Prof Gerry Kearns

I gained a PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge. My work is at the intersection of historical, political and medical themes in Geography. My 2009 book, Geopolitics and Empire, won the Murchison Award from the Royal Geographical Society as the most significant contribution to geographical scholarship that year. I am currently working on the cultural politics of AIDS for a book to be called Making Space for AIDS. Distinguished Historical Geographer at the Association of American Geographers Conference, 2015.
Research Interests
Medical Geography
Irish identities
The Catholic Body and Artistic Performance
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Kearns, Gerry (2023) 'Posthumanist materialism and the encounter with art'. The AAG Review of Books, 11 (4):37-41. [DOI] | |
2023 | Kearns, G.; Tucker, A. (2023) 'From Rights to Beliefs: The Geopolitics of Securitising AIDS'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Kearns, Gerry (2023) 'The Catholic footprint in Victorian Dublin'. Journal of Victorian Culture, 28 (4):566-572. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Antosik-Parsons K.; Till K.E.; Kearns G.; Callan J.; McDonald N. (2022) 'Leading Change: Reproductive Rights, Empowerment and Feminist Solidarity in the Dublin Bay North Repeal the 8th Campaign'. Feminist Encounters, 6 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2022 | Tucker A.; Kearns G. (2022) 'Scientific hubris and a squeamish necropolitics: tracing continuities and discontinuities in AIDS discourses from the perspective of COVID-19'. Social and Cultural Geography, . [DOI] | |
2022 | Kearns, G. (2022) 'Irish Literature in Transition'. Scottish Geographical Journal, . | |
2021 | Kearns, G (2021) 'Topple the racists 2: decolonising the space and the institutional memory of geography'. Geography, 106 (1):4-15. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Koopman S.; Dalby S.; Megoran N.; Sharp J.; Kearns G.; Squire R.; Jeffrey A.; Squire V.; Toal G. (2021) 'Critical Geopolitics/critical geopolitics 25 years on'. Political Geography, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kearns, G. (2021) 'A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians,Dykes, and Queers; The City We Became'. The AAG Review of Books, 9 (2):45-50. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'In Transit: Placelessness and the Absurd in the Writings of Anna Seghers'. GeoHumanities, 6 (1):1-24. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'Topple the racists I: Decolonising the space and the institutional memory of the university'. Geography, 105 (3):116-125. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Nally D.; Kearns G. (2020) 'Vegetative States: Potatoes, Affordances, and Survival Ecologies'. Antipode, 52 (5):1373-1392. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'Topple the racists 1: decolonising the space and institutional memory of the university'. Geography, 105 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'The Cambridge History of Ireland'. Irish Geography, 53 (1):93-103. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Kearns G.; Nally D. (2019) 'An accumulated wrong: Roger Casement and the anticolonial moments within imperial governance'. Journal of Historical Geographpy, 64 :1-12. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Kearns, G. (2018) 'The New Law of War'. DUBLIN REVIEW OF BOOKS, 96 (January). [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Kearns, G. (2018) 'Ireland's Brexit Problem'. The AAG Review of Books, 6 (4):275-281. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Kearns, G. (2018) 'Artistic proclamations'. IRISH REVIEW, 54 :8-22. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Kearns G. (2017) 'The territory of colonialism'. Territory, Politics, Governance, 5 (2):222-238. [DOI] | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) 'Fiona Whelan: Enduring place'. Klaxon, 6 :38-49. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Gerry Kearns and Shelagh Waddington (2015) 'How has my home area changed over time? Exploring a key geographical concept using on-line resources and fieldwork'. Geographical Viewpoint, 42 . [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) 'Often Doublin' in the Green'. The AAG Review of Books, 3 :52-56. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Kearns G. (2015) 'Vacancy and value in Dublin 1798-1911'. Irish Geography, 48 (1):13-36. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kearns, G (2014) 'Governing vitalities and the security state'. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32 :762-778. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'Colonial Contexts and Postcolonial Legacies, Part 2'. 42 :27-29. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'Fatal Geographies'. Irish Geography, 46 . [DOI] | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'If wood were an element: Primo Levi and the material world'. Versus: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici, 119 :21-49. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'Up to the Sun and Down to the Centre: The Utopian Moment in Anticolonial Nationalism'. 42 :130-151. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G (2013) 'Beyond the Legacy of Mackinder'. Geopolitics, 18 :917-932. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G (2013) 'The Butler affair and the geopolitics of identity'. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31 :191-207. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Geopolitical Regression'. American Association of Geographers Review of Books, 1 :135-139. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Globalization and empire'. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D, 30 :955-957. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Colonialism and the Irish Famine'. DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 2 :76-77. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Irish historical geographies: Colonial contexts and postcolonial legacies'. 41 :22-34. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Gender, Politics, Solidarity'. DUBLIN REVIEW OF BOOKS, 30 . [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) 'Looking into the dark'. DUBLIN REVIEW OF BOOKS, 21 . