Speaker: Dr Valeria Nico, Stokes Laboratories, University of Limerick
Tilte: "Nonlinear vibrational energy harvesting for battery-free industrial Internet of Things applications"
Abstract: Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting (EM-VEH) is an attractive alternative to batteries as power source for wireless sensor nodes within the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial environments. Indeed, there is often an abundance of available kinetic energy, in the form of machinery vibrations, that can be converted into electrical power through energy harvesting techniques. Ambient vibrations are generally broadband and nonlinear multi-modal configurations can be exploited to improve the mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion. This seminar will cover the fundamental equations governing an electromagnetic vibrational energy harvesting and how they can be extended to a multi-modal device. Experimental characterisation of a multi-modal prototype will be presented to validate the model and finally the amount of harvested power in a real industrial application will be considered.