Graduate Skills (GST) modules are modules designed to support MU research students in developing transferable skills over the course of their research programme. These modules sit within the Research Skills Development Programme (RSDP), a suite of training opportunities coordinated by the Graduate School and the Research Development Office with the aim of assisting all MU researchers in acquiring the skills to become independent researchers and to develop their careers in multiple settings beyond academia.
Please click Research Skills Development Programme to obtain timetable.
Students must take 15 credits in subject-specific modules. These modules are specialist doctoral level courses provide by a department/research institute or other 4th level institutions. This category also includes Master’s level taught modules in the discipline area or in a cognate discipline area.
To review the Subject Specific Modules for your structured programme, check the modules listed under your research programme on the online course finder.
As part of the Structured PhD, students must take 15 credits in Transferable Modules - modules that are available outside of your specific subject area. These modules may be offered in Departments other than your primary research discipline. These modules are designed to assist the student to develop and manage their research, and prepare for future careers across a broad range of employment sectors, including academia.
If a module is not part of the departmental programme, students wishing to register for a transferable module must have the support of their supervisor(s). Students must complete the attached form and forward it to the Records Office.
There are a range of inter-university modules and external modules available for research candidates. These are usually subject-specific modules. Details of the specific registration process should be sought from the module/programme coordinator, where the particular module is being taught. The candidate must seek the approval of the supervisor(s).
How to register?
In the case of the candidate undertaking an external module as part of a structured programme, when the module is complete the candidate should bring the transcript to their Maynooth University module/programme co-ordinator for processing. In the case where the module is not listed as part of the departmental structured programme, candidates should complete the and forward the module result and the form to the Records Office - [email protected] for processing.
Non-Maynooth University postgraduate research students should seek the approval of their supervisor in their home institution before applying to the Maynooth University module programme co-ordinator to attend a module in Maynooth University. Visiting students may only undertake Maynooth University modules with the agreement of their supervisor and Maynooth University module co-ordinator.
On receipt of a request from a visiting student to attend a module(s) in Maynooth University, the Maynooth University module/programme co-ordinator will issue the visiting student with the . The visiting student is responsible for completing the form, to include the signature of their supervisor in their home institution, the signature of the Maynooth University module programme co-ordinator, the name of the programme, details of the module(s) for which they wish to register.
The visiting student is responsible for submitting the form to the Records Office - [email protected], at least 5 working days in advance of the start of the (first) module for which they are registering. Administrative fees are waived, therefore no registration fee will apply.
On receipt of the form, the Records Office will manually register the visiting student on the specified module(s) as indicated on the Structured Visiting Research Postgraduate form. Maynooth University Student Records will invite the student to visit the Student Records Office in Humanity House with their valid passport.The student will be issued with a Student ID Card at this point.
As the primary contact point for the visiting student, it is the responsibility of the Maynooth University module/programme co-ordinator to communicate details of the module timetable, location, and other relevant information to the visiting student.
Procedures for assessment, credit recording & results transcripts
A Maynooth University examination judgment will be issued by Examinations after the Exam Board at which the results are considered. The examination judgment is sent in hard copy by mail to the student's postal address provided at registration. It is the responsibility of the visiting student to ensure their Maynooth University results are added to their home institution record.