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) 'Reading Gerry Kearns' Geopolitics and Empire: The Legacy of Halford Mackinder'. Political Geography, 30 :49-58. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Nally, D., and Kearns, G. (2011) 'Lessons from the past: Why do famines still plague us? [Chronicle of Higer Education, Chronicle Review]'. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 58 :B10-B12. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) 'The descent of Darwin'. Environment and Planning A, 42 :257-258. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) 'Annual General Meeting and Medal and Awards Celebration'. Geographical Journal, 176 :256-266. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) 'Geography, geopolitics, and empire'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35 :183-207. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Mackinder Redux'. Human Geography, 2 (2):44-47. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Kearns, G., and Reid-Henry, S. (2009) 'Vital geographies: life, luck and the human condition'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99 :554-574. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) 'Progressive Geopolitics'. Geography Compass, 2 :1599-1620. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) 'Forging early-modern colonial Ireland'. Journal of Historical Geographpy, 34 :138-144. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) 'The geography of terror'. Political Geography, 27 :360-364. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Nally, D., and Kearns, G. (2008) 'Disaster capitalism in historical perspective'. Geographical Journal, 174 :285-286. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) 'The Social Shell'. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, 34 :49-70. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) 'Naturalising empire: echoes of Mackinder for the next American century?'. Geopolitics, 11 :74-98. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) 'Dublin, modernity and the postcolonial fix'. Irish Geography, 39 :177-183. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Kearns, G. (2004) 'The political pivot of Geography'. Geographical Journal, 170 :337-346. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Kearns, G. (2004) 'Mother Ireland and the revolutionary sisters'. Cultural Geographies, 11 :459-483. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Kearns, G. (2001) '“Educate that holy hatredâ€: place, trauma and identity in the Irish nationalism of John Mitchel'. Political Geography, 20 :885-911. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Kearns, G. (2000) 'Maps, models and registers: the historical geography of the population of England'. Journal of Historical Geographpy, 26 :298-304. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Kearns, G. (1999) 'Graham Smith (1953-99): an appreciation'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 24 :495-500. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Kearns, G. (1998) 'The virtuous circle of facts and values in the New Western History'. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 88 :377-409. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1997 | Kearns, G. (1997) 'The imperial subject: geography and travel writing in the work of Halford Mackinder and Mary Kingsley'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 22 :450-472. [Full-Text] | |
1994 | Kearns, G. (1994) 'Class and environment in Fatal Years'. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 68 :113-123. [Full-Text] | |
1993 | Kearns, G., Laxton, P. and Campbell, J. (1993) 'Duncan and the cholera test: public health in mid-nineteenth century Liverpool'. Transactions Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 143 :87-115. [Full-Text] | |
1993 | Kearns, G. (1993) 'Le handicap urbain et le déclin de la mortalité en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles'. Annales de Demographie Historique, 1993 :75-105. [Full-Text] | |
1992 | Kearns, G. (1992) 'Historical Geography'. 16 :406-413. [DOI] | |
1992 | Kearns, G. (1992) 'Cholera, nuisances and environmental management in Islington 1830-1855'. Medical History, Supplement 11 :94-125. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | Kearns, G. (1991) 'This Common Inheritance: green idealism versus Tory pragmatism'. Journal of Biogeography, 18 :363-370. [Full-Text] | |
1991 | Kearns, G. (1991) 'Historical Geography'. 15 :47-56. [DOI] | |
1989 | Kearns, G. (1989) 'Historical Geography'. 13 :259-266. [DOI] | |
1989 | Kearns, G. (1989) 'Death in the time of cholera'. Journal of Historical Geographpy, 15 :425-432. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1988 | Kearns, G. (1988) 'Private property and public health reform in England 1830-1870'. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 26 :187-199. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1988 | Kearns, G. (1988) 'Historical Geography'. Progress in Human Geography, 12 :103-110. [DOI] | |
1988 | Kearns, G (1988) 'History, geography and world systems theory'. Journal of Historical Geographpy, 14 :281-292. [Full-Text] | |
1987 | Kearns, G. (1987) 'Private enterprise rains O.K.? London and its water supply'. London Journal, 12 :180-186. | |
1985 | Kearns, G. (1985) 'Halford Mackinder'. Geographers Bibliographical Studies, 9 (71). | |
1985 | Kearns, G. (1985) 'Historical Geography'. 10 :587-594. | |
1984 | Kearns, G. (1984) 'Closed space and political practice: Halford Mackinder and Frederick Jackson Turner'. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D, 2 :23-34. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1984 | Kearns, G. (1984) 'Making space for Marx'. Historical Geography, 10 :411-417. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2024 | Gerry Kearns (2024) 'The unfinished revolution against capitalism'. Journal of Historical Geography, 84 :150-151. | |
