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Lisa is a palaeoclimatologist working in ICARUS (Irish Climate Research and Analysis Unit),a physical geography lecturer in the Department of Geography and co-director of the MSc Climate Change.
Lisa’s research uses sedimentary archives to develop reconstructions of past climate and environmental change. This includes analysing sediments from peat cores to develop reconstructions of past storminess and carbon accumulation, and using marine sediments to investigate past sea surface temperature.
Lisa is currently P.I. on two projects, working with a growing team of postdoctoral
researchers and PhD students.
In 2022 Lisa was awarded funding by the Irish Research Council for the 2.5 year project ‘Holocene Storminess in Ireland (HoStIr)’, which is investigating how and why storminess changed in Ireland over recent millennia, using geological archives
and climate model simulations. The project website can be found at
In 2022 Lisa was also awarded funding by Science Foundation Ireland for a 4 year project ‘Past Carbon Accumulation by Irish Blanket Bogs (PCARB)’, which is analysing peat cores from a range of sites to assess the impact of changes in climate on blanket bog carbon accumulation rates. The project website can be found here:
Orme L.C.; Lind E.M.; Holm T.M.; Kjellman S.E.; Koinig K.A.; Hormes A.; Rosqvist G.C.; Ruppel M.; Divine D.V.; Husum K.; Miettinen A.; Isaksson E. (2022) 'Climatic impacts on an Arctic lake since 1300 AD: a multi-proxy lake sediment reconstruction from Prins Karls Forland, Svalbard'. Journal of Paleolimnology, . [DOI][Full-Text]
Crosta, X; Etourneau, J; Orme, LC; Dalaiden, Q; Campagne, P; Swingedouw, D; Goosse, H; Masse, G; Miettinen, A; McKay, RM; Dunbar, RB; Escutia, C; Ikehara, M (2021) 'Multi-decadal trends in Antarctic sea-ice extent driven by ENSO-SAM over the last 2,000 years'. Nature Geoscience, . [DOI][Full-Text]
Orme, LC; Crosta, X; Miettinen, A; Divine, DV; Husum, K; Isaksson, E; Wacker, L; Mohan, R; Ther, O; Ikehara, M (2020) 'Sea surface temperature in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean over the Late Glacial and Holocene'. Climate of the Past, 16 :1451-1467. [DOI][Full-Text]
Orme, LC; Miettinen, A; Seidenkrantz, MS; Tuominen, K; Pearce, C; Divine, DV; Oksman, M; Kuijpers, A (2020) 'Mid to late-Holocene sea-surface temperature variability off north-eastern Newfoundland and its linkage to the North Atlantic Oscillation'. Holocene, . [DOI][Full-Text]
Guruvayoorappan, H; Miettinen, A; Divine, DV; Moros, M; Orme, LC; Mohan, R (2019) 'Ocean surface warming in Krossfjorden, Svalbard, during the last 60 years'. Arktos (The Journal of Arctic Geosciences), . [Full-Text]
Martínez Cortizas A.; López-Costas O.; Orme L.; Mighall T.; Kylander M.; Bindler R.; Gallego Sala Á. (2019) 'Holocene atmospheric dust deposition in NW Spain'. Holocene, . [DOI][Full-Text]
Gallego-Sala A.; Charman D.; Brewer S.; Page S.; Prentice I.; Friedlingstein P.; Moreton S.; Amesbury M.; Beilman D.; Björck S.; Blyakharchuk T.; Bochicchio C.; Booth R.; Bunbury J.; Camill P.; Carless D.; Chimner R.; Clifford M.; Cressey E.; Courtney-Mustaphi C.; De Vleeschouwer F.; de Jong R.; Fialkiewicz-Koziel B.; Finkelstein S.; Garneau M.; Githumbi E.; Hribjlan J.; Holmquist J.; Hughes P.; Jones C.; Jones M.; Karofeld E.; Klein E.; Kokfelt U.; Korhola A.; Lacourse T.; Le Roux G.; Lamentowicz M.; Large D.; Lavoie M.; Loisel J.; Mackay H.; MacDonald