
Maynooth University Spanish and Latin American Studies


Award Type and NFQ level : RESEARCH PH.D. (10)

CAO/MU Apply code : MHZ03 (FT), MHZ03(PT)

CAO Points :

Central objectives of the Structured PhD Programme in Spanish are to introduce students to academic communication and educate them in the same through active participation and presentation at departmental graduate symposia, at research conferences nationally and internationally; to foster their specific research skills; to extend their knowledge in their respective and related fields of expertise.

Research Environment
The School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SMLLC) runs friendly, informal research seminars and regularly invites guest lecturers to share their expertise with the Departments in the School. Members of the Department, including postgraduate students, participate in national and international conferences.

The option of jointly-supervised research with another Department from the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy or the Faculty of Social Sciences is also available.

European Doctorate
PhD students who have a strong European Language element to their research can apply for a European Doctorate. For further information, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Team:

Closing date
Research applications are generally accepted at any time.

September (or other agreed time)

Thesis, with individual supervision: The option of jointly-supervised research with another Department from the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy or the Faculty of Social Sciences is also available. Please consult staff research for information about the research expertise of individual members of staff and areas in which supervision can be offered. Taught Modules: The student, in consultation with his/her supervisor, will devise a plan with a specified number of modules taken each year of the programme. Details available here


2.1 grade or higher in relevant BA or equivalent

All candidates for postgraduate research degree must have an undergraduate qualification in Spanish or a relevant subject area. PhD candidates must have a postgraduate qualification in Spanish or a relevant subject area. Candidates normally must have obtained at least a 2nd Class Honours Grade I in their primary degree, or equivalent. Applicants for research degrees are requested to contact the Head of Department, enclosing relevant academic transcripts, an outline of the proposed area of research, and the names of two referees. Applicants must have a recognised primary degree which is considered equivalent to Irish university primary degree level.

Minimum English language requirements:

Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants..

Maynooth University's TOEFL code is 8850

The student, in consultation with his/her supervisor, will devise a plan with a specified number of modules taken each year of the programme. Students normally take any given module only once over the course of the PhD programme. The same piece of work can only be submitted and accredited once. Students are normally required to take a minimum of 15 credits of generic skills / transferrable skills modules available here over the first three years of the programme. Allowances will be made for specific circumstances such as prolonged periods spent abroad or equivalent.*

In addition, students are normally required to take one (but normally not more than one) of the ID84X modules (ID841, ID842 or ID843) during the first three years of their PhD programme. Students are encouraged to attend all ID84X modules and to pass at least one of ID841, ID842 or ID843 during the first three years of their PhD programme. ID81X modules are offered at irregular intervals, but at least every third year so that every student has the chance to take an ID81X module over the course of their programme; specific topics will vary (determined by the areas of research of a given cohort). Every student is normally required to take one ID 81X module during the four years of their PhD programme.

Students are encouraged to take suitable modules, including Transferable Skills Modules, offered by cognate departments/schools within Maynooth University. Students also have the opportunity to take suitable modules from the taught MA in Spanish, if they have not already done so.**

All students normally have to pass at least one Advanced Specialist module (SPA85X, SPA86X or SPA87X) offered outside Maynooth University.

* Prolonged research periods abroad might offer the opportunity to take Advanced Specialist Modules at the host university. PhD students based at a foreign university will be advised by their supervisor to take relevant modules or attend relevant seminars, etc. Such modules will be awarded the ECTS value stipulated by the host university. Prolonged research periods abroad may also be considered as an Internship (SPA88X). The mark(s) achieved at the host university will be translated into the Maynooth University scheme of Pass (P), Distinction (D) or Did Not Complete (DNC) for all modules.

** The normal prerequisite for admission to the Structured PhD Programme in Spanish is an MA or MLitt in Spanish or equivalent. Students with an MA or MLitt in Spanish or equivalent are required to take structured PhD modules to the value of 30 ECTS credits. Students admitted without holding an MA, MLitt or equivalent are required to take structured PhD modules to the value of 60 ECTS credits. Students, in consultation with Supervisor and Subject Leader/Head/Prof, may take extra modules beyond this requirement.

Course Duration: 4 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Our graduates may go on to careers in the education sector, as secondary or third level teachers, or as researchers. Their linguistic skills and knowledge of intercultural communication means that many of our graduates may go on to pursue careers with an international dimension, in international business or in the public service.

Online application only. To make an application please click here.                                                                                                                           

Please note: All research applicants should contact the respective department before applying to ensure their research proposal aligns with departmental interests and criteria.

To apply for your chosen postgraduate study at Maynooth University, please ensure you have the following documents to make an application:

  • Evidence of your primary degree
  • Academic transcripts
  • A copy of your passport
  • Proposed Thesis Title and Summary 
  • A personal statement   
  • An academic letter of recommendation
  • A professional letter of recommendation
  • Proof of Proficiency in Spanish 

Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants. 

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