2024 | Gerry Kearns (2024) 'Root shock and postcolonial trauma in Ireland'. Built Environment, 50 (2):307-326. [Link] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Kearns, G (2022) 'Sorting the City' In: There Are Better Ways: Education, Class and Free Thought FM. Dublin : Douglas Hyde Gallery of Contemporary Art. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Kearns, G (2021) 'At home with the Bohemians' In: This Is Our Place: A Survey of Dalymount Park, The Home of Irish Football. Dublin : Bohemians F.C. | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'Vital Geographies' In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. vol. 14. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. and O'Connell, P. (2020) 'Fields and Hedges: Pauline O’Connell’s You Cannot Climb a Hedge' In: Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields and Gardens. Maynooth : Cassa Preess, Maynooth Department of Geography. [Link] | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'The Potent Wayfarer' In: transhumance: the nomadic artist: part of this land. Dublin : Phizzfest. [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Kearns, Gerry and Till, Karen E. (2019) ''The Wrath of the Rain': The Lifeworlds of Irish Cultural Practice' In: Irish Lifeworlds. Cork : University of Cork. | |
2019 | Kearns, G. (2019) 'The Lore of the Land' In: Shaping Ireland: Landscapes in Irish Art. Dublin : National Gallery of Ireland. [Full-Text] | |
2019 | McDonald, N, Antosik-Parsons, K, Till, K.E., Kearns, G., and Callan, J. (2019) 'Campaigning for choice: canvassing as feminist pedagogy in Dublin Bay North' In: After the Eighth: Rethinking Abortion Politics. London : Zed. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) 'The territory of colonialism' In: Territorial Designs and International Politics: Inside-out and Outside-in. New York : Routledge. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) 'HIV, AIDS and the global imaginary' In: Global Health and Geographical Imaginaries. London : Routledge. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Gerry Kearns (2016) 'Queering epidemiology' In: The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities. London : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'Manly Endeavours' In: Geopolitics: An introductory reader. New York : Routledge. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. and Meredith, D. (2014) 'Spatial Justice and Primary Education' In: Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) 'Introduction' In: Spatial justice and the Irish crisis. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Imperialism and the Heartland' In: Central Asia in International Relations: The Legacies of Halford Mackinder. London : Hurst. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) 'Interpréter les differences mondiales' In: Élisée Reclus et nos géographies: Textes et prétextes. Paris : Éditions Noir et Rouge. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) 'The Political Pivot of Geography' In: Derek Gregory and Noel Castree(Eds.). Human Geography. Volume 1. London : Sage. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) 'Nationalism and the public sphere: The Nation newspaper and he movement for the repeal of the Union' In: At the Anvil: Essays in Honour of William J. Smyth. Dublin : Geographical Publications. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) 'Echoes of Schmitt among the Ideologists of the New American Empire' In: Saptiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt: Geogrpahies of the Nomos. London : Routledge. [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) 'Geopolitics' In: Handbook of Geographical Knowledge. London : Sage. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Sequent occupance' In: Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore(Eds.). Dictionary of Human Geography, fifth edition. London : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Heartland' In: Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore(Eds.). Dictionary of Human Geography, fifth edition. London : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Frontier thesis' In: Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore(Eds.). Dictionary of Human Geography, fifth edition. London : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Mackinder, H. J' In: Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift(Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford : Elsevier. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Kropótkin, P.' In: Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift(Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford : Elsevier. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) 'Frontier' In: Dictionary of Human Geography, fifth edition. London : Wiley-Blackwell. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) 'Taking theory for a walk in Ireland' In: Practicing the archive: reflections on methods and practice in historical geography. London : Historical Geography Research Group. | |
2007 | Kearns, G. (2007) 'The history of medical geography after Foucault' In: Space, knowledge and power: Foucault and Geography. Aldershot : Ashgate Press. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) 'Europe as the just measure of the world' In: Reclus: textes et contextes. Lyon : Université de Lyon. | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) 'Bare life, political violence and the territorial structure of Britain and Ireland' In: Violent geographies: fear, terror and political violence. New York : Routledge. | |
2004 | Kearns, G. (2004) 'Halford Mackinder' In: Bernard Lightman(Eds.). Dictionary of nineteenth-century British scientists. London : Thoemmes Press. | |
2004 | Kearns, G. (2004) 'Environmental history' In: A companion to cultural geography. Oxford : Blackwell. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Kearns, G. (2003) 'Nation, empire, cosmopolis: Ireland and the break with Britain' In: Geographies of British modernity: space and society in the twentieth century. Oxford : Blackwell. [DOI] | |
2003 | Kearns, G. (2003) 'Imperial geopolitics: geopolitical visions at the dawn of the American century' In: A companion to political geography. Oxford : Blackwell. [DOI] | |
2002 | Kearns, G., and Laxton, P. (2002) 'Ethnic groups as public health hazards: the Famine Irish in Liverpool and lazaretto politics' In: The politics of the healthy life: an international perspective. Sheffield : European Association for the History of Medicine and Health. | |
2001 | Laxton, P., and Kearns, G. (2001) 'Power and salubrity: the politics of sanitary reform in Victorian Liverpool' In: Les hygiénistes: enjeux, modèles et pratiques (XVIIIe-XXe siècles). Paris : Belin. | |
