Speaker: Dr Edgar Galvan, Maynooth University Department of Computer Science
Title: "Semantics in Machine Learning Genetic Programming"
Abstract: The goal of having computers automatically solve problems is at the very core of artificial intelligence. Genetic Programming (GP) is an extremely successful Machine Learning Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) that has been used to e.g., optimise source code, automatically create controllers for games, classify highly imbalanced data, optimise energy usage. GP *automatically* solves problems starting from a high-level statement of what needs to be done without requiring the user to specify the form of the solution in advance. This talk covers basic concepts that help to understand how EAs work. We then focus our attention on the powerful representation used in GP. Next, we move to explain one of the hottest topics in GP: Semantics, and how this is making an important positive impact in GP search. We finalise this talk by discussing how semantics can be used in Evolutionary Multi-objective optimisation, one of the most popular research areas in Computer Science given e.g., its successful broad-applicability.