EDEN launches 2014 Student Entrepreneur Challenge

Monday, January 27, 2014 - 00:00

EDEN launches 2014 Student Entrepreneur Challenge.  Entries for €10,000 prize fund to be submitted by Valentine’s Day.
EDEN, the University’s new centre for Entrepreneurship and Design Innovation has today launched the Maynooth Student Entrepreneur Challenge, a three month long competition to find students with novel, high potential ideas.
Speaking at the launch, Peter Robbins from the EDEN Centre, called on students with “an idea for brilliant business or a killer app, and those students who have been quietly hatching an idea that needs a little expertise to make it come alive” to get involved. The competition is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the University, and all entries must be submitted by Friday, February 14th.
The Eden Centre will run a series of creative idea clinics and labs to help students make the most of their ideas, with expert mentoring; expert designers; expert prototyping and experts in market research available to help students.
The prize fund of €10,000, with a top prize of €6,000 has donated by Bank of Ireland and McCann Fitzgerald, with patenting advice being offered by FR Kelly. The competition is organized by the Eden Centre in Maynooth University. The judging panels comprise Maynooth University staff and external industry consultants.
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