ireland and Asian Buddhism' In: Olivia Cosgrove, Laurence Cox, Carmen Kuhling, Peter Mulholland(Eds.). Ireland's New Religious Movements. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Laurence Cox (2006) 'News from nowhere: the movement of movements in Ireland' In: Niamh Hourigan and Linda Connolly(Eds.). Social movements and Ireland. Manchester : Manchester University Press. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Laurence Cox and Colin Barker (2005) 'Romans i bàrbars. Formes acadèmiques i activistes de teoritzar el moviment' In: Recerca activista i moviments socials. Barcelona : El Viejo Topo / Fundació Jaime Bofill. | |
1999 | Laurence Cox (1999) 'Power, politics and everyday life: the local rationalities of social movement milieux' In: Paul Bagguley, Jeff Hearn(Eds.). Transforming politics: power and resistance. London : MacMillan. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Laurence Cox (1999) 'From social movements to counter cultures: steps beyond political reductionism' In: Michael Howlett, Shane Kilcommins(Eds.). Humanities in WIT: Festschrift for Tony Scott. Waterford : Waterford Institute of Technology. [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Laurence Cox (1997) 'Towards a sociology of counter cultures?' In: Emma McKenna and Roger O’Sullivan(Eds.). Ireland: emerging perspectives. Belfast : Queen's University Belfast. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | Laurence Cox (1994) 'Discovery and dialectics: Gerhard Kleining’s methodology of qualitative research' In: Roland Tormey, Anne Good and Carol MacKeogh(Eds.). Post-methodology? New directions in research methodologies in the social sciences. Dublin : Trinity College Dublin. [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Sutapa Chattopadhyay, Laurence Cox (2021) Open issue. [Editorial] | |
2020 | Sutapa Chattopadhyay, Lesley Wood and Laurence Cox (2020) Organizing amidst Covid-19. [Editorial] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Open issue. [Editorial] | |
2018 | Laurence Cox et al. (2018) Open issue. [Editorial] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen and Geoffrey Pleyers (2017) Social movement thinking beyond the core: theories and research in post-colonial and post-socialist societies. [Editorial] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox, multiple co-authors (2017) General issue. [Editorial] | |
2016 | Peter Waterman, Lesley Wood, Laurence Cox (2016) Social movement auto/biographies. [Editorial] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Turner A.; Cox L.; Bocking B. (2016) Introduction: A Buddhist crossroads: Pioneer European Buddhists and globalizing Asian networks 1860-1960. [Editorial] | |
2015 | Jiři Navrátil, Kevin Lin, Laurence Cox (2015) Movements in post/socialisms. [Editorial] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Cal Andrews, Laurence Cox, Lesley Wood (2015) Movement practice(s). [Editorial] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Peter Waterman and Laurence Cox (2014) Movement internationalism(s). [Editorial] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Turner, A; Cox, L; Bocking, B (2013) A Buddhist crossroads: pioneer European Buddhists and globalizing Asian networks 1860-1960. ABINGDON: [Editorial] [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox et al. (2013) Interface tenth issue. [Editorial] | |
2012 | Laurence Cox, Magid Shihade and Cristina Flesher Fominaya (2012) The season of revolution: the Arab Spring and European mobilizations. [Editorial] | |
2012 | Laurence Cox, Peter Waterman, Alice Mattoni, Elizabeth Humphrys and Ana Margarida Esteves (2012) For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity. [Editorial] | |
2011 | Catherine Eschle, Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Sara Motta and Laurence Cox (2011) Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement. [Editorial] | |
2010 | Turner, A; Cox, L; Bocking, B (2010) Beachcombing, Going Native and Freethinking: Rewriting the History of Early Western Buddhist Monastics. ABINGDON: [Editorial] [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox, Brian Bocking, Alicia Turner (2010) Beachcombing, going native and freethinking: rewriting the history of early Buddhist monastics. [Editorial] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox, Alice Mattoni, Andrejs Berdnikovs, Michela Ardizzoni (2010) Voices of dissent: activists’ engagements in the creation of alternative, autonomous, radical and independent media. [Editorial] | |
2009 | Laurence Cox, Cristina Flesher Fominaya (2009) Movement knowledge: what do we know, how do we create knowledge and what do we do with it?. [Editorial] | |
2009 | Laurence Cox, Ana Margarida Esteves, Sara Motta (2009) Civil society vs social movements. [Editorial] |
Working Paper
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) The multiple traditions of social movement research: theorising intellectual diversity. Paris: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Cox, L. (2001) Globalisation from below? Ordinary people, movements and intellectuals from Seattle to Genova to war. [Working Paper] [Full-Text] |
