Welcome to the Edward M Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention
To quote the late Senator Edward Kennedy, in whose honour the Institute was established in 2011, “learning and scholarship have the power to change lives and transform society”. The overall aim of the Institute, through teaching theory and practice, research and community engagement, is to improve society’s capacity to deal constructively with conflict.
Mar a dúirt an Seanadóir Edward Kennedy, nach maireann, ar bunaíodh an Institiúid seo le hurraim dó sa bhliain 2011, “tá sé de chumhacht ag an bhfoghlaim agus ag an léann an saol a athrú do dhaoine agus an tsochaí a bhunathrú”. Is é príomhaidhm na hinstitiúide seo feabhas a chur ar chumas na sochaí aghaidh a thabhairt ar choinbhleachtaí ar bhealach atá cuiditheach trí theoiric agus trí chleachtas a mhúineadh agus trí thaighde agus rannpháirtíocht an phobail.
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