2000 | Kearns, G. (2000) 'Town Hall and Whitehall: sanitary intelligence in Liverpool, 1840-63' In: Body and city: histories of urban public health. Aldershot : Ashgate Press. | |
1999 | Kearns, G. (1999) 'Demography and industrialisation: a geographical overview' In: Industrialisation and the Epidemiologic Transition. Umeå : Demographic Data Base. [Full-Text] | |
1995 | Kearns, G. (1995) 'Tuberculosis and the medicalisation of English society, 1880-1920' In: Coping with sickness: historical aspects of health care in a European perspective. Sheffield : European Association for the History of Medicine. | |
1994 | Kearns, G., Lee, W. R., and Rogers, J. (1994) 'Urbanisierung und Professionalisierung als Bestimmungsfaktoren bei der Gestaltung des deutschen Gesundheitssystems im 19. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich' In: Städtische Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert: Soziale und demographische Aspekte der Urbanisierung. St. Katharinen, Germany : Scripta Mercaturae Verlag. | |
1993 | Kearns, G. (1993) 'Fin-de-siècle geopolitics: Mackinder, Hobson and theories of global closure' In: Peter Taylor(Eds.). Political geography of the twentieth century. London : Belhaven Press. | |
1993 | Kearns, G. (1993) 'Quiet prosperity: the Nordic countries' In: Stuart Corbridge(Eds.). World economy. Oxford : Andromeda. | |
1993 | Kearns, G. (1993) 'The city as spectacle: Paris and the celebration of the Bicentenary of the French Revolution' In: Gerry Kearns and Chris Philo(Eds.). Selling places: the city as cultural capital, past and present. London : Pergamon. | |
1993 | Philo, C., and Kearns, G. (1993) 'Culture, history, capital: a critical introduction to the selling of places' In: Gerry Kearns and Chris Philo(Eds.). Selling places: the city as cultural capital, past and present. London : Pergamon. | |
1992 | Kearns, G. (1992) 'Historical and geographical perspectives' In: Alisdair Rogers, Heather Viles, and Andrew Goudie(Eds.). The student’s companion to geography. Oxford : Basil Blackwell. | |
1992 | Kearns, G. (1992) 'The problems of sanitary reform in Islington' In: Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1800-1930: A Sourcebook. Manchester UK : Manchester University Press. | |
1991 | Kearns, G. (1991) 'Biology, class, and the urban penalty' In: Gerry Kearns and Charles Withers(Eds.). Urbanising Britain: essays on class and community in the nineteenth century. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
1991 | Kearns, G., and Withers, C. (1991) 'Introduction' In: Gerry Kearns and Charles Withers(Eds.). Urbanising Britain: essays on class and community in the nineteenth century. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
1989 | Kearns, G. (1989) 'Introduction' In: John Rogers and Marie Clark Nelson(Eds.). Urbanisation and the epidemiologic transition. Uppsala : Family History Project. | |
1989 | Kearns, G. (1989) 'The interaction of political and economic factors in the public health of England, Germany and Sweden' In: John Rogers and Marie Clark Nelson(Eds.). Urbanisation and the epidemiologic transition. Uppsala : Family History Project. | |
1989 | Kearns, G. (1989) 'Zivilis and hygaeia: urban public health during the epidemiologic transition' In: Richard Lawton(Eds.). The rise and fall of great cities. London : Belhaven Press. | |
1988 | Kearns, G. (1988) 'The urban penalty and the population history of England' In: Anders Brändström and Lars-Göran Tedebrand(Eds.). Society and health during the demographic transition. Stockholm : Almqvist and Wiksell. [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Niamh McDonald, Kate Antosik-Parsons, Karen E. Till, Gerry Kearns and Jack Callan (2020) 'Campaigning for choice: Canvassing as feminist pedagogy in Dublin Bay North' In: After Repeal: Rethinking Abortion Politics. London, UK : Zed Books. | |
2020 | Kearns, G. (2020) 'Between security and reparations: Ireland and the European refugee crisis' In: Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis And Human Security. [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | Kearns, G. (2019) 'Vital Geographies' In: International Encyclopedia Of Human Geography, Second Edition. [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | MdDonald, Niamh; Antosik-Parsons, Kate; Till, Karen E.; Kearns, Gerry; and Callan, Jack (2019) 'Campaigning for Choice: Canvassing as Feminist Pedagogy in Dublin Bay North' In: After the 8th. London : Zed Books. [Full-Text] |
Conference Publication
Year | Publication | |
2016 | Till, K.E. and Kearns, G. (2016) Landscape Values: Place and Praxis . In: Tim Collins, Gesche Kindermann, Conor Newman and Nessa Cronin eds. Emplacing “who we are, what we are”: The embodied and historical geographies of ANU Productions’ Laundry Galway, | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Mapping Spectral Traces IV . In: Till, K.E eds. Ghost Maps Maynooth, 25/05/2011- 28/05/2011 [Link] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Kearns, G. (2018) Territory's Value: An Interdisciplinary Workshop with Charles Maier ‘Colonialism and the Value of Territory,’ Queen Mary University of London, February 2018 Queen Mary University of London, 14/02/2018-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Graduate Symposium on Ireland in the World ‘The Cultural Politics of AIDS in historical perspective’, Graduate Symposium on Ireland in the World, Trinity College Long Hub, Dublin, November 2017 Trinity College Dublin, 23/11/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘The Empire Speaks Back,’ Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, August 2017 London, 31/08/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Defending Life by Queering Spatial Metaphors,’ Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference, Boston USA, April 2017 Boston, USA, 05/04/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers 2017 ‘A Platform for Arts: The commemoration of 1916 in 2016,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, Cork, May 2017 Cork, 05/05/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Book Launch. Morrissey, The Long War ‘The Geopolitics of the Long War,’ Moore Institute, NUI Galway, October 2017 National University of Ireland Galway, 25/10/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Kings College London Geography Seminar Series ‘Contagion and Providence: Making Space for AIDS,’ King’s College London, November 2017 King's College London, 15/11/2017-. | |
