Dr Abdul Aziz Mohibbi

Geography, ICARUS

Post Doctoral researcher


An Agriculture and Environmental Engineer, earned his PhD from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan, in 2018. Formerly the Chancellor of Bamyan University in Afghanistan, he implemented various initiatives. His accomplishments include championing continuous improvement in educational provision, diversifying revenue streams through innovative programs, and actively contributing to University Strategic Plan development and implementation.  From 2012 – 2014, he served as the Deputy Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Kabul University, Afghanistan.  With his past roles at Kabul University and the UN Environment Program in Afghanistan, were he led community-based project on nature-based solution. He also worked as a consultant for the Environment and Natural Resource Commission of the Afghanistan Parliament. He received a master’s degree on natural resource management from Asian institute of Technology, Thailand. Currently holds the position of IIE-SRF fellow, jointly hosted by Maynooth University and Trinity College Dublin.

His other focus lies in higher education development, particularly in supporting women and those facing educational barriers in Afghanistan. He serves as the Higher Education Advisor to Sustainable Smiles, a USA based organization, dedicated to advancing education, especially for females. His current research in Maynooth University focuses on peatland change over time and impact of oil price on peat cutting and mapping ash dieback using remote sensing and GIS.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Peatland change over time and impact of oil price on peat cutting and mapping ash dieback using remote sensing and GIS. Post Doctoral Researcher

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Mohammadi M.K., Mohibbi,A.A. and Hedayati.M. H (2021) 'Investigating the challenges and factors influencing the use of the learning management system during the Covid‑19 pandemic in Afghanistan'. Education and Information Technologies, . [DOI]


Year Publication
2018 Mohibbi.A.A (2018) Land cover change and prediction in Bamyan Afghanistan. [Abstract]
2014 Mohibbi. A.A (2014) Proceedings of the Eco-DRR Study Tour, Kyrgyzstan “Central Asian Exchange for Ecosystems and Disaster Linkages. [Abstract]
2014 Mohibbi. A. A (2014) Biodiversity conservation planning for eco-disaster risk reduction in fragile states, a case study from Afghanistan. [Abstract]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2023 Mohibbi A. A and Coburn N (2023) 'The Taliban’s Curricular Attack on Higher Education in Afghanistan: A New Reality for Higher Education in Afghanistan' International Journal of Higher Education, . [DOI]
2022 Mohibbi. A. A and C. Noah (2022) 'Higher Education in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan: Threatened but Not Gone, In the Diplomat. Higher Education in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan: Threatened But Not Gone' The Diplomat, .
2018 Mohibbi, A.A., Bagan, H., Inatomi.M. and Kinoshita,T (2018) 'Land Cover Change in Bamyan, Afghanistan from 1990 to 2015: land degradation induced by lack of land management' Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research, . http://dx.doi.org/10.4035/jsfwr.53.15
2024 Mohammad Reza Ibrahim and Abdul Aziz Mohibbi (2024) 'Role of Strategic Planning in Quality Enhancement of Higher Education Institutions: Case Study of Bamyan University' Eximia Journal, 13 (Vol. 13 (2024): Eximia Science) . https://doi.org/10.47577/eximia.v13i1.455
2024 Abdul Aziz Mohibbi and Noah Coburn (2024) 'How Taliban Rule Has Reshaped Higher Education in Afghanistan' The Diplomat, .


Year Publication
2016 United Nations Environment Programme (2016) Coordinator for Mountain Partners: Applying Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) for sustainable and resilient development planning in the Koh-e Baba Mountains, Afghanistan. Afghanistan: UNEP. [Link]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Abdul Aziz Mohibbi and Helen Shaw (2024) International Geography Congress Social and ecological Shock in peatland and its change over time
2024 Abdul Aziz Mohibbi (2024) International Geography Congress Biodiversity Conservation Planning for Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction in fragile countries: A Case Study of the Central Highlands in Afghanistan
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
World Commission on Protected Area (WCPA), IUCN Member -
Afghanistan Wildlife Executive Committee (AWEC) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/08/2014 Research Fellowship University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)


Committee Function From / To
Social Justice week Committee, Maynooth University Member -


Employer Position From / To
Geography Department Maynooth University Postdoctoral researcher -


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Persian Fluent Fluent Fluent


Client Description
Sustainable Smiles

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
SERVIR-HKH Book Guest Editor -