Key Dates, Publications & University Policies
This section is where you can find key dates, publications and University policies. We will be adding various relevant publications and key dates to this section throughout the year.
This section is where you can find key dates, publications and University policies. We will be adding various relevant publications and key dates to this section throughout the year.
Subject Information: Students will be able to view Powerpoint Presentations and videos about their various subject choices from 2 pm on Friday, 11th September 2020.
1st Year Registration: Students will receive an email from the Student Records & Registration Team on Friday, 18th September detailing what you need to do to complete their registration.
Welcome Week: 21st to 25th September. Schedule will be confirmed at the start of September
Week One of Lectures: 28th September to 2nd October 2020.
Clubs & Societies Sign Up Day: Wednesday, 7th October 2020
Change of Subject Deadline for First Year Students: TBC
For important dates throughout the academic year please follow this link.
Guide to Studying in 2020/21 in response to COVID-19
Here is a . This will be updated as we further develop our plans and in response to any changes in the public health system, so do treat this as a working set of guidelines.
Time on Campus: A Subject Guide for First Year Students
The University has developed a Time on Campus: Subject Guide for First Year Students to provide incoming first years with our best estimate of the amount of on-campus teaching they can expect for each subject in the first semester of the 2020-21 academic year.
Guide for Students studying Arts through MH101
The Maynooth ARTS degree (MH101) is a very flexible programme that gives you a wide range of options to customise your studies to match your own interests and goals. The is designed to explain the options, and to help students make choices that are right for them.
For all university policies, including rules and regulations for students as well as academic policies and procedures, please click on the following link: Maynooth University Policies