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) Forms of social movements in the crisis: a view from Ireland. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Learning in movements: how do we think about what we are doing?. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) The Irish water charges movement: theorising ‘the social movement in general’. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2017) Reading neoliberalism as a social movement from above. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox, Lesley Wood (2017) An oral history of Peoples’ Global Action. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2016) Das Ende neoliberaler Hegemonie durch soziale Bewegungen?. [Article] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Researching transnational activist lives: Irish Buddhists and the British Empire. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Recent movements and movement theory in Ireland. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Peter Waterman and Laurence Cox (2014) Activist experiences of solidarity work. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Laurence Cox (2014) “A Masters for activists”: learning from each other’s struggles. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox and Anna Szolucha (2013) Social movement research in Europe – the state of the art. [Article] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox and multiple co-authors (2013) Social movements and the European crisis: activist and academic reflections. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox, Aileen O'Carroll, Alessio Lunghi (2011) ‘I’m in the news today, oh boy’: smear tactics and media bullying. [Article] [Link] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) The interests of the movement as a whole: response to David Harvey. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Laurence Cox (2010) Current debates: new religion(s) in Ireland. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Laurence Cox (2009) Lawrence O’Rourke / U Dhammaloka: working-class Irish freethinker, and the first European bhikkhu?. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Laurence Cox, Alf Gunvald Nilsen (2005) Why do activists need theory?. [Article] [Link] [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Laurence Cox, Natasha Adams, María Llanos del Corral, Gee McKeown and Carol Marin Alvarez (2021) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 25 What do activists actually need to know? Answers from radical movements across Europe | |
2011 | Dr Laurence Cox (2011) Sixteenth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest: a selection of papers from the conference Popular responses to the Irish crisis and the hope for radical change: organic crisis and the different meanings of counter-hegemony [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Dr Laurence Cox (2011) New agendas in social movement studies Gramsci in Mayo: a Marxist perspective on social movements in Ireland [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Dr Laurence Cox (2010) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 15 Plebeian freethought and the politics of anti-colonial solidarity: Irish Buddhists in imperial Asia [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Laurence Cox (2008) Thirteenth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest Changing the world and changing ourselves: how do people become and stay active in social movements? | |
2007 | Cox, L. (2007) Everyday creativity, counter culture and social change. Symposium proceedings Counter culture and social change since the 70s [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Laurence Cox (2007) Twelfth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest Is another journal possible (or necessary?) | |
2006 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2006) Eleventh international conference on alternative futures and popular protest ‘The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part’: understanding social movements from above | |
2006 | Laurence Cox (2006) Networked politics The politics of dictionaries: who is writing? | |
2005 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2005) Tenth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest ‘At the heart of society burns the fire of social movements’: what would a Marxist theory of social movements look like? | |
2005 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2005) Making global civil society What should the movement of movements do if we want to win? [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Laurence Cox, Martin Geoghegan (2001) Seventh international conference on alternative futures and popular protest Outside the whale: (re)thinking social movements and the voluntary sector | |
1999 | Laurence Cox (1999) Fifth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest Structure, routine and transformation: movements from below at the turn of the century | |
1998 | Laurence Cox (1998) Fourth international conference on alternative futures and popular protest Gramsci, movements and method: the politics of activist research | |
1997 | Cox, L. (1997) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest III Reflexivity, social transformation, and counter culture [Full-Text] | |
1996 | Laurence Cox (1996) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 2 . In: Colin Barker and Mike Tyldesley eds. From social movements to counter cultures |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Review of William K. Carroll, A world to win: contemporary social movements and counter-hegemony. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Review of Dylan Taylor, Social Movements and Democracy in the 21st century. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Review of Oliver Scharbrodt, Tuula Sakaranaho, Adil Hussain Khan, Yafa Shanneik and Vivian Ibrahim, Muslims in Ireland: past and present. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Cox, L (2016) Muslims in Ireland: Past and Present. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Laurence Cox (2014) Review of Kate Crosby, Traditional Theravada meditation and its modern-era suppression. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Dr Laurence Cox (2014) Review of Donatella della Porta, Can democracy be saved? Participation, deliberation and social movements. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Review of Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright, Beyond the fragments (3rd edition). [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) Review of Hilary Wainwright, Reclaim the state. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) Review of Institute for Development Studies, Powercube website. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Review of John Charlton, Don't you hear the H-Bomb's thunder? Youth and politics on Tyneside in the late 'fifties and early 'sixties. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Review of Mastaneh Shah-Shuja, Zones of proletarian development. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Laurence Cox (2006) Review of Liam Leonard, Politics inflamed: GSE and the campaign against incineration in Ireland. [Book Review] | |
