Portuguese film director Miguel Gonçalves Mendes
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00
Technology, Science & Innovation Building TSI028
As part of the 2022 Portuguese Cultural Event and to mark the centenary of the birth of José Saramago, the Portuguese film director Miguel Gonçalves Mendes will be at Maynooth University to speak about his film José e Pilar, a moving portrayal of the days of Nobel Prize Winner José Saramago and his wife Pilar Del Río. The film will be screened beforehand with English subtitles.
The event takes place on November 23rd at 1pm. All welcome. For further information, please contact Vítor Neves Fernandes ([email protected]).
This event is supported by Camões — Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.
Tickets available on Eventbrite