Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - 13:00 to 14:00
Hamilton Institute Seminar Room 317, 3rd Floor, Eolas Building, North Campus, Maynooth University
Speaker: Prof. Andrew Parnell, Maynooth Univeristy Hamilton Institute / Dept. of Maths & Stats.
Title: An Introduction to Bayesian Additive Regression Trees.
Abstract: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) was first introduced in 2010 and has become a foundational bridge between traditional Bayesian statistical methods and machine learning techniques. In this talk I will introduce this method from first principles and show the kind of advantages of using an approach that also considers uncertainty when making predictions. I will then point out some of the disadvantages in current implementations of BART (especially the fitting process) and outline some extensions that we have worked on.