Monday, January 20, 2025 - 09:30 to 14:00
Hamilton Institute Seminar room (317), 3rd floor Eolas Building, North Campus
The 5th Hamilton Institute Affiliates research event.
Programme Organisers: Prof. Damien Woods & Dr John Regan
Monday, January 20, 2025
Tea/coffee from 9:30am for early arrivals!
10:00 David Malone. Overview of the Hamilton Institute
10:15 John Regan
10:25 Flash talks session 1. Vignettes of research at Hamilton and Physics (2-3 mins each):
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Eilish Lynch & Kim Reilly: Funding and the Hamilton Institute (15 mins)
11:45 Damien Woods
11:55 Flash talks session 2
12:30 Discussion (30 mins): overlaps in research
13:00 Lunch and coffee provided. End