Dr Kieran Doyle

Edward M Kennedy Institute, International Development
Assistant Director of the Edward M Kennedy Institute
Lecturer in the department of International Development
Dr Kieran Doyle is a Senior Lecturer in the Dept of International Development and Assistant Director of the Edward M Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention in Maynooth University, Ireland. He hold the role of Programme Director of the MA in International Peacebuilding, Security and Development Practice. His interests involve a high level of external engagement with key practitioners and organisations active in the practice of conflict intervention and development, peace building and restorative practice. Since 2013, Dr Doyle is Irish representative on the Academic Board of the European Security and Defence
College (ESDC) based in the European External Action Service, Brussels, and also represents Ireland on the Academic Think Tank of the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). His primary research and teaching interests lie in conflict intervention, peace building and practice based learning, and between 2015 -2018, lead Maynooth University staff in two H2020 research projects examining the effectiveness of EU conflict intervention capabilities, the use of serious online gaming in preparation for peacekeeping and as a Principal Investigator in a working package on CSDP missions and operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. He was also a founding member of the editorial board and previously editor of the open access Journal of Mediation and Applied Conflict Analysis (JMACA) published online at https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/edward-m-kennedy-institute/journal-mediation-and-applied-conflict-.... In 2021 he reported to the EU Civilian Training Group, CIVCOM on mediation, negotiation and dialogue capacity in Common Security and Defence Policy Missions. He has served and held leadership positions on UN, NATO and EU missions and has served as an expert to the European Union and to several European Governments on European affairs. During the Autumn Semester (2023/24), he was a Fellow in the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University and was invited to deliver the Herbert C Kelman International Conflict Analysis and Resolution Lecture to the Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School.
Research Interests
EU Common Security and Defence Policy
EU Missions and Operations
Practice based learning
Education of Migrant communities
Application of Activity Theory to Conflict
EU Common Security and Defence Policy
EU Missions and Operations
Practice based learning
Education of Migrant communities
Application of Activity Theory to Conflict
Research Projects
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Doyle, K. (2023) 'The New Civilian CSDP Compact Food for Impact' In: The New Civilian CSDP Compact Food for Impact. 100, avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | Doyle, K and Hario, P. (2017) 'IECEU study findings in Afghanistan' In: Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention. Helsinki : Laurea University. [Link] | |
2017 | Cassells, P,, Doyle, K. and Hynes, P. (2017) 'The Role of Trade Unions, Civil Society and Businesses in Building Trust and Working Toward Reconciliation' In: Peace & the Economy: The Role of Business and the Private Sector in Peace Processes. 11 Guilford StreetLondon WC1N 1DH : Democratic Progress Institute. [Link] | |
2012 | Doyle,K., Murphy,J.P.O’Donovan,G. Sheridan, I Kirk,D.,Maguire,T, Bradley, M., Corcoran, N, Buckley,J., El Amoud L., O’Connor,J., and Power,P. (2012) 'Partnerships and Practice' In: Customised Learning Development - An Exploration of Practice. Cork : CIT Press. [Link] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Doyle,K. and Desta,T (2021) 'Analysis of CSDP Strategic Communications'. Journal of Politics and Law, 14 (No 2):56-73. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Doyle, K. (2020) 'Mediation Negotiation and Dialogue, and the Integrated Approach'. Defence Forces Review, :pp 258-pp 264. |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Doyle,K., Nugent,M.and Finegan, R (2019) Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding – Progress and Prospects Seminar Report to Conflict Resolution Unit DFAT | |
2018 | Kammel,A. (Austrian Institute for External Security (AIES)), Hyttinen,K. (Laurea UAS & University of Jyväskylä), Toussaint,M. (Enquirya), Taitto,P. (Laurea UAS), Doyle,K. (Maynooth University, Kennedy Institute) (2018) EUIA18 Brussels Conference Panel: Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities in European Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) . In: Laurea University eds. Making the EU’s integrated approach work – enhancing civil-military synergies Brussels, 17/05/2018- | |
2010 | Doyle,K. (2010) 13th Irish Academy of Management Conference . In: Dr Margaret Linehan eds. An Integrated Model of Practice Based Learning Cork Institute of Technology, 01/09/2010- 03/09/2010 | |
2009 | Doyle, K. (2009) Symposium on Work-Based UCC . In: Dr Irene Sheridan and Dr Margaret Linehan eds. Challenges Facing Delivery of Work-based Learning to SMEs in the Midlands [Link] | |
