The Scéim Chónaithe 

The Scéim Chónaithe consists of a block of 30 single ensuite rooms on Campus dedicated to students who wish to live together and use the Irish Language as their everyday spoken language. The community gets involved in a variety of Irish cultural activities which is organised by the group themselves and with the help of the Oifig na Gaeilge.

The group can be selected from all the main student cohorts but demand is mainly from Continuing Students, New incoming First Year Students and Post Graduates.

Deirtear gur beatha teanga í a labhairt agus tá sé mar phríomhchuspóir againn go mbeadh an Ghaeilge go hiomlán ina beocht agus ina beatha anseo ar champas Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Ceapadh an Scéim Chónaithe ar an gcéad lá riamh chun pobal Gaelach agus caidreamh ár mac léinn leis an nGaeilge a fhás agus fhorbairt agus is ag dul ó neart go neart atá sí ó shin i leith. Bíonn idir chainteoirí dúchais agus fhoghlaimeoirí scoile ina gconaí le chéile ar an Scéim chuile bhliain agus cuirtear fáilte roimh chách. Más rud é go bhfuil tú tiomanta don Ghaeilge agus go bhfuil tú díograiseach faoin nGaeilge a labhairt agus a chur chun cinn ar bhonn laethúil, déan machnamh dáiríre ar áit a ghnóthú duit féin ar Scéim na bliana seo chugainn.

How Can I Join?
Applications for Scéim Chónaithe 24/25 are now closed.

There is no payment at this stage of the application process and all expressions of interest received made be considered at short listing.
Those shortlisted will be advised and will be invited to an interview.
Interviews for Incoming CAO students will be held shortly after CAO Round 1 Offers have been made.
Those not shortlisted will be advised. 

Applicants should be aware that demand will exceed supply and not everyone who applies will be successful.
Therefore, we would advise all applicants to also apply for the general allocation of rooms so that they would be included in the random selection for those rooms.
Applications are currently open via this the booking links page on our website and will close on the 26th Aug following the leaving cert results.


SELECTION AND ROOM BOOKING PROCESS - Scéim Chónaithe New First Years Only.

PHASE Date Activity Additional Information
Expression of Interest OPEN 06/02/2024 Expression of Interest Form opens on Student Residences Webspace. For New Incoming First Years to live on campus in Sceim Chónaithe from September 2024 to June 2025  There is no payment involved in making an Expression of Interest and no commitment to taking a room if offered and no guarantee of a room offer. Offers are subject to an Interview and are made in competition with other students who express an interest.
EoI Form CLOSED 07/08/2024 Expression of Interest Form closes (17.00) Late applications will not be considered.
Selection Process To Be Confirmed The Oifigeach and a board of selectors will short list those who completed the EOI and email an invitation, to those shortlisted, to an interview on  a date to be confirmed (probably during late August/early Sept 2024).  Those not being interviewed will be advised by email. There are 12 rooms available to New First Year Students at the Scéim Chónaithe. All single en-suite in River Apartments on campus.
Interview To Be Confirmed The selection board will do their best to accommodate those called to interview with a suitable time on the date published.  As there is a number of staff of the campus community involved in the interview board we cannot guarantee that an alternative date for Interview can be offered in the event that an invitee is unable to attend. Email [email protected] if you have questions on this aspect of the process.
Place Offers To Be Confirmed The Selection Board will make offers to those selected at Interview.
Anyone not meeting the requirements at Interview will be advised.
All places in Scéim Chónaithe are offered at normal prices of rooms on Campus. For full details visit Money Matters on the Student Residences webspace.
Student Decision To Be confirmed Students who receive offers will have the full 24 hours following the offer being made to email their acceptances (or decline) to [email protected]. In the absence of a student acceptance email, the offer will lapse.
Final List of Offers To Be Confirmed All accepted offers will be confirmed by the Oifigeach to Residence Office.  
Booking Event
2 Hours
To Be Confirmed Those offered(and accepted) a place in the Sceim should expect to receive an email invitation (to the email address given on the EOI Form) to book their room on  a DATE TO BE CONFIRMED (2 Hours duration). Rooms will be designated and are not subject to first come first served. If, in advance of the booking event, you know that you will not be available to make the booking please ask a family member to do it for you or contact [email protected] and we will assist you with an alternative arrangement. At the booking stage you will be required to pay the Booking Fee for the room offered of €650 (non refundable). Rooms not booked within the booking time slot (2 hours) will lapse unless alternative advance  arrangements are made with the Residence Office. During the booking, any questions should be sent to [email protected] . There is no telephone service during booking events.