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Speaker: Professor Vanesa Daza, Pompeu Fabra University
Title: "Is there any science behind the blockchain?"
Cryptocurrencies and blockchains, in general, came into our lives a little over a decade ago. Beyond its use and all its expectations, this technology proposes an interdisciplinary arena where traditionally independent research areas, such as cryptography, distributed computation, and game theory, are brought together to address relevant questions.
After a brief introduction to the basics of this technology, this talk aims to give an overview of some of these challenges, including some recent solutions to them, while suggesting some open problems.
Vanesa Daza, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at UPF. Prof. Daza's interests are in distributed cryptography (including multiparty computation and secret sharing schemes) with an emphasis on their application to improve Blockchain Technology.
She has served as Associate Editor for the top-ranked journals IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. She currently coordinates (PI) a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network of European Industrial Doctorates (BAnDIT) and has coordinated an RIA action (PRESENT). She has been awarded several prizes for teaching innovation. Likewise, she has served at UPF in several roles, including chairing the Department of Information and Communication Technologies.