2018 | Doyle, K, and Desta, T. (2018) EUIA18 Conference Panel: Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities in European Security and Defence Policy) . In: Laurea University eds. Paper 4: An Analysis of Common Security and Defence Policy’s (CSDP) Strategic Communication (StratCom) Brussels, 18/05/2018- [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Doyle,K. (2017) IECEU Project - Capabilities Planning and Technology . In: Laurea University eds. Planning Capabilities Brussels, 17/04/2017- [Link] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Kieran Doyle (2023) Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs Weatherhead Scholars Programme Seminar Harvard University Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, . | |
2023 | Doyle, K. (2023) Eastern Partnership Culture, Values and Identity in Conflict Vienna, . | |
2023 | Kieran Doyle (2023) Achieving the Implausible: the Power of Hope and Dialogue in the Irish Peace Process Fireside Chat with Harvard students Seamus Heaney Suite, Adams House, Harvard University, . | |
2023 | Doyle,K. (2023) EU peace mediation activities and priorities EU peace mediation activities and priorities Brussels, 29/06/2023-29/06/2023. | |
2023 | Kieran Doyle (2023) Herbert C. Kelman Seminar Herbert C Kelman Seminar in Conflict Analysis Harvard Law School, . [Link] | |
2023 | Doyle, K. and McGearty, S. (2023) – 12th Advanced Course for Political Advisers in CSDP Missions and Operations Conflict analysis in the CSDP context: Analysis of interests and power in conflict contexts Brussels, . | |
2022 | Doyle,K. (2022) Prevention of Conflict and Protection of Minority Rights New Peace Operations as a stabilizing factor for the European Union Rome, . | |
2022 | Doyle,K. (2022) “New Peace Operations as a stabilizing factor for the European Union” The Protection of Cultural Heritage in the context of Minority Rights Centre for Higher Defence Studies, Rome, . | |
2021 | Doyle,K. (2021) EU and NATO training and education lessons identified and best practices during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Closed seminar on EU and NATO training and education lessons identified and best practices during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Online at Webex, 16/06/2021-16/06/2021. | |
2021 | Doyle,K. (2021) European Association of Peace Operations Training Centres (EAPTC) Annual Conference MND - Whats new in training and education? Berlin, 19/05/2021-20/05/2021. | |
2020 | Doyle,K. (2020) Promoting Women in Peace Mediation: Opportunities for Ireland Women in peace mediation Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, 11/03/2020-. | |
2020 | Doyle,K. (2020) Crisis Management Simulation Games CSDP Doctoral School Winter University on EU Internal and External Security and Defence Hosted by EU Doctoral School, 17/11/2020-17/11/2020. | |
2020 | Doyle,K. (2020) StratCom in Security and Defence EU Programme on Stratcom Bucharest, 14/09/2020-18/09/2020. | |
2020 | Doyle,K. (2020) Transatlantic Security Jam: Securing the Post-COVID Future Invitation only transatlantic conference of trusted networks in the security and defence field Online, 12/05/2020-14/05/2020. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) Gaming For Peace KEY TOPICS: training for peacekeeping curriculum development soft skills assessment serious games design soft skills standardisation training for military, police, NGOs peace education TCD, 10/01/2019-11/01/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) Negotiating as a Leader & Leading as a Negotiator Seminar on International Political Negotiation with Jamil Mahaud, fmr President of Ecuador Maynooth university, 14/04/2019-. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) ‘Responsibility to Protect: Sovereignty via Intervention’ Seminar on EU peacebuilding efforts in fmr Yugoslavia Maynooth University, 18/12/2019-18/12/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) 'The EU Strategic Environment and Decision Making' EU Strategic Communications Bucharest, 11/03/2019-15/03/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle,K./Cristal,M. (2019) Round table gathering on the topic of crisis negotiation Round table with senior security and business management in a round table on crisis negotiation Maynooth University, 08/07/2019-08/07/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) EU Common Security and Defence Policy Doctoral School Doctoral School on EU Internal and External Security and Defence Brussels, . | |
2019 | Doyle,K. and Desta,T. (2019) An analysis of strategic communication as a feature of EU peacebuilding Political Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference - Presentation to Panel on ‘Security, Defence and Peacekeeping Glenroyal Hotel, 18/10/2019-20/10/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) The Special Character of Irelands Security and Defence Policy Reflections on Neutrality Roundtable discuss paper on neutrality with senior civil servants, military and academics Irish Institute of European Affairs, 15/05/2019-15/05/2019. | |
2019 | Doyle, K. (2019) 'The Integration of Irish and European Security, Humanitarian and Development Practice’ Invited Lecture to School of Ecumenics, TCD Trinity College Dublin, 05/03/2019-05/03/2019. | |
