MIT CINCS / Hamilton Institute Seminar

Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 16:00 to 17:00
Passcode: mh-seminar

MIT CINCS (Communications Information Networks Circuits and Signals) / Hamilton Institute Seminar

Speaker: Dr. Emanuel Popovici, University College Cork (this work was done together with Sergi Gomez Quintana and Prof. Andriy Temko) 

Title: "Towards a Universal Stethoscope" 

Abstract: Fast access to health care across the Globe is still a significant problem, resulting in increased morbidity or mortality with enormous implications on society. Many World Health Organization and UNICEF reports show an acute discrepancy across the planet in accessing health care. The shortages are prevalent in underdeveloped/developing countries and economically disadvantaged communities. Very often, a simple check or monitoring of physiological signals by a medical professional, even for a short time, can dramatically improve the outcome. However, the analysis and interpretation of some complex signals require access to costly equipment and special training. 
Throughout the past decade, the world has witnessed a tremendous rate of technology pervasiveness, with mobile phones outnumbering the population. Corroborated with the fast developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), it presents a real opportunity to bridge the worldwide shortages of trained medical personnel.  
Some early works using body area networks as a potential solution to address some of the challenges are briefly presented, emphasizing the communications aspect. The discussion then evolves towards the concept of a universal stethoscope in which AI augments the latest advances in sensing and low power computing at the edge. The applicability of the stethoscope for neonates in the early detection of congenital heart disease and seizure detection through using AI and brainwaves sonification are discussed. Finally, some implementation results using cloud and IoT technologies are also given.  

Bio: Emanuel Popovici is a Senior Lecturer in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering department at University College Cork(UCC). He is also the director of Embedded.Systems@UCC group. His research is at the confluence of computer, electronic/microelectronic engineering and mathematics, with numerous applications in medicine, agriculture, renewable energy, smart home, environment, security and cryptography, and digital circuit design. Emanuel and his team were the recipients of many awards and distinctions (50+) from IEEE, IBM, Elektor/MAXIM, MIDAS-Ireland, Irish Labs, ICE, etc. His team's work on body area networks for improved access to healthcare, toys and interfaces for children with disabilities,  and smart beehives were acknowledged by IBM/IEEE as solutions that better humanity(2011, 2012, 2014 IEEE/IBM Smarter Planet Challenge Awards). In 2021 he received the Reed and Mallik Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers for contributions to urban design and planning through his work on air quality monitoring.  Emanuel received his Ph.D. in Microelectronics from University College Cork in 2002 on his work on finite field processors and algebraic geometry codecs, and was a postdoctoral scholar at UCC in the area of cryptography for e-commerce engines (2001-2002). Currently, he is a funded investigator in the SFI Insight and Marei centres.