2005 | Laurence Cox (2005) Review of Fred Powell and Martin Geoghegan, The politics of community development. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Laurence Cox (2001) Review of Robin Cohen and Shirin Rai, Global social movements. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Laurence Cox (2001) Review of Amory Starr, Naming the enemy: anti-corporate movements confront globalization. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Laurence Cox (1998) Review of Sabine von Dirke, “All power to the imagination!” The west German counterculture from the student movement to the Greens. [Book Review] | |
1997 | Laurence Cox (1997) Review of Colin Barker and Paul Kennedy (eds.), To make another world: studies in protest and collective action. [Book Review] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Laurence Cox; Alberto Arribas Lozano; Sutapa Chattopadhyay (2024) 'How do we research and understand popular struggles?' Global Dialogue, 14 (1) :29-30. [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Remembering Colin Barker. [Biographical-Item] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Laurence Cox, Dylan Taylor (2018) Struggles from below in the twilight of neoliberalism. [Biographical-Item] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Peter Waterman 1936 – 2017: in memoriam. [Biographical-Item] [Full-Text] |
Electronic Article
Year | Publication | |
2011 | Dr Laurence Cox (2011) How do we keep going? Activist burnout and personal sustainability in social movements. [Electronic Article] [Full-Text] |
Invited Lectures
Invited Seminars
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Laurence Cox (2022) Knowledge and social movements: why social movements matter for social sciences. [Invited Seminars] | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) Social movements and education after the pandemic: time for renewed agency?. [Invited Seminars] | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) Psycho-social resilience for activists. [Invited Seminars] | |
2020 | Brian Bocking, Laurence Cox, Alicia Turner (2020) The Irish Buddhist. [Invited Seminars] | |
2020 | Brian Bocking and Laurence Cox (2020) Forgotten and remembered: U Dhammaloka the Irish Buddhist Monk. [Invited Seminars] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Understanding different traditions in social movement studies. [Invited Seminars] | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Social movements as democracy in practice: the water charges movement in a wider perspective. [Invited Seminars] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Movements making history: Marxism and collective agency in the twilight of neoliberalism. [Invited Seminars] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Really useful knowledge: Marxism, social movements and the dialogue between activists and researchers. [Invited Seminars] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen (2015) On Marxism and social movements in the twilight of neoliberalism. [Invited Seminars] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Making our own history. [Invited Seminars] | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) A Marxist perspective on social movements. [Invited Seminars] | |
2014 | Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, Jeff Goodwin (2014) Marxism and social movements. [Invited Seminars] | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) ‘Beyond the fields we know’: understanding Buddhism and Ireland. [Invited Seminars] | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) A dissident Orientalism? Irish Buddhism in European perspective. [Invited Seminars] | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Understanding European movements. [Invited Seminars] | |
2010 | Brian Bocking, Laurence Cox (2010) U Dhammaloka in Tokyo: the hidden history of western Buddhist monastics. [Invited Seminars] | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Knowledge and study of Buddhism in Ireland. [Invited Seminars] | |
2008 | Laurence Cox (2008) Saying something useful: the challenge of movement-relevant research. [Invited Seminars] [Link] | |
2006 | Laurence Cox (2006) Understanding the global justice movement: activist research and the movement of movements. [Invited Seminars] | |
1998 | Laurence Cox (1998) Theoretical practice in the university. [Invited Seminars] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Laurence Cox, Brian Bocking, Alicia Turner (2022) Against Empire, against God: U Dhammaloka ‘The Irish Buddhist’ and the academic study of religions European Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference UCC, . | |
2022 | Laurence Cox (2022) The practical challenges of less-established religions in Ireland: the case of Buddhism Royal Irish Academy / Digital Repository of Ireland “Digital Preservation for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences” conference Royal Irish Academy, . | |
2022 | Laurence Cox (2022) Learning needs for social transformation: a research strategy for social movement education Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 26 Manchester, . | |
2021 | Cox Laurence (2021) What is the Social Vision we Teach For? Citizenship Education and Social Impact School of Public Life, Hungary / Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Conference “Our Common City” Budapest, . | |
2021 | Cox Laurence (2021) What is to be Done? Climate Activism and Scholar-activist Strategizing CSM-RESIST 10th Anniversary Seminar Göteborg, Sweden, . | |
