Dr Stephanie Keogh

Graduating with a BA in European Studies at Maynooth University, having studied geography as a core subject, Dr Stephanie Keogh developed a strong interest in climate change during an Erasmus year in Toulouse, France. “I was fortunate in that when I returned, the MSc in Climate Change was launching at Maynooth,” she said. Climate change and the urban environment became the subject of her PhD at Maynooth, focussing in particular on air quality and carbon dioxide levels in Dublin City.
Dr Keogh is a member of U-Flyte at Maynooth’s National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG). U-Flyte's research focuses on integrating drone technology into existing emergency services and air traffic control regulations. This research has the potential to revolutionise search and rescues operations, making them safer and more efficient than ever and is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and industry collaborators including Airbus, Irelandia Aviation and INTEL .