IT-CMF Autumn 2018 Release

Expanded IT-CMF Toolkit
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 09:00


Building organisational resilience and leading into the digital future

Maynooth University, Ireland, 27th July 2018 – The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) has announced the third significant update of its landmark IT-Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF), with five updated Critical Capabilities (CCs) and the introduction of Key Skills to enhance the capability improvement toolkit for each CC. This Autumn 2018 Release builds on the Spring and Summer Releases, which saw 10 Critical Capabilities and 2 new Effectiveness Assessments released.

This release sees new iterations of five core IT-CMF capabilities:

  • Personal Data Protection (PDP)
  • Service Provisioning (SRP)
  • Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
  • Leadership (LDP)
  • Governance (GOV)

Changes to Personal Data Protection (PDP) respond to the rapidly evolving digital business context and incorporate insights from experts on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on the 25th May 2018. The capability reflects key concepts that underpin GDPR and relevant regulations across other jurisdictions. The insights gained from a PDP assessment serve as the basis for an organization to understand ‘how effective it is now’ in relation to these key concepts and ‘what change it needs to effect’, and thereby serve as the foundation for initiating an organization’s personal data protection improvement roadmap.

Service Provisioning (SRP) is aligned with ISO 20000 and the ITIL framework. The content has been updated to reflect digital changes such as the virtualization, automation, and orchestration of IT infrastructure and support the uptake of Agile and DevOps approaches. These approaches bring together Development and Operations teams to collaborate in deploying service changes quickly and frequently, without undermining the reliability and stability of the operating environment.

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) has been updated in line with new releases of the primary architectural frameworks, with an increased focus on architectural tools and techniques.

The previous IT Leadership and Governance (ITG) CC has been separated into two distinct capabilities to address both concepts comprehensively. Leadership (LDP) now includes People; Process; Tools and Technologies; Culture; Structures and Relationships; and Cognition. Governance (GOV) aligns with the ISO/IEC 38500 industry standard for the corporate governance of IT.

Key Skills have been added to the IT-CMF tool-kit to enhance capability improvement planning and implementation across all capability areas. Driven by the recognized need to address individuals’ skill development in parallel with organizational capability improvement, the combination of capability and skills frameworks gives users access to the collective wisdom of industry stakeholders on the types and levels of skills required to deliver improvements. Based on the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), this first release of the new Skills tool will be expanded to include other high-profile Skills frameworks, such as the e-CF, in future iterations.

"We at the SFIA Foundation are delighted to be partnering with the Innovation Value Institute. Bringing these two global IT improvement frameworks together provides a powerful and uniquely holistic approach for organisations looking to improve their management of IT." Ian Seward - General Manager, SFIA Foundation

IVI is delighted to be collaborating with the CIO Summit, which takes place at Croke Park in Dublin on September 12th, 2018. The partnership will see IVI host a special members’ update as part of this event as an opportunity for IT leaders to network and connect with IVI and benefit from academically-informed and practitioner-relevant sessions. For further details see

IT-CMF™ will continue to be refreshed in subsequent release cycles. You can find out more information about the framework and IVI’s monthly webinar series at

The IT-CMF Tool-kit includes:

Position Papers
  • Outline key challenges faced by IT and Business Leaders for each CC
  • Help navigate those challenges in the digital context
Master Decks
  • Describe key attributes of the CC
  • High level guidance on capability improvement
  • Identify organizations' current and target maturity levels in relation to the CC
  • Identify priority action areas
  • Suggested Practices, Outcomes, and Metrics at each level of maturity
  • Offer a starting point for organizational improvement planning
Key Skills
  • Structured guidance on key skills required at different levels in organization
  • Incorporates the skills and people side of delivering capability improvement

The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) was co-founded in 2006 by Maynooth University and Intel to help drive the transformation of IT management and to create a global gold standard for IT Management. The Innovation Value Institute brings together leading academic and industry practitioners for an open collaboration on the research, development and dissemination of empirically proven and industry validated IT best practice. IVI’s IT Capability Maturity Framework™ (IT-CMF™) is a comprehensive suite of proven management practices, assessment approaches and improvement strategies covering a number management disciplines or Critical Capabilities (CCs).


If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Community Managers, Anna Browne and Sinéad Murnane at +353 (1) 708 6931 or by email at [email protected] or [email protected].