2017 | Kearns, G. (2017) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Valuing heritage in the postcolonial city’, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, September 2017 London, 30/08/2017-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Using the Proclamation: arts, activism and the Academy ‘Using the Proclamation,’ Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, April 2016 Dublin, 26/04/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Palestinian Solidarity ‘The Geopolitics of Solidarity,’ Palestinian Symposium, Maynooth, April 2016 Maynooth, 13/04/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Revolutionary Masculinities ‘Revolutionary Masculinities and the Irish Revolution,’ Revolutionary Masculinities, Maynooth University, Maynooth, August 2016 Maynooth, 26/08/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. and Gibbons, L. (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers 2016 Fieldwalk, Memory and Landscape, Glasnevin Cemetery Dublin, 05/05/2016-. | |
2016 | Till, K.E. and Kearns, G. (2016) Landscape Values: Place and Praxis ‘Emplacing who we are, what we are: The embodied and historical geographies of ANU’s production, “Laundry,”’ Landscape Values: Place and Praxis, Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI Galway, Galway, July 2016 National University of Ireland Galway, 02/07/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) BodyStories Conference, Women’s Studies, University College Cork ‘From Panopticon to Arcade: Stories of Bodily Discipline in the Asylum,’ BodyStories Conference, Women’s Studies, University College Cork, June 2016 Cork, 19/06/2011-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Book Launch, Gladwin and Cusick, Unfolding Landscapes ‘Triangulating with Tim Robinson,’ Moore Institute, NUI Galway, Galway, April 2016 National University of Ireland Galway, 12/04/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers 2016 ‘Postcolonial Memory: Commodities and Institutions,’ Conference of‘ Irish Geographers, Dublin, May 2016 Dublin, 05/05/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound Field Walk, The 1916 Rising and Artistic Representations Dublin, 16/10/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers 2016 ‘Historical Capitalism in the Web of Life,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, May 2016 Dublin, 05/05/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound International Conference of Artists and Academics Maynooth, 16/10/2016-20/10/2016. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound ‘Segregation and the Right to the City: Dublin, 1750-2016’ Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound, Maynooth, October 2016 Maynooth, 18/10/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Using the Proclamation: arts, activism and the Academy A Conference at the Royal Irish Academy Dublin, 26/04/2016-. | |
2016 | Kearns, G. (2016) Bodies Politic: The Casement Project ‘Roger Casement and the Bodies Politic,’ Bodies Politic: The Casement Project, Maynooth, February 2016 Maynooth, 25/02/2016-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Queer At Queens 2015 Making Metaphors for AIDS Belfast, 15/11/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Making a show of ourselves: public arts policy and re-construction of the civic in austerity Ireland ‘Public arts policy and the re-construction of the civic in austerity Ireland,’ National College of Art and Design, Dublin, March 2015 Dublin, 03/03/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) The Geographical Turn A conference as part of an IRC project, held at various locations in Dublin including Royal Irish Academy and Gallery of Photography Dublin, 06/11/2015-07/11/2015. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers 2015 ‘Geopolitics of Solidarity,’ Geographical Society of Ireland, Belfast, May 2015 Belfast, 21/05/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) International Conference of Critical Geography ‘Geopolitics after Auschwitz,’ International Conference of Critical Geography, Ramallah, Palestine, July 2015 Ramallah, Palestine, 27/07/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) American Politicall Studies Association Annual Conference ‘The territory of colonialism,’ International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 2015 New Orleans, USA, 19/02/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Distinguished Historical Geographer Plenary: The Legacy of the Slums,’ Association of American Geographers, annual meeting, Chicago, April 2015 Chicago, USA, 24/05/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers Conference ‘Geopolitics after Auschwitz,’ Political Geography Specialty Group, pre-conference, Chicago, April 2015 Chicago, USA, 20/04/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) The Geographical Turn ‘The Geographical Turn,’ Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, November 2015 Dublin, 06/11/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) The Geographical Turn ‘Conversation with Larry Kirwan,’ Gallery of Photography, Dublin, November 2015 Dublin, 07/11/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Precarious Geographies: Insecurity, Solidarity and Critical Geopolitics ‘The Question of Israel and the Geopolitics of Solidarity,’ Precarious Geographies: Insecurity, Solidarity and Critical Geopolitics, Whitaker Institute NUI Galway, March 2015 National University of Ireland Galway, 30/03/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Militarism and Humanitarianism,’ Association of American Geographers, annual meeting, Chicago, April 2015 Chicago, USA, 22/04/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘The Geopolitcs of Solidarity,’ Association of American Geographers, annual meeting, Chicago, April 2015 Chicago, USA, 21/04/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, University of Valdivia, Chile ‘The Legacy of the Slums: Use versus Exchange Value in Dublin 1800-2015,’ School of Architecture, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, September 2015 Valdivia, Chile, 10/09/2015-. | |
