Governing Authority
The Governing Authority has responsibility for the strategic direction of the University, the management and administration of its revenue and property and the general conduct of its affairs.
Members of the Governing Authority are drawn from the staff, students, and external organisations.
It normally meets six times a year and receives reports from a range of Standing Committees including the Audit and Risk Committee, and Finance, Human Resources and Campus Development Committee.
Governing Authority is chaired by an external Chairperson and adheres to the Code of Governance for Irish Universities 2019 as its primary code of practice.
An tÚdarás Rialaithe
Tá an tÚdarás Rialaithe freagrach as stiúradh straitéiseach na hOllscoile, ioncam agus réadmhaoin na hOllscoile a bhainistiú agus a riaradh, agus as gnó na hOllscoile a láimhseáil.
Is baill foirne, mic léinn, agus ionadaithe ó eagraíochtaí seachtracha iad baill an Údaráis.
Tagann an tÚdarás le chéile sé huaire i rith na bliana de ghnáth, agus cuireann réimse leathan Bhuanchoistí tuarascálacha faoina bhráid, lena n-áirtítear an Coiste um Iniúchóireacht agus Riosca, agus an Coiste Airgeadais, Acmhainní Daonna agus Forbart Campas.
Tá Cathaoirleach seachtrach ag an Údarás Rialaithe agus cloíann sé/sí le Cód Rialachais d’Ollscoileanna in Éirinn 2019 mar phríomhchód cleachtais.