Brian Conroy

I decided to change career in 2009 and returned to education as a mature student, after successfully meeting the requirements for the Social Science Degree course in Maynooth University in 2010. I studied Social Policy, Sociology and Geography in first year followed by Sociology and Social Policy in second and third year.
The Social Science Degree provided many positive aspects throughout the 3 years. The most interesting aspect for me was the range of theories covered and then seeing how they apply to everyday life, from family life to politics and sport. The key aspect of the course for me was how it all linked in together. What you learned in Social Policy you could link with Sociology and vice versa.
The Social Science Degree provided me with many options in terms of career choice and further studies. The content covered provided many options in terms what specific area I wanted to specialise in.
At present I am in the first year of the Social Work Masters Course in Trinity College Dublin. I feel that my degree in Maynooth University has provided me with an excellent foundation to pursue my goal of becoming a Social Worker. I was very well prepared in Maynooth University to apply for and secure a place on the Masters in Social Work.
I reflect on the 3 years I spent in Maynooth with great satisfaction. I am delighted I went there as I gained everything I was hoping to and more. I received great support from many lecturers throughout my 3 years there whether it was academic or career advice. It is a challenging and rewarding course and worth all the effort.