Are you an MU graduate? Consider seeking election and/or register to vote in upcoming MU governing authority election by 7 October 2019
To vote in the election, graduates must register on the Governing Authority website.
Graduates considering becoming a candidate in the election for the 2019-2024 Governing Authority can find more information and nomination forms at: www.maynoothuniversity.ie/governing-authority/governing-authority-elections
The decision-making body in the University is the Governing Authority. It has responsibility for the strategic direction of the University, the management and administration of its revenue and property and the general conduct of its affairs. The term of office of the fifth Governing Authority expires in October 2019.
Members of the Governing Authority are drawn from the staff, students, graduates, external organisations and appointees of the Minister of Education and Skills.
Three graduates, at least one man and one woman, will be appointed to the sixth Governing Authority (2019-2024). Elections for the sixth Governing Authority will take place by postal ballot.
Please note: voter registration forms, and official nomination papers accompanied in each case by the written consent of the nominee, must be lodged with the Returning Officer, ‘Graduate Election,’ c/o Vivienne Murray, Room 120, Callan Building, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, by 5.00pm on Monday, 7 October 2019 or by e-mail: [email protected].
Voting papers will be issued by post not later than 14 October 2019 to those eligible to vote in the election.
Voting in the election, which will be by postal ballot, will close at noon on 25 October 2019.