Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
Toggle2025 Doctoral Conference
15 – 18 JUNE 2025
In January 2020 we held the first doctoral conference on public education and pedagogy at the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland. The week-long event was enjoyable and intellectually stimulating, not least because all participating students had sufficient time to present and discuss their work, which is quite different from many prominent and often 'hurried' international conferences. Also, spending a week together on campus allowed for a more sustained conversation to evolve. The second doctoral conference took place in the spring of 2022. Building on this momentum, the 2024 doctoral conference was recently held, culminating in what we consider a successful gathering that continued to foster the tradition of scholarly exchange within our academic community.
We are planning to have the next doctoral conference from 15 until 18 June 2025 on the campus of Maynooth University, Ireland. The conference will start at 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 15 June, so as to allow participants to travel to Maynooth. The conference will finish at 17:00 on 18 June.
We are now inviting applications for participation in the conference. As the scale of the event is quite important, we are limiting the conference to 30 participants. A critical criterion for participation is the extent to which the work you will present from your doctoral studies explicitly connects to questions around public education and the ‘publicness’ of education. We ask all applicants to specify this in their proposal. We take an expansive interpretation of public education. We are interested in work across the whole range of educational institutions, sectors, and settings, including non-formal and informal education of children, young people and adults. We are open to empirical, theoretical and historical contributions, including those that raise questions about notions of public education, ‘publicness’ and the public quality of education. We invite you to explore these themes further in our recent book "The New Publicness of Education: Democratic Possibilities After the Critique of Neo-Liberalism": Link.
Applications will be considered on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Deadline for the application: 15th of January, 2025. Detailed payment instructions will be provided in your acceptance email.
We are currently finalising the details for the conference and anticipate that the total fee will range from €600 per person. The conference fee is set to cover costs for single room accommodation on-campus and meals (breakfast included). Please note that you are responsible for making the actual room reservation. Alternatively, you may choose to stay off-campus. Participants need to make their own travel arrangements.
The conference fee covers all meals from dinner on Sunday, 15 June, to dinner on Thursday 18 June and includes coffee, tea, and refreshments throughout the conference.
Please remember to arrange your own travel to and from Maynooth. All conference participants are expected to attend and engage in the full programme of the event.
Please submit your application form to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Application Form for CPEP 2025 Doctoral Conference CPEP Conf25
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].
With kind regards,
Carl Anders Säfström
Professor of Educational Research
Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
Gert Biesta
Professor of Public Education, Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
2024 Doctoral Conference
10 – 13 JUNE 2024
In January 2020 we held the first doctoral conference on public education and pedagogy at the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland. The week-long event was enjoyable and intellectually stimulating, not least because all participating students had sufficient time to present and discuss their work, which is quite different from many prominent and often ‘hurried’ international conferences. Also, spending a week together on campus allowed for a more sustained conversation to evolve. While we were keen to have a second conference in 2021, the pandemic made this impossible, so it was only in the spring of 2022 that we could have the second doctoral conference. Building on this momentum, the 2023 doctoral conference was recently held, culminating in what we consider a successful gathering that continued to foster the tradition of scholarly exchange within our academic community.
We are planning to have the next doctoral conference from 10 until 13 June 2024 on the campus of Maynooth University, Ireland. The conference will start at 5.00 p.m. on Monday 10 June, so as to allow participants to travel to Maynooth. The conference will finish at 12.00 noon on Friday 14 June.
We are now inviting applications for participation in the conference. As the scale of the event is quite important, we are limiting the conference to 30 participants. A critical criterion for participation is the extent to which the work you will present from your doctoral studies explicitly connects to questions around public education and the ‘publicness’ of education. We ask all applicants to specify this in their proposal. We take an expansive interpretation of public education. We are interested in work across the whole range of educational institutions, sectors, and settings, including non-formal and informal education of children, young people and adults. We are open to empirical, theoretical and historical contributions, including those that raise questions about notions of public education, ‘publicness’ and the public quality of education. Applications will be considered on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Extended Deadline for the application: 30th of January, 2024. Detailed payment instructions will be provided in your acceptance email.
We are currently finalising the details for the conference and anticipate that the total fee will range from €600 to €700 per person. The conference fee is set to cover costs for single room accommodation on-campus and meals (breakfast not included). Please note that you are responsible for making the actual room reservation. Alternatively, you may choose to stay off-campus. Participants need to make their own travel arrangements.
The conference fee covers all meals (except for breakfast) from dinner on Monday, 10 June, to lunch on Friday 14 June and includes coffee, tea, and refreshments throughout the conference.
Please remember to arrange your own travel to and from Maynooth. All conference participants are expected to attend and engage in the full programme of the event.
Please submit your application form to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Application Form for CPEP 2024 Doctoral Conference CPEP Doc Conf 24
Please also see the Centre’s website: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/centre-public-education-and-pedagogy
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].
