Engineering Your Future is a hands-on programme for Transition Year students who have an interest in science and maths. It is designed to introduce them to the exciting and diverse world of engineering. Hosted by a number of colleges and companies around the country, the Engineering Your Future programme provides exposure to the various engineering disciplines. Attending students gain a meaningful, practical insight into engineering at third level and as a career - interacting with lecturers and graduates, taking part in workshops and meeting engineers during industry visits.
The programme, supported by STEPS and hosted by Maynooth University offers Transition Year students the opportunity to:
The Department of Electronic Engineering is delighted to offer TY students the opportunity to explore the world of electronics in a university lab setting.
Our world is run by electronics, and the applications for electronics are almost endless. Everything that surrounds you started in a lab, just like ours, somewhere in the world. Come in, experience and explore this fascinating world for yourselves!
Workshops and labs will be offered in analogue and digital electronic circuits, circuit building, software and controls systems as well as talks from our Wave energy research group and a visit to our world leading anechoic chamber for 5G and high frequency RF testing.
The fee for this programme is €20 which is payable when you receive an offer. Students attending a DEIS school will not be charged a fee.
This programme will be in-person subject to Covid-19 guidance at the time.
It is going to be fun and informative, and the staff here at the department are looking forward to welcoming students registered for the event.
Apply for this event with Engineers Ireland;