Speaker Announcement for the New Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture:
31 October, Maynooth University. This event, organised by Biology, Engineering, and Business, will feature research and speakers from policy, technology, and finance.
One speaker will be: Jim McBride Co-founder and CTO of Otherlab (www.otherlab.com), an innovative R&D company in San Francisco. With a background in engineering and a passion for cutting-edge technology, Jim has been instrumental in guiding Otherlab to develop breakthrough solutions in fields such as robotics, energy, and advanced manufacturing. Otherlab brings projects through initial R&D, to forming internal project teams, and eventually fundraising and spinning out into independent companies. Over the past 10 years, Otherlab has raised over $70M in R&D contracts, amassed $250M in follow-on capital and spun-out 12 companies.
Jim’s talk will focus on the R&D process across various sustainability projects and identify the critical challenges for future research.