Speaker: Dr Katie O'Brien, Health Protection Surveillance Centre
Title: "Analysing health data: lessons learned"
In this talk I will consider some issues that I have encountered while working on projects across various organisations, such as messy and/or incomplete data, privacy concerns and linking data. In particular I will look at some uses of linked administrative health data, e.g. cancer screening and covid-19. I will discuss these issues and some of the implications in terms of uncertainty and communication of and trust in the results.
Katie O'Brien is a biostatistician - her professional roles have included posts at the National Cancer Registry, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (current) and a secondment to the Department of Health supporting the Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group. She has also worked on evidence synthesis (Health Technology Assessment, HIQA), mathematical modelling of HIV (Centre for mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and as a maths/engineering maths/data science lecturer (University College Cork, University of Bristol, Munster Technological University).
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