With kind regards,
Carl Anders Säfström
Professor of Educational Research
Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
Gert Biesta
Professor of Public Education, Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
2023 Doctoral Conference
12 – 16 JUNE 2023
Application Form for CPEP 2022 Doctoral Conference
In January 2020 we held the first doctoral conference on public education and pedagogy at the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland. The week-long event was enjoyable and intellectually stimulating, not least because all participating students had sufficient time to present and discuss their own work, which is quite different from many big and often rather ‘hurried’ international conferences. Also, spending a week together on campus allowed for a more sustained conversation to evolve. While we were keen to having a second conference in 2021, the pandemic made this impossible, so it was only in the spring of 2022 that we were able to have the second doctoral conference.
We are planning to have the next doctoral conference from 12 until 16 June 2023 on the campus of Maynooth University, Ireland. The conference will start at 5.00 p.m. on Monday 12 June, so as to allow participants to travel to Maynooth. The conference will finish 12.00 noon on Friday 16 June.
We are now inviting applications for participation in the conference. As the scale of the event is quite important, we are limiting the conference to 30 participants. One important criterion for participation is the extent to which the work you will present from your doctoral studies has an explicit connection to questions around public education and the ‘publicness’ of education. We ask all applicants to specify this in their proposal. We do take a wide interpretation of public education and are interested in work across the whole range of educational institutions, sectors, and settings, including non-formal and informal education of children, young people and adults. We are open to empirical, theoretical and historical contributions, including those that raise questions about notions of public education, ‘publicness’ and the public quality of education. Applications will be considered on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 16 January 2023. You will be notified no later than Monday 30 January 2023. In order to secure a place at the conference, you will need to pay conference and accommodation fees no later than Wednesday 15 February 2023 (you will receive further instructions about this together with your acceptance email). We are currently finalising arrangements for the conference and anticipate that the total costs will be in the region of €600 - €700 per person. This includes single room accommodation on campus and all meals (starting with dinner on Monday 12 June and finishing with lunch on Friday 16 June), and coffee, tea and refreshments during the conference.
Participants need to make their own travel arrangements and their own room booking on campus (or elsewhere, if preferred). In all cases we expect that all participants will take part in the whole conference.
Please submit your application form to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Please also see the Centre’s website: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/centre-public-education-and-pedagogy If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
With kind regards,
Carl Anders Säfström
Professor of Educational Research
Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
Gert Biesta
Professor of Public Education, Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
2022 Doctoral Conference
17 – 21 JANUARY 2022
update: 23 September 2021
Please note that the deadline for applications is 27 September. If you have any further questions or need a bit more time, please get in touch with us.
We are currently finalising the practical arrangements. It is quite likely that the total costs -- participation in the conference, en-suite bedroom on campus, and all meals, teas and coffees, will be in the range of €600-€650.
July 2021
Click here to download
Application Form
In January 2020 we held the first doctoral conference on public education and pedagogy at the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland. The week-long event was enjoyable and intellectually stimulating, not least because all participating students had sufficient time to present and discuss their own work, which is quite different from many big and often rather ‘hurried’ international conferences. Also, spending a week together on campus allowed for a more sustained conversation to evolve. January also turned out to be a rather quiet moment in the academic calendar. While we were keen, to have a second conference in 2021, the pandemic made this impossible.
Although the future is not entirely certain, we are planning to have the next doctoral conference from 17 – 21 January 2022 on the campus of Maynooth University, Ireland. The conference will start at 5.00 p.m. on Monday 17 January, so as to allow travel to Maynooth for participants. The conference will finish 12.00 noon on Friday 21 January.
We are now inviting applications for participation in the conference. As the scale of the event is quite important, we are limiting the conference to 30 participants. One important criterion for participation is the extent to which the work you will present from your doctoral studies has an explicit connection to questions around public education and the ‘publicness’ of education. We ask all applicants to specify this in their proposal. We do take a wide interpretation of public education and are interested in work across the whole range of educational institutions, sectors and settings, including non-formal and informal education of children, young people and adults. We are open to empirical, theoretical and historical contributions, including those that raise questions about notions of public education, ‘publicness’ and the public quality of education. Applications will be considered on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 27 September 2021. You will be notified no later than Monday 18 October 2021. In order to secure a place at the conference, you will need to pay conference and accommodation fees no later than Monday 1 November. We are currently finalising arrangements for the conference and anticipate that the total costs will be in the region of €600 - €700 per person. This includes single room accommodation on campus and all meals (starting with dinner on Monday 17 January and finishing with lunch on Friday 21 January), and coffee, tea and refreshments during the conference. Participants need to make their own travel arrangements. In all cases we expect that all participants will take part in the whole conference.
In the event that the pandemic will make travel or holding the conference on campus impossible, we will schedule an on-line alternative on the same dates and times. We will make a decision about this in the last week of October 2021. If the conference is going to be held on-line, we anticipate a conference fee of no more than €200.-
Please submit your application form to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Please also see the Centre’s website: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/centre-public-education-and-pedagogy If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
With kind regards,
Carl Anders Säfström, Professor of Educational Research and Director of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy
Gert Biesta, Professor of Public Education
Application Form