Maynooth Green Week 2021 is here!
Maynooth Green Campus is a collaborative effort between students, staff, and the wider community. This year we want to bring awareness of local, national, and global challenges at the #GreenWeek2021. Even though we are living in challenging times, there is no stop to our climate and biodiversity crisis, and we must keep promoting environmental awareness to individuals, groups, and the government to make a positive impact. This year's events are all online and in solidarity, the Green Campus Network (https://www.greencampusireland.org/) has decided to collaborate on different events. Join us!
Please, see the programme of events below. NOTE: All webinars are hosted on ZOOM. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For further information, please contact us at [email protected]
Website: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/green-campus
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maynoothgreencampus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaynoothGreenCampus/
Monday 8th
1 pm. Move from Fast to Sustainable Fashion workshop. Interactive sessions and Q&As. Hosted by Green Campus Network
Session 1: Thriftify - Rónán Ó Dálaigh, Founder and CEO
Session 2: Veronika Kisela - Fashion Revolution Ireland
Session 3: Morgan Rafferty Caffrey - TU Student.
3 pm. ‘There Is No Away’ Lecture, by Laoise Ní Chléirigh and Dr Máire Nic an Bhaird (Froebel Department) about circularity and waste re-valorisation. Please, see the recording here https://bit.ly/2Q8vBn5
Tuesday 9th
Spring Clean (Time TBC): A small team clean-up will take place on campus while participating in the NTA’s Marchathon challenge (complying with government guidelines).
6.30-7.15pm. SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities and the Maynooth Town SEC. The Maynooth SEC was founded by a volunteer group in 2018 to support the vision that Maynooth Community is committed to becoming one of Ireland’s role-model sustainable towns. We are working together to create a healthy and low-carbon community for all of our residents and a safe clean future for our children and grandchildren. In achieving this we liaise with local authorities including Kildare County Council, the SEAI, energy agencies and 'one-stop-shop' to bring experience, organisation and professionalism to the challenge. Maynooth SEC is well connected to the town community as a member of the Maynooth Community Council and working in association with Maynooth Tidy Towns. Maynooth SEC was awarded Energy Master Plan funding by the SEAI in the second quarter of 2020 and we are working toward the completion of the master plan in March 2021.
Wednesday 10th
12-12.45 pm. How to grow your own food for (beginners) by Stephen Seaman (Grounds Dept. Supervisor). Ever wondered about how to grow your own food? Join us to chat about how to get started with the basics, from making a raised bed, choosing your soil, picking your seeds and how to get the best yield from your crops. Followed by live Q&A for any of your queries. Please, find the recording here https://bit.ly/3fTcmIU
1 pm. Food & Biodiversity Workshop. Interactive sessions. Hosted by Green Campus Network
Session 1: Sam Fahy (UCD). Carbon and Calorie equivalent meal. Cooking demonstration.
Session 2: Stephen Seaman (Maynooth Campus). All Ireland Pollinator Plan & Bee Hotel making workshop.
Thursday 11th
11-11.30. Why Being in a Blue Space is good for you? Dr Ronan Foley (Dept. of Geography) LIVE Talk and Q&A session. Ronan's research explores the wider idea of therapeutic landscapes and what we might call health-enabling places, including "blue space", and how particular locations and environments are seen and used to improve and maintain our physical and emotional health.
12.00-12.30 Laura Whitty (BBS in Marketing). Laura is a student and the project leader at the Enactus Project Eco Elections. She will be presenting this socially equitable and environmentally sustainable project. Eco-elections is a project aimed at tackling the waste generated by campaign election posters. We aim to create a rental poster system whereby we reuse old poster board. Our project aims to allow the market to continue but in a sustainable way. This talk was not recorded.
2-2.45 pm. An Introduction to Ireland’s bees by Dr Jim Carolan (Dept. of Biology). Join us for an interactive talk on Ireland’s bees and a demonstration on how to identify bumblebees. Please, see the recording here https://bit.ly/3wEAWTH
Friday 12th
11.00 am. MSU Sustainability. Members of Maynooth Student's Union join us to explore all sustainable initiatives at the SU! Please, see the recording of this talk here https://bit.ly/3s8GQZH
12-12.45. Sustainable lifestyle choices with Fiona Smiddy from Green Outlook, a local sustainable business recently featured in the IT. Join us for a talk about personal sustainable lifestyle choices with a Q&A. There will be a surprise! Please, see the recording of this talk here https://bit.ly/322bcCB
1 pm. Students Changemakers. Panel discussion. Hosted by Green Campus Network. Best sustainable practices & activism with An Taisce Student Ambassador Programme.
2-2.30 pm. Becoming a Citizen Scientist by Dr Jim Carolan (Dept. of Biology). Join us for an interactive talk on citizen science initiatives in Ireland and a demonstration of the National Biodiversity Data Centre recording app. Please, see the recording of this talk here https://bit.ly/3uBDbW1
2.30-3 pm. Take a Walk on The Wild Side by Natalie O’ Neill (Dept. of Biology). Join us to hear more about a seasonal nature trail with biologist, teacher & wildlife enthusiast. The beginner's guide to finding & naming wildlife in Irish ecosystems. Please, see the recording of this talk here https://bit.ly/3uGDq2j
We would like to thank all staff, students and the wider community that supports our efforts on becoming a sustainable campus and beyond.
Go raibh maith agat
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Mireia Guardino-Ferran (Maynooth Green Campus coordinator) on behalf of Maynooth Green Week working group