2021 | Cox Laurence (2021) Engaged Sociology in a World on Fire: Our Contradictions, Publics and Messy Work Lives Keynote lecture to Sociological Association of Ireland postgraduate conference Dublin, Ireland, . | |
2021 | Cox Laurence (2021) The Twilight of Neoliberalism Revisited: Movements from Below and Elite Crisis Seminar for Global Politics, Economy and Society research centre Oxford Brookes, . | |
2020 | Laurence Cox (2020) Keynote talk to State Violence Research Network annual conference ’Fools making laws for the breaking of jaws’: some challenges of being a researcher on state violence Manchester, . | |
2020 | Cox Laurence (2020) Social Movements Oxfam / LSE Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equality Programme Webinar “Emergent agency in a time of Covid-19” Online, . | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 24 Plenary roundtable Colin Barker: a celebration of his work Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 24 Facing down the empire: a 1911 sedition trial in Rangoon University of Manchester, . | |
2019 | Laurence Cox (2019) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference An Irish Buddhist on trial for sedition Trinity College Dublin, . | |
2018 | Laurence Cox (2018) European Solidarity Centre / International Sociological Association conference Generational experience / transformational experience of 1968 How 1968 changed the world: movements making history, history making movements European Solidarity Centre Gdańsk, . | |
2018 | Laurence Cox (2018) Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute workshop Democratic capitalism and its discontents Situated rationality and movements from below in the twilight of neoliberalism Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute Berlin, . | |
2018 | Laurence Cox (2018) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 23 How can movements know what they might be capable of becoming? Theorising ‘real potential’ Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2018 | Laurence Cox (2018) The rebirth of Marxism: Haunting the Future The social relationships of Marxist thought: movements, universities, social media Maynooth, . | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme / Collège d’études mondiales seminar Social movements in a polarized global age Trump, Brexit and the twilight of neoliberalism: social movements from above and below Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme Paris, . | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme / Collège d’études mondiales seminar, Economie solidaire, associations et mouvements sociaux Dialogues et co-recherches entre associations populaires et l’université Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme Paris, . | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 22 ‘Well burrowed, old mole!’ An oral history of Peoples Global Action for today’s movements Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) 26th Steiner Forschungstage Engaging with the world and being seen by the world: anthroposophy’s “daughter movements” and the academic study of religions Field Centre, Gloucestershire, . | |
2017 | Laurence Cox (2017) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference Anthroposophy and its daughter movements in the UK and Ireland Waterford IT, . | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Sociological Association of Ireland annual conference Theorising the water charges movement: the rise of popular agency University of Limerick, . | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference ‘Changing the world or changing yourself?’ Historicising the cliché UCC, . | |
2016 | Laurence Cox (2016) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 21 ‘The social movement in general’: theorising the Irish water charges movement Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2016 | Finnegan, F. and Coulter, C. and Cox, L. and Moran, M. (2016) Roundtable at the Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) 43rd Annual Conference, 13th May We make our history: Marxism and social movements in the twilight of neoliberalism University of Limerick, . | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference What should they know of Ireland who only Ireland know?’ U Dhammaloka / Laurence Carroll, religion and empire TCD, . | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) British Sociological Association annual conference Sociology and the global economic crisis, plenary session Glasgow Caledonian University, . | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 20 Understanding Irish movements: anti-austerity, water charges, a Dublin spring? Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2015 | Laurence Cox (2015) Heidelberg University cluster of excellence “Asia and Europe” conference Theosophy across boundaries International religious organisations in a colonial world: comparing the Theosophical Society and the Maha Bodhi Society Heidelberg University, . | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) Jinbunken Institute for Researches in Humanities, Kyoto University and Research Centre for Buddhist Cultures in Asia, Ryokoku University joint conference Asian Buddhism: plural colonialisms and plural Inventing Buddhist modernism: repertoires in transition Jinbunken Institute for Researches in Humanities, Kyoto University, . | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) European University Institute COSMOS workshop Bringing capitalism back in ‘Making days into history’: capitalisms, social movements and theory Fiesole, . | |
2014 | Laurence Cox (2014) Historical Materialism conference We make our own history LSE, . | |