2018 | Doyle,K. (2018) A European Responsibility for Peace Worldwide?Should Ireland answer Europe’s call? Presentation on Ireland's role in EU Security and Defence German Embassy, 17/11/2018-. | |
2018 | Doyle,K. (2018) Blood on the Lens Film Series on aspects of Conflict and peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and Kosovo Maynooth University, 17/02/2018-06/05/2020. | |
2017 | Doyle,K. (2017) Struggles for Justice and Peace seminar Invited Lecture in the Irish School of Ecumenics Trinity College Dublin, 21/04/2017-21/04/2017. | |
2016 | Prof Jim Sebienus, Prof Dan Shapiro. Prof Maria Fitzduff, Bertie Ahern (2016) Reflections on Northern Ireland’s Peace Process Discussion on the Northern Ireland peace process and broader negotiation lessons Harvard Law School, 28/09/2016-. | |
2016 | Doyle, K. (2016) Implementation of Good Friday Agreement Seminar on the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Edward M Kennedy Institute for the US Senate, Boston, 27/09/2016-27/09/2016. | |
2016 | Doyle, K. (2016) ‘Perspectives on EU Common Security and Defence Policy’ Lecture on CSDP practice Trinity College Dublin, 11/04/2016-11/04/2016. | |
2016 | Doyle, K. (2016) ‘The impact of business, including trade unions, economic development and job creation in progressing reconciliation’ Seminar on the role of economic development on peacebuilding Battle of the Boyne Commemoration Site, Oldbridge, Co Meath, 10/09/2016-10/09/2016. | |
2015 | Doyle,K. (2015) EU Common Security and Defence Invited Lecture on EU Security and Defence Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 20/10/2015-20/10/2015. | |
2015 | Doyle,K. (2015) ‘Information Technology and Mediation: The New Frontier Seminar on Mediation and Technology National University of Ireland, 15/06/2015-15/06/2015. | |
2015 | Doyle,K. (2015) Learning from the NI Peace Process Private Seminar with Middle East Politicians and influencers Maynooth University and National University of Ireland, 01/03/2015-01/03/2015. | |
2015 | Doyle, K. (2015) Dept of Foreign Affairs ‘Civil Society and its vision for Northern Ireland in 25 years’ Dialogue on Irish Peace Process Dublin Castle, 09/09/2015-09/09/2015. | |
2014 | Doyle, K. (2014) International Mediation Conference 3 Day International Conference on Mediation and Restorative Practice Maynooth University, 06/09/2014-08/09/2014. | |
2014 | Doyle,K. (2014) EU and Migration Invited Lecture on EU Security and Defence School of Government, Harvard University, 16/10/2014-16/10/2014. | |
2013 | Doyle, K. (2013) Dispute Resolution within the Asian Pacific Region Mediation in China DDR, 20/03/2013-20/03/2013. | |
2013 | Doyle, K. (2013) Annual General Dermot Earley Memorial Lecture Annual lecture on public leadership since 2013 Maynooth and Defence Forces Location, 04/07/2013-28/11/2019. | |
2013 | Doyle, K. (2013) Reframing the Climate Change Challenge - The Role of Mediation Climate Change and Mediation Maynooth University, 01/02/2013-01/02/2013. | |
2013 | Doyle,K. (2013) Annual Edward M Kennedy Lecture Organised an annual Lecture on Irish American relations New Ross, Wexford, 06/09/2013-06/09/2018. | |
2010 | Doyle, K. (2010) 'Partnerships for Progress -Higher Education Institutes and External Engagements' DIT Seminar on Academic/Industry Partnership Farmleigh House, Dublin, 09/09/2010-09/09/2010. |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Hilding Norberg, A., Larsson,L., Wikstrom, J., Nerud,R., Schulze, Feilke,M. Doyle,K. Dicks,A. and Von Messling,B. (2021) Leadership & Management Training for CSDP Missions. ZIF Berlin, . | |
2020 | Doyle,K. (2020) Mediation, Negotiation and Dialogue Capacity for EU Crisis Interventions. European External Action Service, . | |
2019 | Dhala, E., Doyle, K.,Mbugua, S., Noone, M., Nugent, M. and Ryan.A (2019) Embracing Diversity How People of African Descent and Service Providers experience diversity in Dublin 15. Maynooth University, . [Link] | |
2017 | Smith, R. McCabe, R., Doyle, K., Byrne,J. Holohan, A. Wade,V. Timms, R.,Haahr,M. (2017) Identifying the Gap: Assessment of Existing Training, Tools and Curricula in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building. TCD, . [Link] | |
2009 | Kieran Doyle (2009) Regional and Sectoral Learning Needs HTL Sector. CIT Printing Press, . [Link] | |
2017 | Doyle, K. and Matchett,W. (2017) Study Report of the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Afghanistan. Laurea University, . [Link] | |
2016 | Doyle, K, Matchett, W. and Galavan, R. (2016) Afghanistan Review. Laurea University, . [Link] | |
2015 | Doyle,K. (2015) Legal Framework for EU CSDP Crisis Management Operations. Laurea Unversity, . [Link] | |
2011 | Kieran Doyle (2011) Challenges and Innovation, Work Based Learning in the Midands HTL. Temple Printing, . |
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Kenny, T, and Doyle, K (2019) Editorial. Maynooth University: [Editorial] [Link] |
Web Page
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Doyle,K. (2019) How to Unlock the Brexit Conundrum. Dublin: [Web Page] [Link] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Professional Associations
Outreach Activities
Teaching Interests
Peacekeeping Missions
Conflict Intervention
Mediation and Negotiation
EU Common Security and Defence
Human Security
Research Methods