Maynooth University Department of Electronic Engineering
ToggleAntenna Mast
Purpose of the Equipment: The Antenna mast is used to control the position of the antenna during testing. It can move in the x and Y plane.The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: The Antenna mast is used with the R&S Equipment to perform measurements
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location:RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, BioScience & Engineering
Broadband Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (bCARS) Microscope
This system includes the following components:

FemtoFiber Pro Multi-Arm Laser
Passiveley mode-locked fiber laser system with two outputs for enabling Broadband CARS experiments. The system is based on a single SAM modelocked master fiber oscillator seeding two fiber amplifier arms in Master-Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) configuration, with subsequent wavelength conversion and fully computer controlled motorised prism pairs for system performance optimisation, providing two outputs suitable for broadband CARS microscopy with intrinsically synchronised pulses at each output. Fiber laser technology with a passive mode-locking scheme is preferred for long term hands-off reliability and low power consumption with no water cooling requirements.
Specifications for each output as follows;
Output 1: Narrowband NIR probe beam
Fiber amplification and frequency doubling of master oscillator
- Centre Wavelength: 780 nm ± 10 nm
- Spectral Bandwidth: <2 nm FWHM
- Also possible to switch to access full fundamental output at ~1560nm
- Pulse Duration: 3.4 ps flat top pulses
- Repetition Rate: same as master oscillator (40 MHz)
- Output Power: >100 mW average power
- Beam Profile: TEM00, M²<1.2
- Linearly polarized, > 95% (horizontal)
- Beam size typ. 1.2 mm (1/e²)
- Beam divergence < 1 mrad
- Output coupling: free-space
Output 2: Continuum pump/stokes beam
Fiber amplification with supercontinuum generation and pulse compress including motorised control for optimisation of supercontinuum power and pulse duration
- Continuum wavelength range: 980 - 1400 nm
- Pulse Duration: <25 fs at optimised pulse settings
- Repetition Rate: same as master oscillator (40 MHz)
- Output Power: >30 mW average power at optimised power settings
- Beam Profile: TEM00, M²<1.2
- Linearly polarized, > 95% (horizontal)
- Beam size typ. 4 mm (1/e²)
- Beam divergence < 1 mrad
- Output coupling: free-space
Standard integrated add-ons:
- Electrical monitor output of oscillator (1 GHz, SMA connector)
- Control Interfaces: Ethernet, USB, RS232
Physical dimensions:
Output 1 Head: 151 x 280 x 229 mm³ (includes oscillator), < 10 kg
Olympus Microscope BX51 TRF with Fluorescence, Darkfield, and DIC
Olympus BX51 Stand
Trinocular Head
0.63x Diagnostic Instruments Camera Adapter
Pair of WH10x/22 Eyepieces
6 Place Nosepiece on dovetail
6 Objectives:
- UPlanFL N 4x/0.13
- UPlanFL 10x/0.40
- UPlanFL 40x/0.75
- UPlanFL 100x/0.9
- UPlanFL 50x/0.8
- UPlanFL 20x/0.70
6 Place Turret
5 Cubes:
- U-N41002 HQ:R/DII
- 5100 D/F
- 51004 F/R
- 31000 DAPI
- U-M41001 HQ:FITC
12V 100W Halogen Lamphouse
19V 100W Mercury Lamphouse (U-LH100HGAPO)
Olympus Mercury Power Supply
Andor Shamrock 500 Spectrograph
The Andor Shamrock 500i imaging spectrometer is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The optimized optical design provides exceptional performance for multi-track Spectroscopy. The Shamrock 500 is The Spectroscopy-dedicated software interface provides an interactive and intuitive platform for simultaneous detector(s) and spectrometer real-time control.
- Pre-aligned, pre-calibrated spectrograph
- Image astigmatism correction
- USB 2.0 interface
- Motorized, indexed triple grating turret
- Dual detector outputs
- 3 gratings
Andor iDus 420 BR-DD CCD detector
The scientific grade, 1024 x 255 high speed spectroscopy CCD camera is ideally suited to rapid analysis, multi-channel and low-light applications including fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy. The 420’s range of Front (Open Electrode) and Back Illuminated and Deep Depletion sensor options provide optimised performance from UV through Visible to Near IR.
- Peak QE of 95% - infrared-optimized ‘BR-DD’ model
- Fringe suppression technology Fringing greatly reduced (Deep-Depletion)
- TE cooling to -100°C - Critical for elimination of dark current detection limit - no inconvenience associated with LN2
- UltraVac™ - Critical for sustained vacuum integrity and to maintain unequalled cooling and QE performance, year after year
- Single UV-grade fused silica window - Best UV-NIR throughput performance, specific AR coating and wedge options available
- USB 2.0 connection - Ideal for laptop operation. Seamless operation alongside USB-based Shamrock spectrograph family
- 26 x 26 μm pixel size - Optimized pixel format for high dynamic range and resolution
- Software selectable Pre-Amplifier Gain - Choice of best SNR performance of dynamic range at the touch of a button
- Solis software for Spectroscopy - Comprehensive, user-friendly interface for simultaneous detector & spectrograph control
Software Development Kit (SDK) - Ease of control integration into complex setups: Matlab, Labview, Visual Basic or C/C++
Key Investigator: Dr Bryan Hennelly Phone (+353) 1 708 3338 Email [email protected]
Location: Lab E.1.04 - Dept. Electronic Engineering, BioScience & Engineering, North Campus, Maynooth University
Maturo Control Unit
Purpose of the Equipment: The Maturo Controller is used to control the Antenna mas and Turntable in the Anechoic Chamber. The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: The Maturo Controller is used to control the Antenna mast and turntable in the anechoic chamber. It can be used to control Turntable, antenna mast and 2 additional equipment as required.
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location: RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, North Campus, Maynooth University
PAL TIAGo mobile manipulator service robot

