Dr Rose Ryan

Dr Rose Ryan is the Director of Access at Maynooth University with responsibility for leading strategic change in relation to access and widening participation in higher education. Dr Ryan led the Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) which works in partnership across the University and alongside under-represented learners, schools, and communities to increase equity of access and support student success.
Dr Ryan has led the development of national admission routes and innovative inclusive academic and personal supports for students underrepresented in higher education. Dr Ryan is currently leading a number of strategic initiatives with a range of partners across the University and externally, aimed at addressing system-level objectives identified through the Higher Education System Performance Framework and supported by the HEA through the Programme for Access to Higher Education. Dr Ryan, in partnership with Department of Adult and Community Education, is leading Turn to Teaching, the largest national initiative to diversify access to initial teacher education. Dr Ryan is also leading College Connect, in partnership with Dublin City University, Athlone Institute of Technology and Dundalk Institute of Technology which aims to support access to higher education for marginalised groups (including Travellers, people with disabilities, people in the asylum system, refugees, people with criminal convictions) in the Midlands, East, North Dublin (MEND) region.
Dr Ryan has developed policy to support access, transfer, and progression opportunities for students with further education and training awards across the MEND region through the development of the Further Education to Higher Education (FET2HE) network. Dr Ryan is currently leading efforts to increase access to higher education for people who have prison experience through the development of the Mountjoy Prison Campus Maynooth University Partnership.
Dr Ryan has a PhD in Education from Maynooth University exploring how disability and social class intersect in the lives of young adults in higher education in Ireland