Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (WISPS) 2019 Annual Conference
Maynooth University, 1 and 2 November 2019
In 2019 WISPS celebrates its twentieth anniversary. To mark this important milestone we would like to invite academics conducting research into Luso-Hispanic Studies to join us and make the WISPS Annual Conference at Maynooth University a memorable event.
We welcome proposals from members and non-members of WISPS and from male and female academics as well as postgraduate students in the fields of feminist theory, history, linguistics, literature, cultural and textual theory, audio and film studies, performance studies, politics, anthropology, geography, queer theory, and theatre studies relating to any of the cultures of Spain, Latin America and the Lusophone world.
We invite 200-word proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes or for panels, consisting of three papers of 20 minutes. We also welcome proposals for workshops and round tables. In WISPS we are especially interested in cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary work. For panels, the panel convenor should send 200-word abstracts for the three papers. Selected papers will be considered for publication with the Journal of Romance Studies.
We accept proposals in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Please send your proposals by 15 July 2019 via [email protected]
All contributors will be notified by 29 July 2019
For any queries please contact the conference organisers:
Mercedes Carbayo-Abengózar at [email protected] or Mirna Vohnsen at [email protected]. Further information available on: https://wispsmaynooth2019.wixsite.com/home
Three postgraduate travel bursaries of up to £175 (€195) each will be available and bursary holders will not pay for conference registration.
If you are a postgraduate student and want to apply for our travel bursaries, please send a CV, a detailed breakdown of anticipated costs and a short personal statement - indicating why you want to attend WISPS, how this conference will benefit your academic career, and if you are in receipt of funding from another funding body- together with your abstract to [email protected]. If you have already submitted your abstract, please send only the CV, the breakdown of costs and the statement.
To register for the conference please click here http://shop.nuim.ie/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=2200036