Technical Information
The system comprises a mobile base and lifting torso with a single manipulator arm.
- Dimensions: 110-145 cm tall, footprint 54 cm with arm retracted
- Weight: 73 Kg including batteries
- Battery autonomy: (4-5 hours)
Mobile base
- SICK Laser, 10 m range (15 Hz, 180 degrees, 0.33 degree step)
- 3 rear sonars, 1 m range
- Inertial sensor: 6 degree of freedom
- Differential drive, 1 m/s, indoor environments
Lifting torso
- 1 degree of freedom
- Lift: 35 cm
- Laptop mounting point
- Ports: 1 x USB3 and 1 x USB2, 2 x Gigabit ethernet, 12 V / 5A power
- 7 degrees of freedom
- Arm payload: 3 Kg (without end effector)
- Reach: 87 cm (without end effector)
- Wrist sensor: 6 axis force/torque sensor
- End effectors: parallel gripper, Hey5 hand
Head, Computer, and Communication
- 2 degrees of freedom
- Orbbec Astra RGB-D camera
- Intel i7 (Haswell) CPU
- 802.11n/ac 2x2 Dual Band WiFi
- Bluetooth 4.0
Key investigator: Dr Rudi Villing. Phone: +353-1-708 6328. Email: [email protected]
Location: Robotics Lab, Eolas Building floor 2, North Campus, Maynooth University.
Signal and Spectrum analyser
Purpose of the Equipment: FSW43 is a Rohde & Schwarz signal and spectrum analyser . The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: FSW43 Signal and Spectrum Analyser 2Hz to 43Ghz , -153dBm to +30dBm resolution bandwidth 1Hz to10Mhz .FSW-B24,FSW-B21,FSW-B1200,FSW-K544
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location: RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, North Campus, Maynooth University
Purpose of the Equipment: The Turntable is used to rotate the device under test.The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: The Turntable is used with the antenna mast and the R&S Equipment to perform measurements.
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location: RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, North Campus, Maynooth University
Vector Network Analyser
Purpose of the Equipment: ZVA40 is a Rohde & Schwarz Vector Network Analyser 4 ports, 4generators 10Mhz to 40Ghz . The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: ZVA40 Vector Network Analyser 4 ports 4 generators 10Mhz to 40GHz 2.92mm connectors Optios include: ZVA40-B21,ZVA40-B23,ZVA40-B32,ZVA40-B34,ZVAB-K2, ZVA40-B16,ZVA-K8,ZVAB-B18
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location:RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, BioScience & Engineering
Vector Signal Generator
Purpose of the Equipment: SMW200A is a Rohde & Schwarz Vector Signal Generator with up to 40GHz . The equipment is used in conjunction with the Anechoic Chamber to make measurements for Antennas, EMC test and measurement and other areas of Research and Development activities of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering , Maynooth University.

Technical Information/Equipment Spec: SMW200A Vector Signal Generator Frequency Option for RF path A B103/B106/B112/B120/B131/B140/B140N and baseband main module B13/B13T/B13XT B22, B90,B9
Contact: Professor Ronan Farrell Phone (01) 7086197 Email [email protected]
Location:RadioSpace, Dept of Electronic Engineering, BioScience & Engineering