CPEP Leads Symposium at NERA 2025 Conference
The Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy (CPEP) organised a symposium titled "Reclaiming the Publicness of Education" as part of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) conference on February 6, 2025. The symposium was hosted under Network 16, The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education.
Four papers were presented by CPEP members:
"The Publicness of Education: To Stay in the World with Others" (Carl Anders Säfström, Maynooth University)
"Commodification of Public Education for the Global Market: Finnish International Schools" (Maija Salokangas and Nika Maglaperidze, Maynooth University)
"The Plural Self as Public Self in Education" (Joe Oyler, Maynooth University)
"Education as a Public Good: Why Equal Opportunities Are Not Enough" (Gert Biesta, Maynooth University)
The symposium was chaired by Carl Anders Säfström (Department of Education/CPEP, Ireland) and Elisabet Langmann (Department of Education, Södertörn University, Sweden). Birgit Schaffar-Kronqvist (Department of Education, Finland) and Dion Russelbaek-Hansen (Department of Design, Media and Educational Science, Denmark) served as discussants.