Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 10:15
Dr Elizabeth Boyle of the Maynooth University Department of Early Irish has been appointed Honorary Senior Fellow in Humanities at the University of Suffolk. This fellowship will help facilitate future teaching and research collaborations between the two institutions in key areas related to Dr Boyle's expertise such as medieval history and creative writing.
This Fellowship builds a bridge between Maynooth and Suffolk, two centres for excellence in the Humanities, structured on their aligned interests in creative and innovative approaches to local and medieval history. Maynooth University is a world-leading centre for the study of medieval Irish language, literature and culture and the Department of History at the University of Suffolk ranked 6th in the UK according to the Guardian University Guide 2024.
To officially launch her Fellowship, in January 2025 Dr Boyle will deliver the inaugural Humanities Seminar at the University of Suffolk. Students of Creative Writing, English, and History will join Dr Boyle for a session on "Life-writing as History-writing".

Dr Keith Ruiter, Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Suffolk and an expert on Viking-Age Scandinavia, states: "I'm so happy we could make this happen. As Head of Humanities here, we are delighted to welcome Dr Boyle to our community; as a member of the Centre for Culture and Heritage, I'm very excited to work with her on local initiatives to better serve our communities; and as a colleague, I can't wait to start collaborating with her! Our mutual interests in the interconnected medieval world are going to bring a lot of value to our students and research directions."
Dr Elizabeth Boyle states: "I am very excited to contribute to the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Suffolk. As someone who grew up in Suffolk, having attended Leiston High School (now Alde Valley Academy), I have maintained links with East Anglia and am delighted to have the opportunity to bring some of my research interests and experience back to the region."