2015 | Kearns, G. (2015) International Conference of Historical Geography ‘The Postcolonial Politics of Contagion: AIDS in South Africa,’ International Conference of Historical Geography, London, July 2015 London, 07/07/2015-. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) HIV/AIDS and sexuality: International and local perspectives Meeting of international scholars for World AIDS Day Maynooth, 01/12/2014-. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) Seminar Series, Department of Geography, University of Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand ‘The cultural politics of the contagion metaphor,’ Department of Geography, University of Canterbury-Christchurch, New Zealand, April 2014 Christchurch, New Zeland, 30/06/2014-. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) Geography/Anthropology Seminars Series ‘AIDS and the postcolonial state,’ Departments of Geography/Anthropology, Maynooth University, December 2014 Maynooth, 11/12/2014-. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) Seminar Series, Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town ‘Making new metaphors for AIDS,’ Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town, South Africa, July 2014 Cape Town, South Africa, 22/07/2014-. | |
2014 | Kearns, G. (2014) Institute of Australian Geographers, Biennial Conference ‘Vital geographies: Making space for AIDS in science and culture,’ biennial meeting of the Institute of Australian Geographers, Melbourne, Australia, June 2014 Melbourne, Australia, 30/06/2014-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Terrorscapes: Transnational Memory of Totalitarian Rule, Terror and Mass Violence in Europe ‘If wood were an element: Primo Levi and the materiality of memory,’ Terrorscapes, Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study, Waasenar, Netherlands, January 2013 Wasenaar, Netherlands, 23/01/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers 2013 ‘Gentrification as social formation,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, May 2013 Galway, 18/05/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis Conference of Geographers on the Crisis and Austerity, Royal Irish Academy Dublin, 23/04/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns,G. and Meredith, D. (2013) Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis, Royal Irish Academy Spatial Justice and Primary Education Dublin, 23/04/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Transnationalism and the Catholic geopolitical imaginary,’ annual meeting of the IBG/Royal Geographical Society, London, August 2013 London, 30/08/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Workshop on the Silk Road ‘Halford Mackinder and the geopolitics of the Silk Road,’ Workshop on the Silk Road, Royal Geographical Society, London, February 2013 London, 06/02/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers 2013 ‘Neil Smith. A celebration of his life and work,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, May 2013 Galway, 17/05/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Tribute to Neil Smith. Discussant,’ annual meeting of the IBG/Royal Geographical Society, London, August 2013 London, 28/08/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Symposium on Society, Environment and Development ‘Critical reflections on field-based learning,’ Symposium on Society, Environment and Development, NUI Galway, August 2013 National University of Ireland Galway, 27/08/2013-. | |
2013 | Kearns, G. (2013) Seminar Series, Whitaker Institute, National University of Ireland Galway ‘The geographer’s revenge: Geopolitics and geographical fate,’ Whitaker Institute, NUI Galway, May 2013 National University of Ireland Galway, 15/05/2013-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) People, Past and Place A conference on historical geography, part of Maynooth Geography 40th birthday celebrations Maynooth, 27/04/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Mapping Spectral Traces VI ‘Spectral traces and the Irish Catholic body,’ Mapping Spectral Traces VI, Minneapolis, October 2012 Minneapolis MN, USA, 19/10/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) People, Past and Place ‘Mapping the Irish Catholic Body,’ People, Past and Place, Maynooth, April 2012 Maynooth, 27/04/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Spectral Traces V ‘Dance as spectral trace,’ Spectral Traces V, Galway, April 2012 National University of Ireland Galway, 20/04/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Capital places of engagement: the cultural politics of institutional failure,’ annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 New York, 26/02/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Symposium on the 31st International Eucharistic Congress ‘History and Myth,’ Symposium on the 31st International Eucharistic Congress, Dublin, September 2012 Dublin, 28/09/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Inaugural Lecture. Kearns ‘People, past, and place,’ Inaugural lecture, National University of Ireland Maynooth, February 2012 Maynooth, 16/02/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Ignite talks, Maynooth University ‘AIDS and its metaphors,’ Ignite talk, Maynooth, December 2012 Maynooth, 14/12/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Third Symposium on Environment and Development ‘Critical issues in resource justice,’ Third Symposium on Environment and Development, Galway, August 2012 National University of Ireland Galway, 28/08/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Governing vitalities and the security state,’ annual meeting of the IBG/Royal Geographical Society, Edinburgh, August 2012 Edinburgh, 04/07/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Conference of Irish Geographers 2012 ‘Choreographing Catholic bodies: Testimony and resistance in the wake of clerical sex abuse,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, Trinity College Dublin, May 2012 Dublin, 26/05/2012-. | |