G.; Makila M.; Magnan G.; Marchant R.; Marcisz K.; Martínez Cortizas A.; Massa C.; Mathijssen P.; Mauquoy D.; Mighall T.; Mitchell F.; Moss P.; Nichols J.; Oksanen P.; Orme L.; Packalen M.; Robinson S.; Roland T.; Sanderson N.; Sannel A.; Silva-Sánchez N.; Steinberg N.; Swindles G.; Turner T.; Uglow J.; Väliranta M.; van Bellen S.; van der Linden M.; van Geel B.; Wang G.; Yu Z.; Zaragoza-Castells J.; Zhao Y. (2018) 'Latitudinal limits to the predicted increase of the peatland carbon sink with warming'. Nature Climate Change, 8 (10):907-913. [DOI][Full-Text]
Orme L.; Miettinen A.; Divine D.; Husum K.; Pearce C.; Van Nieuwenhove N.; Born A.; Mohan R.; Seidenkrantz M. (2018) 'Subpolar North Atlantic sea surface temperature since 6 ka BP: Indications of anomalous ocean-atmosphere interactions at 4-2 ka BP'. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 194 :128-142. [DOI][Full-Text]
Orme L.; Charman D.; Reinhardt L.; Jones R.; Mitchell F.; Stefanini B.; Barkwith A.; Ellis M.; Grosvenor M. (2017) 'Past changes in the North Atlantic storm track driven by insolation and sea-ice forcing'. Journal of Geology, 45 (4):335-338. [DOI][Full-Text]
Orme L.; Reinhardt L.; Jones R.; Charman D.; Croudace I.; Dawson A.; Ellis M.; Barkwith A. (2016) 'Investigating the maximum resolution of µXRF core scanners: A 1800 year storminess reconstruction from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK'. Holocene, 26 (2):235-247. [DOI]
Orme L.; Reinhardt L.; Jones R.; Charman D.; Barkwith A.; Ellis M. (2016) 'Aeolian sediment reconstructions from the Scottish Outer Hebrides: Late Holocene storminess and the role of the North Atlantic Oscillation'. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 132 :15-25. [DOI]
Orme L.; Davies S.; Duller G. (2015) 'Reconstructed centennial variability of Late Holocene storminess from Cors Fochno, Wales, UK'. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 30 (5):478-488. [DOI]
Other Journal
Orme, LC (2012) 'Late Holocene Storminess: Lake and Peat Records from the Outer Hebrides'MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, .
Published Report
Orme.L et al. (Contributing actors) in Gulev, S. K., P. W. ThorneJ. Ahn, F. J. Dentener, C. M. Domingues, S. Gerland, D. Gong, D. S. Kaufman, H. C. Nnamchi, J. Quaas, J. A. Rivera, S. Sathyendranath, S. L. Smith, B. Trewin, K. von Shuckmann, R. S. Vose, (2021) Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis., Chapter 2: Changing State of the Climate System. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University, . [Link]
Lowther, A.D., von Quillfeldt, C.H., Assmy, P., De Steur, L., Descamps, S., Divine, D.V., Elvevold, S., Forwick, M., Fransson, A., Gerland, S., Granskog, M.A., Hallanger, I., Itkin, M., Hop, H., Husum, K., Kovacs, K., Lydersen, C., Matsuoka, K., Miettinen, A., Moholdt, G., Myhre, P.I., Orme, L (2018) A review of the scientific knowledge seascape off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Norwegian Polar Institute, .
Lowther A.; von Quillfeldt C.; Assmy P.; De Steur L.; Descamps S.; Divine D.; Elvevold S.; Forwick M.; Fransson A.; Fraser A.; Gerland S.; Granskog M.; Hallanger I.; Hattermann T.; Itkin M.; Hop H.; Husum K.; Kovacs K.; Lydersen C.; Matsuoka K.; Miettinen A.; Moholdt G.; Moreau S.; Myhre P.I.; Orme L.; Pavlova O.; Tandberg A.H. (2022) A review of the scientific knowledge of the seascape off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. [Reviews] [DOI]