Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 14:30 to 16:00
Anthropology Seminar Room, RH2.20 Rowan House
The meeting with Cacique Guarani Kaiowá Ládio Verón will bring attention to the growing violence imposed on indigenous peoples in Brazil.

Introduced by Dr Chandana Mathur
An unelected national President and a parliament dominated by agribusiness and mining interests are currently pursuing policies resulting in rampant environmental devastation and the violation of the human rights and land rights of the more than 300 indigenous nations in Brazil. In 2015, according to the Indian Missionary Council (CIMI), 137 indigenous people were murdered, of which 36 cases occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul, mostly Guarani Kaiowá. Also in 2015, the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) estimated deforestation extending to an area of around 5,800 km² in Brazil. With the approval of PEC 215 (Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 215), the National Congress intends to drastically reduce indigenous territories in Brazil, going down from the current 13% to 2.6%, leading to further deforestation and criminalization of the native communities.
This event, free and open to all, provides an opportunity to hear a first-hand account of these troubling developments.