2012 | Kearns, G. (2012) Geographical Society of Finland, Annual Conference ‘Progressive Geopolitics and the Global War on Terror,’ opening address to the annual meeting of the Finnish Geographical Society, Helsinki, November 2012 Helsinki, Finland, 25/10/2012-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Mapping Spectral Traces IV International meeting of artists and academics Maynooth, 25/05/2011-28/05/2011. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers Conference ‘Passing and the geographies of identity,’ Political Geography Specialty Group, Seattle, April 2011 Seattle, USA, 10/04/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Environment, Development and Society Symposium ‘Panel Discussion: Accumulation, Securitization and the Politics of Rule,’ Environment, Development and Society Symposium, National University of Ireland Galway, 23 August 2011 National University of Ireland Galway, 23/08/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Mapping Spectral Traces IV ‘Colonial and postcolonial spectral traces in Dublin,’ Mapping Spectral Traces IV, Maynooth, May 2011 Maynooth, 26/05/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Geopolitics, Ireland, and the New World Order ‘The geopolitics of church-state relations as revealed by the clerical child sex abuse scandal,’ Geopolitics, Ireland, and the New World Order, Maynooth, November 2011 Maynooth, 25/11/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Human Encumbrances. Panel on David Nally’s book,’ annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 2011 Seattle, USA, 14/04/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Conference of Irish Geographers 2011 ‘Geography and passing,’ annual meeting of the Geographical Society of Ireland, Limerick, May 2011 Limerick, 07/05/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Geopolitics, Ireland, and the New World Order Geopolitics conference organised as part of 40th birthday celebrations for Maynooth Geography Maynooth, 25/11/2011-26/11/2011. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Political ontology of Giorgio Agamben,’ annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 2011 Seattle, USA, 13/04/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Conceptions of people, past and place in Irish anticolonial nationalism,’ annual meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, London, August 2011 London, 31/08/2011-. | |
2011 | Kearns, G. (2011) Seminar Series, Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media, Dublin ‘Biopolitics and bare life in Irish history,’ Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media, Dublin, 20 May 2011 Dublin, 20/05/2011-. | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Author meets the critics: a roundtable on Kearns, Geopolitics and Empire,’ annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, 14-17 April, 2010 Washington DC, 16/04/2010-. | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) Political Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers Conference ‘Imperialism,’ contribution to roundtable at Geopolitics Symposium, Alexandria VA, April 2010 Alexandria, VA, 11/04/2010-. | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) Geopolitics Symposium, Political Geography Specialty Group. Association of American Geographers The annual pre-AAG Political Geography Conference Alexandria, VA, 11/04/2010-. | |
2010 | Kearns, G. (2010) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Beyond the legacy of Mackinder,’ plenary address, lecture sponsored by the Geopolitics journal at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, April 2010 Washington DC, 16/04/2010-. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) Conference of Irish Geographers 2009 ‘People and public in the nationalism of The Nation,’ Conference of Irish Geographers, Cork, Ireland, May 2009 Cork, 15/04/2009-. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Law and Space: the neo- Schmittians of the American Imperium,’ Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, USA, April 2009 Las Vegas, USA, 23/03/2009-. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) Global Wounds ‘The political theatre of diasporic nationalism: Fenian funerals and the representation of violence,’ Conference on ‘Global Wounds,’ University of Manchester, UK, May 2009 Manchester, UK, 26/05/2009-. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference ‘Geography, geopolitics, and empire,’ plenary address to the Royal Geographical Society annual meeting, Manchester UK, August 2009 Manchester, UK, 27/08/2009-. | |
2009 | Kearns, G. (2009) Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference ‘Progressive Geopolitics,’ Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, USA, April 2009 Las Vegas, USA, 26/03/2009-. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) International Symposium on Visual Culture and the Urban Environment: Globalization and Violence ‘Violence, globalization, and the agency of diaspora,’ to ‘International Symposium on Visual Culture and the Urban Environment: Globalization and Violence,’ Paris, France, January 2008 Paris, 15/01/2008-. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) Violence and Diasporic Nationalism ‘Violence, Globalisation, and the Agency of Diaspora,’ keynote address to conference on ‘Violence and Diasporic Nationalism,’ Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal, September 2008 Coimbra, Portugal, 19/09/2018-. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) Seminar Series, Department of Geography, City University of New York ‘Conservative and Progressive Geopolitics,’ City University New York, USA, May 2008 New York, 15/05/2008-. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) Critical Geopolitics 2008 ‘Conservative and Progressive Geopolitics,’ Critical Geopolitics Conference, Durham University, UK, September 2008 Durham, UK, 23/08/2008-. | |
2008 | Kearns, G. (2008) Romantic Nations ‘James Clarence Mangan and the irony of Romantic Ireland,’ Romantic Nations Conference, Cardiff University, Wales, October 2008 Cardiff, Wales, UK, 24/10/2008-. | |
2007 | Kearns, G. (2007) Globalising Urban Histories ‘Globalisation and diaspora’, keynote address to the World History Workshop Conference on ‘Globalising urban histories,’ Cambridge, UK, December 2007 Cambridge, UK, 04/12/2007-. | |
