On October, 26 Dr Delia Ferri acted as a discussant at the International interdisciplinary postgraduate research students’ workshop “INTERSECTIONALITY IN LAW, POLICY AND SOCIETY” http://blogs.qub.ac.uk/tensionatthefringes/files/2016/10/Intersectionality-QUBelfast-26-Oct-16-final.pdf, hosted by the Queen’s University of Belfast.
Dr Ferri discussed Orsolya Mikola’s paper on “Reasonable accommodation as a possible answer to intersectionality”. The keynote speaker of the seminar was Prof. Sandra Fredman (Oxford University), and participants in the seminar included researchers and academics from the UK and Europe.
Dr Delia Ferri is a lecturer in law at Maynooth University Department of Law where she lectures International and European Disability Law and EU Law.