Blood on the Lens Film Series

Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 14:30

‘Blood on the Lens ‘
1 "The Crown v. John Adair" on Loyalism, how a threat was counteracted, and how a few people can destabilise a divided society.
Date – 24th October
In 2001 a police source said: "To portray any of these paramilitaries as having some deep-seated ideology is total rubbish. This is about drugs, money, territory and power." The Gerry Gregg film, ‘The Crown V John Adair’ examines the emergence of Johnny Adair as a notorious Loyalist terrorist.
This programme deals with the method used by the RUC to gather the evidence that convicted Johnny Adair (UDA, West Belfast) of directing terrorism, it also profiles the years in which he presided over the 'C' (UDA) company.
2 "Witness to Murder" Dealing with Kosovo and the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.
Date – 21st November
Gerry Gregg produced and directed the Emmy award winning film "Witness to Murder" with Hardcash Productions for the Channel 4 "Dispatches series.
The programme tells the story of the massacre of 112 Kosovar Albanian men and boys in a barn in the village of Krushe y Vogel by Serb forces. This programme identifies some of the individuals involved in the massacre of the villagers and won the Royal Television Society Award for "Best Foreign Current Affairs Programme in 2000. Subsequently the material in the programme was cited in the indictment by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague for former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and other Serbian military chiefs
3 "Close to Evil" on Tomi Reichental's quest for reconciliation with his SS Jailer, how it ended and how closure was dramatically achieved with the grand-daughter of Hanns Ludin, the Nazi envoy who sent over 30 of Tomi's relatives to their deaths.
Date – 12th December
The film tells the compelling story of Tomi Reichental's quest to meet one of the SS women who held him captive in Bergen- Belsen. The documentary has won prizes at the Galway Film Fleadh and the Irish Film Institute's "Stranger than Fiction" Festival and was screened on RTE in 2014.