2006 | Kearns, G. (2006) Postcolonial Creatures ‘Joyce, Yeats and Irish Postcolonial Creatures,’ keynote address to the conference, “Postcolonial Creatures,” organised by the Department of English, University of Cambridge, UK, March 2006 Cambridge, UK, 17/03/2006-. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Supporting Women in Geography Ireland Roundtable University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. [Full-Text] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Honors and Awards
Outreach Activities
Organisation | Type | Description | |
Galway Dance Days | Civic Society | Discussant for panel on Cultural Resilience & Transmission | |
Connect the Dots | Civic Society | Facilitator at Connect the Dots event, Re-Using Dublin, De-Light Studios, Dublin 1 | |
Nerin Economic Research Institute | Civic Society | A lecture on Lessons from the Crisis | |
Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Field Walk for Culturstruction as part of St John's Eve celebrations [Link] | |
Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Lecture. ‘Deranging Memory: Institutions and Proclamations,’ Art|Memory|Place, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, April 2016. [Link] | |
City Intersections | Civic Society | ‘Branding Dublin,’ City Intersections, Dublin, November 2012 [Link] | |
Creative Time Summit | Civic Society | Occupy the Future,’ Creative Time Summit, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, October 2016. [Link] | |
Playful City | Civic Society | Walkshop. Historical perspectives on Sheriff Street, Playful City Conference, Design Meets Play, 17 October 2017 [Link] | |
Galway Arts Festival | Civic Society | Programme essay for Olwen Fouéré's Riverrun [Link] | |
Transit Gateway | Civic Society | Lecture to this art-based project on mapping Dublin's port | |
KildareFM Radio | Civic Society | Interviewed about Science/Politics Pairing Scheme of the Royal Irish Academy, KildareFM, Kildare Focus, 4 June 2015. | |
Irish Times | Civic Society | ‘Is our budget strategy in tune with the Constitution,’ Irish Times (8 October 2014) 12. [Link] | |
Huffington Post | Civic Society | ‘From hero to zero: Uganda fails its HIV test, and what we should do about it,’ Huffington Post (23 May 2014); [Link] | |
Upstart Collective | Civic Society | Part of the academic team supporting the Upstart Collective with their Granby Park Pop-Up Park [Link] | |
Gallery of Photography | Civic Society | Borderlands and Identities in Suspension: Thinking with Kate Nolan’s Lacuna - a talk associated with an exhibition of photography. | |
British Library | Civic Society | Lecture on 'The Casement Project and Empathic Memory' [Link] | |
Martin Luther King Peace Committee | Civic Society | Lecture on Good Fences make Good Neighbours | |
Nimble Spaces | Civic Society | ‘Power, poverty and legitimation in the urban landscape,’ field-walk for Nimble Spaces, Camphill Community, Callan, May 2015. [Link] | |
Butler Gallery | Civic Society | A field walk and lecture as part of Re:Collecting, a project of Commonage and the Butler Gallery about the St John's priory site in Kilkenny [Link] | |
Abhainn Rí Festival | Civic Society | ‘The Famine and the Workhouse in Callan,’ Field-walk for the Abhainn Rí Festival, Callan, July 2015. | |
Association of Geographical Teachers of Ireland | Civic Society | ‘An Altered Audience: The Geography of School Demographics,’ annual lecture to the Association of Geographical Teachers of Ireland, Thurles, October 2013 [Link] | |
Capital Irish Film Festival | Civic Society | ‘An historical introduction to the film Hunger (dir. Steve McQueen, 2008),’ Capital Irish Film Festival, Washington DC, December 2009 [Link] | |
Virginia Festival of the Book | Civic Society | ‘Geopolitics, Empire, and the Bomb,’ panel member for discussion at Virginia Festival of the Book, Charlottesville VA, March 2010. | |
Biennial Pop Up Art Festival | Civic Society | ‘Bodies, buildings, and dance,’ Biennial Pop Up Art Festival, Dublin, June 2012. | |
Kildare Arts Office, Irish Walled Towns Network | Civic Society | Plenary talk to seminar on Art and Heritage | |
Hunt Museum | Civic Society | Deranging Colonial Memory. Lecture associated with Rita Duffy exhibition, Alternate Truth. | |
National Gallery, Dublin | Civic Society | Lecture on 'Commodification and Postcolonial Memory' | |
Irish Architecture Foundation | Civic Society | Lecture on planning spaces for longer lives part of the Beltaine festival [Link] | | | Civic Society | ACTUP, a lecture to the Arts and Health Check up, Checking confreence, LAB, Dublin [Link] | | | Civic Society | ‘A “milder” form of HIV does not mean we can ignore its prevention,’ (2 December 2014); [Link] | |
Granby Park Pop-Up Park | Civic Society | Walking through history, a walking tour of the Granby Park neighbourhood as part of the Granby Park Pop-Up Park, Dublin, September 2013 [Link] | |
Midlands 103 Radio | Civic Society | Interviewed about the budget of Government of Ireland, on Midlands 103 Radio, ‘Midlands Today with Will Faulkner,’ 8 October 2014. | |
RTÉ Radio One | Civic Society | Panel member for discussion of the Artist as Citizen, RTÉ Radio 1, Arts Tonight, Monday 24 November 2014, archived by RTÉ at [Link] | |
Newstalk Radio | Civic Society | Interviewed about Homophobia and AIDS in Ireland, Ian Yates and Chris Donoghue, Newtalk Breakfast, 1 December 2014; archived at (from 18.00 minutes) [Link] | |
Bradóg Youth Services | Civic Society | Historical workshops and walk for young people at Bradóg Youth Services [Link] | |
Irish Housing Network | Civic Society | Advice on policy with respect to academic collaborations [Link] | |
Radio UACh, University of Valdivia, Chile | Civic Society | 2105. Radio interview with Carolina Ihle and Laura Rodriguez, ‘Desde La Ventana’ Radio UACh Programme, Sponsored by the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, University of Valdivia, Chile: (September 10). [Link] | |
Galway Dance Days | Civic Society | ‘Conversation with La Veronal choreographer, Marcus Morau,’ Dance Days, Galway, May 2013 [Link] | |
Minneapolis-St Paul, Metro Cable Network Channel 6 | Civic Society | Interviewed about Art and Geography on Minneapolis-St Paul, Metro Cable Network Channel 6, TV programme, The Bat of Minerva, Minneapolis, 18 October 2012 | |
Dublin Dance Festival | Civic Society | Totems, the Liz Roche Dance Company. Academic member of creative team for dance performance. [Link] |