2014 | l (2014) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 19 Waves of protest and revolution: elements of a Marxist analysis Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution State of Peace conference “Political legitimacy reconsidered: (il-)legitimate civic pressure and state measures between peace and violence Changing the world without getting shot: how popular power can set limits to state violence Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) “Social movements and the European crisis” symposium, Transnational Institute (with the social movements research networks of the European Sociological Association, European Consortium for Political R How can movements win? Movement strategy in the crisis Transnational Institute Amsterdam, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Council for European Studies 20th annual conference Understanding contemporary waves of protest University of Amsterdam, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Encountering Buddhist Asia Encountering Buddhist Asia: sources of Irish knowledge from the sixth to the twenty-first centuries Maynooth library, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox (2013) Council for European Studies conference Workshop: The practical challenges of engaged research in social movements Amsterdam, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox, Mihirini Sirisena (2013) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference What Buddhism? Whose Buddhism? John Bowles Daly, Mahinda College and the Buddhist Theosophical Society UCD, . | |
2013 | Brian Bocking, Laurence Cox (2013) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference Rewriting the history of UK Buddhism: the first London Buddhist Mission of 1890 UCD, . | |
2013 | Laurence Cox, Fergal Finnegan, Theresa O'Keefe (2013) Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 18 Learning from each other’s struggles? Attempting an activist education project in the university Manchester Metropolitan University, . | |
2012 | Laurence Cox (2012) Council for European Studies conference How movements define themselves: culture, history and Europe Boston, . | |
2012 | Laurence Cox (2012) Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions annual conference Periodising Irish Buddhism UCC, . | |
2012 | Laurence Cox (2012) “Understanding the New Wave of Protest and Social Cooperation: Triangulation of the Arab Revolutions, the European Mobilizations and the American Occupy Movement” workshop, Berkman Center for Internet Understanding global waves of popular mobilization Harvard, . | |
2011 | Laurence Cox (2011) Letters from the breadbasket: detention correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa Ken Saro-Wiwa: a sociological perspective Maynooth library, . | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Egalitarian World Initiative conference “Equality in a time of crisis” Another world is under construction? Social movement responses to inequality and crisis University College Dublin, . | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Library Association of Ireland / Rare Books Group seminar on travel literature Tall tales, childhood’s country and the monastery kitchen: Irish writers in Buddhist Asia National Library of Ireland, . | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) International Association for the History of Religions world congress The politics of Buddhist revival: U Dhammaloka as social movement organiser Toronto, . | |
2010 | Laurence Cox (2010) Critical Education for Critical Times” workshop, Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice / Critical Pedagogies Group, University of Nottingham Learning from each other’s struggles – knowledge from and for social movements University of Nottingham, . | |
2009 | Laurence Cox, Ealair Ní Dhorchaigh (2009) University of Limerick, Dept. of History conference “Riotous assemblies When is an assembly riotous, and who decides? University of Limerick, . | |
2009 | (2009) The Wild Irish Girl and the dalai lama Alternative spiritualities... conference NUI Maynooth, . | |
2009 | (2009) Marxism and social movements Historical Materialism annual conference SOAS, London, . | |
2009 | Laurence Cox (2009) Arhats in the attic: hidden histories Asian Art and Ireland National Museum of Ireland, . | |
2007 | Laurence Cox, Fergal Finnegan (2007) 4th international Popular Education Network conference The Grassroots Gatherings as popular education Maynooth, . | |
2007 | Laurence Cox (2007) Sociological Association of Ireland annual conference Community-based oral history and the politics of memory University of Limerick, . | |
2006 | Laurence Cox (2006) Networked Politics / Rosa Luxemburg Foundation workshop “Rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks,” Berlin The politics of dictionaries Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Berlin, . | |
2005 | Laurence Cox (2005) Making Global Civil Society: Grassroots Practice and Academic Theory of Globalisation from Below How do we win? Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Lancaster, . | |
2005 | Laurence Cox (2005) Social movements Whose struggles? Whose words? Whose needs? The different voices of social movement theories University of Oslo, . | |
2001 | Cox, L. and Mullan, C. (2001) International Sociological Association / British Sociological Association social movements conference Social movements never died:community politics and the social economy in the Irish Republic Manchester, . [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Laurence Cox (2001) William Thompson weekend school Globalisation from below? ‘Ordinary people’, movements and intellectuals Cork, . | |
2000 | Laurence Cox, Caitriona Mullan (2000) Rethinking Marxism “Marxism 2000” conference Hidden knowledge, gender and Marxism University of Massachusetts Amherst, . | |
1998 | Laurence Cox (1998) Sociological Association of Ireland annual conference What is a social movement anyway, and would we know one if we saw one? Wexford, . | |
1995 | Laurence Cox (1995) International Research Network on Environment and Society conference Sociology and the roots of protest: a critique of the “new social movements” problematic Keele University, . | |
1995 | Laurence Cox (1995) Sociological Association of Ireland annual conference Six movements in search of a social basis Clonmel, . |