

Why study History

With module options ranging from the general to the niche, the Department’s programme offers something for everyone with an interest in the past. We provide students with a solid grounding in the practice of history and boast expertise in a wide range of specialist topics such as the history of emotions, heretics tried by the Spanish Inquisition and the Vikings in Ireland and Scandinavia.

While the Department’s long-standing reputation for excellence and leadership in historical scholarship both in Ireland and internationally is one reason for the popularity of History, we have also kept our discipline vibrant, engaging and of practical value to students with an interest in history.

The options open to History students are wide enough to cater for all interests while at the same time providing real focus in certain areas, notably Irish, European and American and transnational history, so that students get a true sense of what the professional historian does. As such, you are guaranteed a wide-ranging understanding of history when you study at Maynooth University.


Undergraduate Degrees

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