Maynooth Classics Seminar Series: Semester 2, 2022-2023

Friday, February 10, 2023 - 16:00
All hybrid seminars will be held on Fridays at 16:00 in John Hume Lecture Theatre 7 and broadcast online to registered participants unless otherwise indicated.

Maynooth Classics Seminar: Semester 2, 2022-2023

The Department of Ancient Classics is pleased to host the following speakers this semester: 
10 February 2023     Professor Douglas Cairns (University of Edinburgh), ‘Honour, Trust, and Social Cognition’ 

24 February 2023     Dr Alexandra Madela (Trinity College, Dublin), ‘Can Homer be defeated? Poetic Ambitions in the late antique Argonautica by Orpheus?’ 

Wednesday, 08 March 2023, @16:30 online only, Dr Quentin Broughall (Independent Scholar), ‘Historical friction: classical past and American present in Gore Vidal’s Julian (1964)?’

24 March 2023         Colloquium, ‘Euripides’ Bacchae through the Ages’, Speakers: Professor William Allan (Oxford), Professor Isabelle Torrance(Aarhus), Dr William Desmond and Dr Eoghan Moloney (Maynooth).

31 March 2023         Dr John Curran (Queen’s University Belfast) ‘Pilate, Barabbas, and the Privilegium Paschale’ 

21 April 2023            Dr Catherine Ware (University College Cork), ‘The Sailor and the witch: Jason and Medea in Dracontius’ 

All hybrid seminars are held on Fridays at 16:00, in John Hume Lecture Theatre 7 (JHL7) and online to registered participants, with the exception of Wednesday, March 8th at 16:30 online only.
Fro queries and to register for online participation email: [email protected]  All most welcome!