Great Success with the International Workshop on Race and Indigeneity in Contemporary Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe and Eurasia
On May 18 - 19, 2023, Prof. Hana Cervinkova and Dr Grace Zhou from the Maynooth University Department of Anthropology and the MU Centre for European and Eurasian Studies organized a very successful international workshop that critically interrogated the place of race and indigeneity in contemporary East/Central Europe, the Balkans and Eurasia, places that carry the legacies and burdens of Soviet rule and influence.
Participants included came from a wide range of countries and academic institutions in Europe and the United States. For two days, they presented results of their research and discussed how categories of race and indigeneity can help illuminate historical and contemporary structural inequalities and violence that permeate political and social life in the region. We will be preparing a thematic journal issue on the proceedings.
The event was generously supported by Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Maynooth University, with additional funding provided by the Department of Anthropology and co-funded by the European Union.
Theorizing Race and Indigeneity in Contemporary Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe and Eurasia
May 18-19, 2023 - Maynooth University, Ireland
Organizer: Maynooth University Centre for European and Eurasian Studies and the Department of Anthropology
Convenors: Prof. Hana Cervinkova (Department of Anthropology and Centre for European and Eurasian Studies, Maynooth University) and Dr. Grace Zhou (Irish Research Council’s Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University)
Location: MUSSI Seminar Room, Iontas Building, North Campus
DAY 1 - 18 May, 2023
Moderated by Hana Cervinkova (Maynooth University)
- Piro Rexhepi (Independent Scholar) - White Enclosures: Racial Capitalism and Coloniality Along the Balkan Route
- Alexa Kurmanov (University of California, Berkeley) - [Beyond] (Post)socialist ≠ (Post)colonial?
- Victoria Schmidt (University of Graz) - Invincible Racism? The Misuse of Genetically Informed Arguments Against Roma in Eastern Europe Break
- Rajko Muršič (University of Ljubljana) - Racisms After Race: On Euroracism and Other Racisms of the Present
- Zoltán Ginelli (National University of Public Service, Budapest)- Semiperipheral Whiteness: Hungary’s Racial Positioning in Global Colonial History
- Irit Dekel (Indiana University) - City as Oasis: Resisting Racism in Two Berlin Migrants’ GroupsLunch
- Daniel Škobla (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)- From the Exoticization of the Roma to the Analysis of Whiteness
- Hubert Tubacki (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan)- The Racialization of the Roma in Poland
- Michał Buchowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan) - Racialization of Muslims in Poland
- Bryan Greene (University of Connecticut) - Afro/Black Experiences and Anti-Black Racism in Poland
- Joanna Urbańska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan) - Navigating the Crisis: Polish Tatars between ‘Self’ and ‘Other’
DAY 2 - 19 May, 2023
Moderated by Hana Cervinkova (Maynooth University)
- Grace Zhou (Maynooth University) - Settler Socialist Legacies: Displacement and Incorporation through Labor in Central Asia
- Deborah Michaels (Grinnell College)- State Schooling and the Making of Indigenous Nations: An Analysis of Czech and Slovak Claims of Indigeneity in History Textbooks
- Varvara Borisova (Charles University, Prague)- Anti-War Activism and Colonialism in Siberia