Dr Mojolaoluwa Daramola

Geography, ICARUS

Post Doctoral Researcher

Laraghbryan House


Mojolaoluwa is a climate scientist with a background in meteorology, climate science, and ecology. He obtained his PhD from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in China, where his research focused on vegetation-climate interactions in drylands.

In December 2024, he joined the Irish Climate Analysis and Research UnitS (ICARUS) as a postdoctoral researcher. In this role, he works on the creation and curation of gridded observational products derived from in-situ meteorological data across the British and Irish Isles. This project is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) through the Co-Center for Climate + Biodiversity and Water. Mojolaoluwa’s research interests include land-atmosphere interactions, climate extreme events, and urban climate. Before joining ICARUS, he worked as a research consultant for the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) at the World Bank, where he specialized in extreme heat in West African cities.

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